Sunday, February 6, 2011


Yesterday night as I drove home, it was lightly snowing, the sky was black, but white snow clouds were blowing around. I loved looking at the sky at night, and having it look so different then usual. I began to thank God for how wonderful life is, and all the little things that I forget to notice.

One day a few weeks ago, I had enjoyed being out in the sunshine, and around 5:30pm the sun started to go down, and for the first time in my life, I was thinking, " I really am going to miss the sunshine...I don't want it to go down." As I had that thought, I was reminded by God in an instant, that the moon and stars were coming out soon. God never leaves us without light. I loved that, that even though in my heart, the sun going down was bad news, right away good news came.

That night when the moon and stars came out, I looked up and just loved the fact that you can enjoy different times and season.

So last night, as I got all thankful, God showed me more things I had not noticed were good, and happening around me. Let me start with what I would call the "bad" things, and then end with the "good" things.

A few weeks ago, my car started to act up, and I wasn't able to drive it anymore. My step dad can fix cars, but during these past few weeks, he has been busy at work on the house. So I ( patiently) waited, and got lifts from friends, and used my moms car when it was avaiable. Along with that I have felt lead to do volunteer work, instead of getting a paid job. Found out about some places I can serve in. I get so excited about working towards something, voluntaraly.Though at the same time, it puts me in the postion to TRULY trust God for increase. Also one of my friends has been going through a bit of a ordeal, and I am not quite sure where my place is in it. I find myself mostly praying, and pretending like I have all the answers.

As these things kinda come up at once, it can seem like a pile of bad. This is how my thinking has been the past couple weeks: " I don't have a car, so I have to get rides back and forth, and then I have to use my moms car at night, and then I need to pay for things, but then my heart is to serve voluntary, and I don't know how to help my friend." So, to have some time away to think and talk with God I have started running at night. I will pray outloud if no one is there, and I love that. Last night was one of those nights, I didn't "have" to go run, but I knew I should. I got into a negitative nancy mode, and needed to get out of it.

As I ran I just prayed for everthing, and just was quiet for a while to hear what God wanted to say. Didn't hear anything really..until on the way home, when I saw those winter clouds in the night sky. I got this since of thankfulness. I was driving my moms car home, and it's as if my eyes finally saw what was right in front of me. A LOAD OF GOOD that I didn't see before.

The "good" things:
-For the past 3 weeks, I have been getting FREE rides from a wonderful couple, that happen to live down the street from us. I have been to school ON TIME everyday, because they always pick me up early. Then they offer to give me rides back.
-The car my mom has, happens to be one of my favorite, an SUV Honda, and is WAY better then my Cam Cam. I have been driving around a super fantastic SUV for 3 weeks no questions asked.
-In the midst of doing Volunteer work, God has placed quite a few oppurtunities for me, and the people gaven OVER and ABOVE what I could have imagined.
-Because I haven't been driving I haven't had to pay for my cars tank..PRAISE GOD!
-My step dad happens to be a machanic and can fix anything with my car, for Free.99! ha
-Even though my friend is having a hard time, every day I have been surround with GOOD REPORTS of improvement, and surround with friends that all are standing together and believing for the VERY best.

and so on...

All of a sudden I saw how life comes ( and sometimes other "things") to pull us aside and discourage us, and say YOUR SURROUND WITH BAD, and your never getting out of this. Then God continues to speak the TRUTH to me, and surround me with the very very very best every moment. HE knows that I already have the victory, cause I am His, and He already won! My job is to beleive His report more then my own, and others.

I came home with an attitude adjustment FOR SURE. Thank God for His goodness, and for the good things He has that are surrounding me.

1 comment:

Charlie McLaughlin said...

Thanks for sharing, Laur! It's nice to be reminded of how much God is doing even when we don't always notice it. He's in the everyday, but I forget that sometimes. Thanks for reminding me. You're great!!! xo
P.S. I'm glad your back on the net. :D