Monday, September 12, 2011

American Missionary "Governess"

Here is the dealio folks. I have come to an incredible conclusion, and want to know what you think about it.

So whenever I have gone overseas to help out with the Forgostons, I really just watched their girls, and then helped out at the school a bit here and there. I didn't go into the streets of Indian and rescue little kids ( hope none are disappointed...) I always thought in my heart that in a way I was. If I was serving the Forgoston's by watching their girls, then they could go to school and teach the students, who then take the word into the streets, and minister to the little kids. So in a way I did... you know?

I guess it is sorta like when you give money to missionaries, they said it is as if you are going. You may not be able to go overseas, but you can give them money to go, and whoever they reach, are always reached by you. I love that whole concept, it is like bringing the whole body of believers together to accomplish something wonderful.

So as I was feeding Isaac this morning, I realized that, I am doing just what I do overseas, I am just in America. I am watching Isaac so Jeff and Autumn can go to school and teach. I also do a little volunteer work for CBC on the side here and there. All that has changed is my is incredible the impact you can have by just living somewhere else...that is it.  For example my sister lives in New Zealand...fancy pants ( I know ). Then if you ask her about it, it is just life, she doesn't think it's that amazing, she has also almost lived there for 7 years, so it is becoming home now to her. She is just working away, and living life. If she was here people wouldn't been as funny is that about us humans.

Now living in India did have it's challenges, and sometimes I didn't know what was going on that day. Then again Colorado also has it's challenges too. So I just got really excited this morning, after realizing I Really am doing just what I always have done, just feeling SUPER blessed that God happened to place me back at home for a while to do it! God loves's true. 


Dwell @ Godly Homemakers said...

Serving God takes on so many different "looks", but to God it is all the same - either you are obedient or not. We are the ones that categorize them as "big deals" or not really doing anything.

You are doing a great job being sensitive to the seasons that God has you in.

Thanks for posting links on Facebook to your blog - it helps to stay up on what you're up to!

Dad said...

Great revelation, daughter! I agree. There is spiritual need everywhere around us. We tend to associate greater need to other places, especially where there is more visible forms of suffering, but sometimes God's plan can be to reach someone in our neighborhood, at our work, or even a friend or family member. It's great that you're keeping your dancing shoes on and letting God lead! Love always...your Dad xo