Friday, September 23, 2011

Coffee? Yes please!


This morning I woke up, was so tired that I wondered if I could get my mother to babysit Isaac today, or I could get Isaac to babysit me. I got to their home, and the little guy was still snoozing, which gave me a little bit to wake up. When he woke up, I opened his door, and as he always does...started smiling so big, and peaking through the wooden rails on his little crib. Adorable.

Funny part was I was still so extremely tired. I actually called my mom, and asked if she wanted to come over and just hang out to wake me up a bit. Sadly she was busy, and couldn't come to my rescue.
So I decided to do something I haven't done for like 3 years... have a cup of coffee.

I thought to myself, " I don't have any other option, other then sleeping right now..." So I made a cup of coffee put it in a to go cup, and Isaac and I went out for a walk to a park near by. I started sipping on it, and was wondering what might happen. I just had it black, no milk or sugar...I just needed instant energy. ha.

By the time that we were walking ( and by "we" I mean "I" and pushing him in the worlds coolest stroller of all time joovy) I all of a sudden felt like a normal person. I felt like the sky was more blue, and I was more aware of my surroundings, and was joking around with Isaac as we went along. I wondered why I hadn't drank any coffee before this. All my mornings could be way more exciting! I actually kinda laughed to myself, about how silly it was for me to get so excited about coffee. It was like a magic drink. ha

I took a couple pictures of the cutest kid in the world that I govern for, and me falling in love with coffee. This could be dangerous folks. 

1 comment:

Yo DaddyO aka Pappa Bear said... are SO funny, Laura! Coffee certainly can be a wonderful thing, not only in terms of taste, but also the alertness it provides us. Like so many other things...moderation is the key. Enjoy your new found liberty to "wake up and smell (and taste) the java!" Love...Dad