For those of you who maybe thought I had been fasting "blogging" the answer would be a " no". ha
I am sorry for my lack of communication on here, I could say I have been busy adjusting to life back home, or that I have been busy with my new job, or I have been tired, but all of those are accuses to make me look like a better person. In reality I have not been blogging for a lack of motivation to blog. I am back in action, I don't know if I will have much to blog about in the coming days, but I will do my darnest to keep ya'll ( a shout out to my TEXAS family ) updated.
As of life now:
I am located in the great state of COLORADO. Thank you Rocky mountains for staying in place and looking good after me being away. You never seise to amazing me by how fantastic looking you are. I have never been able to successful ski or snowboard down your mountainous peaks...but I sure have tried.
I loved living down in New Zealand with Ben and Jess. Their home was so cozy, and a shimmy shack indeed. Its now full of memories. Where before going everything seemed unfamiliar, and I felt a bit out of place. But after some time, I fell in love with my work, and being with Jessica everyday. I learned so much while being there, and I hope to carry all those lessons with me forever. I watched Jess cook, and talked to her about life and all the little things. I learned so much about my sister that I had no idea about, and learned that I really respect her, and love the way she is. I truly miss being around her, and wish that life was a bit closer together, and there was cheaper air fare. ( though if you are wanting cheap domestic flights, check www.southwest.com, they have awesome deals). Though I do miss her, I will be seeing her beautiful face this summer, and can not wait!
While I am home now, I am working and earning. I am adjusting to being back, much better now. There is always a little bit of shock once you arrive. I always find going to the silver wear drawer so strange. no joke. Not sure why, when I open it after being away, I find all this silver wear I haven't seen before, and don't know what happened. I think what happens no matter where you go, you change a little bit. The place you left stays about the same, little things change like the silver wear, and the fact that you lost the spot in the garage to your little brother... So it just takes time to put your sorta " new" little self, into a place that is familiar with your old self. Its a good learning lesson. I love being home though, my bed, and the fact that my family is now in the same house, is the best. I love taking a deep breath and catching up.
So I guess that is it for me, I am heading out and must sign off. Want you all to know I am back and doing great.
Hope you know how much God loves you, cause its pretty much the best kinda love you can find.