Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Last Supper

Over the past 9 months I have met with my dear friend Rachel. She asked me after school last May if I would give her guitar lessons. After doing lessons for a while, we got to really know each other, and become really dear friends. We started cooking every week along with guitar lessons. Which taught me quite a bit about being more comfortable in the kitchen, and with cooking and baking. I really do believe it was God putting it all together. She has been an incredible blessing in my life, showing me what a genuine, sweet, caring friend is. I believe that God really does shine right through her. She got a desire to go to Russia, so we were believeing for money and more. Then came the time for her to leave for Russia, and she happened to be leaving the same day I was leaving for New Zealand. So the weekend before, we invited a handful of close friends over, and had a 3 course meal. It was so much fun, a night to never be forgotten. We put together video clips with things that happened through out the whole day. Then we added a song to it. Actually while we were cooking this day, the song we have in the video, was playing in the kitchen. It's main message is about a friend showing them Jesus. Rachel turned to me and said, " that is you...". It meant so much to hear someone say something like that to me. The wonderful part about it, is that I was thinking that same thing about her. She really does show Jesus... I am so thankful to God for putting someone who lovely in my life as a friend.

I hope you enjoy the video!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Done Getting Condemned?

The other day I had a moment of understanding something I really had not before, and I hope I can write it out well enough that it can help you too.

Each moment you have the choice to do the right or wrong thing. At times it is easy to do the right, and other time's it is easier to do the wrong. My mother recently told me that the enemy is trying to convince people of that one thing you can't have, you need or want. That is what he did in the garden of Eden. He convinced Eve that she really needed the fruit, though she had the whole world at hands reach. He tries to make us believe that we don't have everything, and that we just need one more thing. Then at times...we believe that lie.

In the idea of a relationship. You can be with someone and love everything about them, then one day you see them playing with their food at dinner. All of a sudden all you can see is the ONE thing they are doing, and you can no longer see the 99 other wonderful things you truly love about them. I believe that is  a trick of the enemy.

If the enemy can get you discontent, then he can try to lead you into something you shouldn't be apart of, or lead you away from something you should be apart of. Then after you have been lead one way or the other, you then feel condemned for doing the wrong thing.

I've learned in moments when I should do something, and instead do opposite that I let the enemy convince me I needed something, that I really didn't. Then not only did I listen to him, he then comes in after with condemnation and reminds me of what I had done. He knows he can cover two bases. First I open the door a little crack, and then he sneaks in, and overtakes.

I always thought that feeling condemned after doing something wrong, was a way to know that I really loved God. I felt bad, and I wouldn't do it again. It almost made me feel better, knowing I felt bad. Then the other day I read this story in the book of John, chapter 8 verse 3-11.

"Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do you say?"This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. So they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, " He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, "Woman where are those accusers of yours?Has no one condemned you? She said, "No one Lord." And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."

Jesus does not condemn, He gives grace. He was not concerned about how they caught her in the very act, he was not taken back and shocked. He knew that sin is sin, and it only leads to death. It does not matter if it's being caught in the very act, or only known in your own heart. He showed those men that they also had sin, and to condemn her, would mean for Jesus to also condemn them. So instead of doing that, He chose to speak the truth. All He said was that He did not condemn her, and that she should not sin anymore. That is what truly frees someone. Understanding that it is not one BIG sin, or a bunch of little ones. The fact is that sin is not life giving, it takes life from us. Jesus wants us to have life and life more abundant (John 10:10).

Condemnation did not free that woman from being killed, or make her feel like a "better" person. Jesus words of life did.

When I put that story into my heart, I realized that in those moment when the enemy reminds me of a mistake or something I have done, or should do. Instead of thinking of those things, and feeling bad about it. I choose to sin no more, and to focus on Jesus, and what he would tell me in the midst of my accusers... "I do not condemn you, sin no more".

I recognize the importance of knowing the word of God, so that you can apply it and and be set free. If I hadn't read that story, I could continue to feel guilty and condemn the rest of my life, over any little thing. Instead I can know that by the grace of God I have been forgiven, and because of that I choose to follow His voice of instead of the lies from the enemy.

"If you abide in My word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall KNOW the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall MAKE you FREE". John 8:31