Sunday, April 26, 2009

soccer_archery.jpg image by FindStuff2

found this quite hilarious. CLASS. 


do do ta do do  ta do.....

Current Favorite Song " Life in Technicolor" Coldplay....

I wish i could type out the beat...
but i can not. So go and enjoy via youtube. 

The drums are absolutely brilliant!!!

I will confess I am listening to it now... I think its the kind of sing where you should be cleaning your room or driving down a country road really fast windows down... either would suit it well.

cheers BIG ears.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fly Swatters


I feel like half my life is spent killing flies. Or i guess trying to kill them. 
They usually fly into the room at just the right time, when I am not near any object that could actually knock them out. I can hear it buzz and fly by my ear, and try swatting at dice. I then stop what I'm doing to find where it is, and then try to hit dice. I then am distracted from what I was doing, cause the thing keeps flying in front of my face and landing near me ( or on me). I then decide to try to find an object that could knock the fly out for a bit, i can grab it and throw it down the toilet. I usually end up grabbing a few items...a book, sweatshirt, tennis racket...whatever really is in the near by area. I finally after many attempts knock the fly out...out of breath begin to find the fly that i hit...By the time i find it is it back up and flying. I then have 16 objects in both hands, am sweating and yelling and throwing m arms about. That is usually when someone walks in to find out what all the ruckus is...they find you there sweating and out of breath...a bit embarrassing.  When all I had to do was go down stairs get the fly swatter, and by the time I would get back the fly would probably be gone, and if not I could kill it properly, and without worry. 

This makes me much time do I waste in my life trying to knock something out of the way with all the wrong things, and getting frustrated at the same time. Also not even realizing that it is not really of any importance or that big of a deal.

Flies are the small problems or situations in life, that seem to fly out of no where, and land right in front of us or buzz around our heads and you can’t seem to ignore them, they are always surrounding you and happening to cause quite a lot of bother some noise. You can’t seem to think… “ well it will blow over soon… or even if its right in front of my face it will leave soon.” Instead you have the idea to try with your own effort to hit it out of air and knock it to the ground…usually causing more work to find the thing so you can get rid of it.

The tennis racket, sweatshirts, books, are all the things we try to use to solve the problems. Those would be all our own human efforts. All the ways we think that will make the situation better for us. If i just do this, or do that, or don't do will make it better. When really we are suppose to rely on God. God is the proper fly swatter. We always have Him, we just don't choose to use Him.  He has given us His word and all the answer..but most of time we don't read about it or learn so when "flies" come we aren't prepared with the right objects to get rid of it. 

So find out what the flies are in your life, and choose to use God and His word to knock them out!

P.S. you aren't going to believe this...but while i was writing this...right now there was a fly buzzing around, i went to kill it with a book, and my computer fell off my lap to the ground!!!! I thought i was broke advice don't try to kill flies while typing... dear. 


Find the Truth

GPOBuddies2.jpg Griffith Park Buddies pt. 2 image by brendonschulze

How do you know?

What you know

What you think,

What should be

What could you change?

To know the truth

The lies you’ve heard through mouths of youth

of pastors, teachers, mothers, and friends,

Thought they were helping,

not knowing their words were on thin threads,

Not holding truth,

but close enough to see

That freedom was left,

without company,

Cause you thought all you’ve heard,

Was all true and fact,

Cause how could they be wrong or lie behind your back,

But they didn’t know just like you,

And passed on a story they thought was true,

And you hold it now, and you have to choose,

Just cause they told you is it really the truth?

So open and look, learn for yourself,

Cause if those you are listening to,

And those who are “taught”

Are teaching you wrong…how can you tell whether or not?

So many things that you see are marked wrong,

And thinking back now you have been so miss taught

Renewing your mind to the truth of YOU

Is harder to do knowing I’m leaving the “truth”

And the friends that taught me, what I thought was it all,

I could quote pastors and sermons, all that I saw

I thought I could pray like the best man at church,

Saying dear lord, and help us on the search,,

For the healing, the money, and need and the want,

And now I can see you left us with all of that…

Even the book

-written by Laura Moorhead

The Sound of Reality

 holding.jpg holding hands image by elisegastauer 

How can you see, if its really to be

Or if its your mind telling you to get up to speed,

Wedding bells, dresses, smiles and rings,

Girls telling stories of men on one knee,

It sounds so romantic and perfect at that,

I can almost picture me someday in fact.

But I don’t want to rush, when I have so much time,

To think of others and what I’d have to leave behind,

Its not just the tuxes, flowers and songs,

It’s a lifetime with someone, I better not get it wrong,

And what if I do confuse the truth,

With someone who’s lying and I never knew.

Or what if I think oh "Of course hes for me",

I get butterflies, gifts, and feelings far deep.

He loves the good Lord,  and reads His big book,

We both have a vision, and he gives me the “look”

And of course hes nice and good to his mom,

Doesn’t complain and is ok being wrong,

But he has a few things that make me worry,

like he hates being late, or even in a hurry.

He keeps his stuff neat, titty and clean,

And I leave a mess just trying to breathe.

and what if hes lazy or just doesn’t care,

and I marry him thinking hes sure a dear!

He’ll help me clean, and fold all the clothes,

And then the day comes when im doing all the loads.

So I better be careful and listen so close,

To the word of the Lord, and make the most

Of every moment and every day,

Cause who knows where I will be come May

-written by Laura Moorhead