Monday, November 28, 2011

It's a Wonderful Life

I believe that God has made us to be lights in the world, a city on a hill is hard to hide.
He wants the people that believe in Him to stand out. God wants people to be drawn towards Him, by knowing His goodness and mercy through us. God uses us today to reach people, He lives inside of us, not just up in Heaven. Yeah we may not see Him walking around and be able to point and say, " Hey look there's God...sweet!" The reality is that if we have decided to believe in what Jesus did for us, by saving us from a life without real living, then that gave God permission to come and live on the inside of us, guiding an directing us. So then our actions and motives now have a way of being lead by Him, and then in turn people notice something different about you, because the God of the universe is living inside of you, and showing you how to grow, live, and love everyday.

It's starting to get pretty cold here. Winter has decided to come for a visit, and so I have unpacked my winter coat, and thick socks. As I get out of my car, and walk to the front door of my nanny job, I notice every morning, how their grass is growing more and more. I look around at the neighbors around them, and all their grass seems died, and cold. Though I look at theirs and it's flourishing. It's green, and looks as if spring time is happening in their front yard. It amazes me every time.

That is how we should be to other people, flourishing, and alive, even when every thing else seems to be died. It's such an example of how God takes care of His children. He wants us growing and looking good all year round, regardless of what the world seems to encounter. We don't have to experience what everyone else experiences. We can walk in a wonderful, prospering life. God wants other people to see a life outside of their own, that they want to be apart of. That is the GOOD God life.

I thank God every day that I can wake up, and have His wisdom in my heart. His life in my own.
That I can let His light shine through me, by just living a wonderful full life. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Wasting Time

I see that lately I have been giving updates about things that happen everyday. Which maybe is not the most inspiring blogs you could encounter. So for a little more spice to my normal every day get up, here is some little things to maybe encourage you to keep seeking God, and keeping dreaming big.

I am learning that time spent reading the bible can not be wasted time.
The wonderful thing about reading the bible is that, it gets in your heart, even if it's not stuck in your mind quite yet. That is the way God wanted it to work. At times I read and something goes right to my mind, and I want to share it with a good 300 people, as if I have something worth while to share. Other times I read and I don't get much into my mind, and wonder if I wasn't reading with enough focus, or if I was just  really not getting anything from it.

God promises that His word does something. Even if we don't do anything with it, He says that His word WILL NOT return to Him void, but WILL accomplish what HE pleases. The way he created it to work, is that the words in the bible are life to our bodies, it goes into our hearts and creates life inside of us. Even if we don't see it or feel it. Hope would be without effect if we already had what we hoped for, cause then it no longer would need any hope, because we have it. So I hope that every time I read the word, that something I am reading is getting planted inside of my heart, and slowly is growing, and in a moment I will see that His word really is in me, even when I didn't know it was.

God made it easy for us. He didn't make it so hard as to, that if we don't read it everyday, or memorize it, we won't be saved, or be able to share the truth with other people. He made it simple, and decided that if we opened our hearts to read his word, that is would be placed inside of us. The truth is He wants everyone to know the truth, so he made it easy to have it.

So even in the moments when you feel you could be doing something else, or that what you read was not applicable, the truth is that it doesn't matter what you feel. God promises that His word will not be void. You never waste time, anytime, even for 3 seconds reading the bible. It makes more of a difference then you know.

For example:

I started working in our churches youth group, some day's I don't know if I heard from God about doing it, and other days I really know I did. I don't like that aspect of life, where God lets us think and have our own choices. That way there is room for mistakes, and double checking yourselves. I love that He loved me ( us ) enough to let me choose our choices, but I love the idea of Him doing it all, and I just following a step by step list of to do's. That way I couldn't mess up. It's not that he wanted us to make mistakes, but that he didn't want to keep us from choosing Him on our own, other wise He would have chosen for us to believe in Him. It's just that in giving someone free will there is a chance of mess up. That is why God gave us his word to direct us in our choices that we are making, we have some guidelines that He knows works best, and worst. So it's like a parent giving you advice before you do something. They don't want to tell you what to do, but they want to give you the most information they can, so you can make the right choice on your own. ( That was most definitely a bunny trail).

So about youth...

One Wednesday morning I was reading a bit of the bible, and came across the verse that says, " Let your Yes be Yes, and your No be No." It was saying that you shouldn't sweat by heaven or hell, but rather let what you say mean what you say. If you mean what you say, then you don't need to even swear by anything, because your yes will be a yes, and your no will be a no. After I read it I didn't really know how to apply it, and had one of those " I read the bible, but didn't get much from it".

Then I got to youth group that night, was about to leave, a girl from the youth was walking past me, and I just out of no where I ( God moment ) said, " Hey how are you doing?..." She then told me a little  short version of something that was going on, and that verse popped into my head. I felt, to be honest, ridiculous saying it, because I didn't think it applied to what she was sharing. I ignore my thinking, and trusted God knew what was going on with her. So I shared the verse about letting your yes be yes, and she looked at me as if I spoke the magic words. I asked if that helped at all, she said, it was just wanted she needed to hear. I told her, once she has made a choice, to stick with it, and let it be her yes or no.

In that little span of time I saw how God plants words in us, not just for us but to get them to others. He wanted me to read that 1. So he could get it to her, and 2. So that he could show me that I hear from Him. It's a wonderful thing.

So waste your time in reading the is well worth it! 

Friday, October 21, 2011


So this new blog set up is so much fun. I hope you have an ok time finding your way around.
It pretty much is just my blog in a different view. They show you pictures and you can click on them to get the stories. It makes me look very artistic...

I have been having the most wonderful time this fall being home. For the first time in 3 years I was home for my little brothers birthday. It was so hard being away for them. He turned 21 this year...which pretty much means we all are real "adults". I don't know how much sense that makes, but I'm just going to pretend like I know what being an adult means. I am saving up money, and using a budget, so that is pretty much like being grown up.

That's Alex turning 21 holding an alcoholic beverage. So manly and handsome he is. 

My forever friend, as I call her. Abbie the Parker ( soon to be Coager  in T minus 4 weeks) came to visit me. It was the most fun week of fall. She left on the day we got our first day of snow. We spent the week laughing, eating, watching Isaac and of course taking pictures. She also will be moving to California with her soon to be husband, and I am so thrilled to have more then 5 reasons to go to the beach now. I will miss our hangouts, but I do believe they will be even better. Living in the will of God, is better then living out side of it. So I am excited to see how our friendship will grow from here onwards. I think it was good for us though to get together once more before she changes her last name.

In May I started giving my friend Rachel guitar lessons once a week, and then we decided we wanted to add to lessons, and do something fun every week. I wanted to learn to cook more, and so she and I pick out a new recipe every week, and make lunch together, then finish the day off with our guitar lesson. It has ended up being such an awesome part of my weeks. I have learned to cook all sorts of things, and I am getting more confident in the kitchen...Praise God. The other week we got brave, and decided ( apart from us not knowing 1 thing about the grill ) to grill a pizza. It was amazing. Minus the fact that we burned the bottom...

My super fantastic boyfriend has decided to grow a mullet...need I say more. He is quite the top class kinda guy, that can somehow pull off the dirty mole. Oddly enough I also like the stylish thing he has going on.

On another note, over the summer I have fallen in love with frozen yogurt. My dearest friends Bre and Andrew, wanted to go, so we coupled up and went for a late night fro yo run. The men try to look as manly as possible while holding Pinkberry...

If you haven't experienced frozen yogurt yet, I would HIGHLY recommend you do.

Last couple updates here...
One: If you haven't stopped by Dillards to look at their over sized, and over priced head bands I would say you are missing out.
Two: This morning I woke up to the most stunning cloud God put in the sky...It was like a that. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Coffee? Yes please!


This morning I woke up, was so tired that I wondered if I could get my mother to babysit Isaac today, or I could get Isaac to babysit me. I got to their home, and the little guy was still snoozing, which gave me a little bit to wake up. When he woke up, I opened his door, and as he always does...started smiling so big, and peaking through the wooden rails on his little crib. Adorable.

Funny part was I was still so extremely tired. I actually called my mom, and asked if she wanted to come over and just hang out to wake me up a bit. Sadly she was busy, and couldn't come to my rescue.
So I decided to do something I haven't done for like 3 years... have a cup of coffee.

I thought to myself, " I don't have any other option, other then sleeping right now..." So I made a cup of coffee put it in a to go cup, and Isaac and I went out for a walk to a park near by. I started sipping on it, and was wondering what might happen. I just had it black, no milk or sugar...I just needed instant energy. ha.

By the time that we were walking ( and by "we" I mean "I" and pushing him in the worlds coolest stroller of all time joovy) I all of a sudden felt like a normal person. I felt like the sky was more blue, and I was more aware of my surroundings, and was joking around with Isaac as we went along. I wondered why I hadn't drank any coffee before this. All my mornings could be way more exciting! I actually kinda laughed to myself, about how silly it was for me to get so excited about coffee. It was like a magic drink. ha

I took a couple pictures of the cutest kid in the world that I govern for, and me falling in love with coffee. This could be dangerous folks. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

American Missionary "Governess"

Here is the dealio folks. I have come to an incredible conclusion, and want to know what you think about it.

So whenever I have gone overseas to help out with the Forgostons, I really just watched their girls, and then helped out at the school a bit here and there. I didn't go into the streets of Indian and rescue little kids ( hope none are disappointed...) I always thought in my heart that in a way I was. If I was serving the Forgoston's by watching their girls, then they could go to school and teach the students, who then take the word into the streets, and minister to the little kids. So in a way I did... you know?

I guess it is sorta like when you give money to missionaries, they said it is as if you are going. You may not be able to go overseas, but you can give them money to go, and whoever they reach, are always reached by you. I love that whole concept, it is like bringing the whole body of believers together to accomplish something wonderful.

So as I was feeding Isaac this morning, I realized that, I am doing just what I do overseas, I am just in America. I am watching Isaac so Jeff and Autumn can go to school and teach. I also do a little volunteer work for CBC on the side here and there. All that has changed is my is incredible the impact you can have by just living somewhere else...that is it.  For example my sister lives in New Zealand...fancy pants ( I know ). Then if you ask her about it, it is just life, she doesn't think it's that amazing, she has also almost lived there for 7 years, so it is becoming home now to her. She is just working away, and living life. If she was here people wouldn't been as funny is that about us humans.

Now living in India did have it's challenges, and sometimes I didn't know what was going on that day. Then again Colorado also has it's challenges too. So I just got really excited this morning, after realizing I Really am doing just what I always have done, just feeling SUPER blessed that God happened to place me back at home for a while to do it! God loves's true. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Staying in Love

I just finished listening to a 4 part teaching by Andy Stanley, he pastors a church in Georgia called North Point Church. It was the best solid teaching,with points I've never heard addressed.

I really took so much from it, so I wanted to post it so you guys could too.
It's amazing how much the world can influence our relationships, and how it is not what God has in mind.
Jesus was such a clear example of how to treat people, and how to love the right way. Sometimes it can seem contrary to what we have seen or experienced.

A great quote I will remember him saying is " The heart is drawn towards an environment of acceptance."
He made a point to say that, no one really wants to let anyone down, or disappoint anyone, but it happens to all of us. It is in those moments of disappointment that we must choose to believe the best, and have an open door of acceptance that they can walk into. Jesus died for us, when we didn't deserve his acceptance or forgiveness. He also mentioned the verse that says " Do onto others, as you would like them to do unto you." We naturally would want people to accept us, and believe the best in us.

So I hope you get a chance to listen to some or all or the teaching. I put the link to the 4th of a 4 part series he did called " Staying in Love". So feel free to listen to the rest too!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being a Baby.

and thus begins my year of "new".

I started my nanny job yesterday, and waking up at 6:15 am is more intense then I thought.
I also came to an incredible conclusion... I should say my dad did, and then I thought it was my conclusion.
After an hour or so of hanging with Isaac ( the baby I nanny for ), I ran out of ideas of what to do.
So I put him in the stroller and went for a walk for a little while. I got the idea to call my dad, I knew he would be up. He drives school buses in the morning, so he is up an hour before me!

So I gave him a call as I walked, and talked to him about what to do when I don't know what to do. I kept referring to the situation as " I don't know what else to do with Isaac...", and my dad so perfect said, " Well if he plays by himself, maybe you can find things to do while you watch him." It must have been the way he said it, that my brain fully understood what I had going on. The problem I have is not with Isaac is happy and plays by himself, but I don't know what to do with myself. How backwards is that.

I then had to grow up a little, and say that I was really being the child, and he was being the adult. He is the best kid to watch, super fun and easy to spend time with. He really only cries when you should. If he gets hungry, or tired. We as adult still "cry" about that in a more professional manner though. So I don't blame Isaac for expressing his needs. As adults we just stand around and start making comments out loud to each other like, " man lunch sounds so good right now...". Until everyone gets the idea, and we go. I'm pretty sure if Isaac could talk he would say sometime like that, so he can't...and if I couldn't say anything, I would surely cry as well.

So long story short. Two days in and I have learned more about myself, then I had intended to.
I also get mid-morning naps, that include crazy dreams... I love it. So waking up at 6:15 am is early, but but but, I then get an hour and a half solid ( dream included) nap! AMEN! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bee Guards

The other day I was sitting in my lovely homes backyard, and I noticed some bee's flying around.
We have a collection of bee flowers, as I call them. Other people would say we have a garden, but I just say that it's a collection of flowers, that attract the most dangerous species of all time...Bees.

When I was 8 years old I was with a friend, and we both were rolling around in the grass, and I happened to roll over on a bee. I can remember that day so well, and the extreme pain I experienced. I had a deep fear of bee's from that day onward.

Even to this day, I run from bee's, even in front of strangers, who may not know what I am doing. Example: I was waiting for my friends to come to mini golf, and I was sitting outside on a bench, and the golf guy running the place was behind the counter. All of a sudden there was a bee flying around me, and I got up and started running away from it, and making scared noises. I then turned to the guy, and explained to him " I am more scared of bee's then anything...". He didn't have much to say. I was a little embarrassed, but it was hilarious.

This is going somewhere...I promise.

In life we put guards up sometimes, depending on things we have experienced, or things that have hurt us. Even times we don't realize that we have put a guard up, tell someone tells you about it.

When I was sitting in my backyard the other day, as I mentioned, I realized I had a bee guard up. I wasn't relaxed. I sit there, and watch all around making sure one isn't too close, and if one flies by I usually get a little startled. I even go inside sometimes if they are flying around too much. I kinda feel like a security guard for my safety, and it's a really tiring job. I can't just sit around and enjoy the sunshine, because I have to be on my guard, watching and listening for any possible "attack". I am predicting because of a pass bee experience, that all bee's have a secret love to sting people when they aren't watching. That is ridiculous... there is no way a bee would know if you were watching it or not. Bee's can't read my mind, it's as if I think they know I know they are there, and I'm not going to let them get me. I may sound a little nuts... that's fine. haha

The funny part is, the one time I did get stung, the bee didn't even come after me... I rolled over on it. Though I still think that it was all the bee's fault and not mine. I hold a grudge...I admit to it. lol

But see here... I applied this to life and people.

I can put a guard up, and not realize that I am trying to protect myself, because I know what could or has happened before. I assume the person is waiting for me to let my guard down, so they can attack when I am not ready. As if the person is just like everybody else, and everybody else is just like that person. Not very accurate. It takes a lot of your own power and energy to watch their every movement, in case it shows you signs of "attack" or you could say signs of potential heart brake or hurt. Even if in the past you knew someone just like that bee, that never meant to hurt you, but maybe you "rolled over", and they reacted to your decision. Then in their reaction you got hurt too. So then you meet another person, and you keep a watch on them, as if they may turn their back on you. So you only tell them certain things, or only go certain places with them. We put a guard up. Now now now...don't get me wrong. You should always be wise, and use discernment. I wouldn't go into a bee hive and do a dance for them. I know what could make a bee angry, and I wouldn't do that. Same way, I wouldn't go and purposefully invest in someone, and while so knowing they are not safe.

I guess the thought summed up is that, you can't always protect yourself by putting a guard up. It's exhausting, and at times can steal away the joy of a moment. I can't enjoy the sunshine, cause I know a bee might come flying by. Then sometimes I can't enjoy someones company, because I am wondering when they can say something, or do something that could hurt me.

Instead we have to put our hope and trust in God, and not try to protect ourselves. God wants to be our shield and safety. He wants us to hope in Him, because He will never let us down. If we are more concerned with knowing Him, then we will know when the "bee's" are coming. He will show us. It say's he will lead and guide us into all Truth, and we have to believe He will. When I let God show me things, instead of me trying to figure them out...then I can enjoy the sunshine, and enjoying my friends company.

Lean not unto your OWN understanding, but in ALL your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will direct your path.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Ocean & me

I had some time today to read a little... and I came across this verse in Jeremiah, and I kept reading it over. It is a powerful and true thing to say, and that is why I loved it.

" I placed the sand for the boundary of the sea, a perpetual barrier beyond which it cannot pass and by an everlasting ordinance beyond which it cannot go? And though the waves of the sea toss and shake themselves, yet they cannot prevail [ against the feeble grains of sand which God has ordained by nature to be sufficient for His purpose]; through [ the billows] roar, yet they cannot pass over that [barrier]. [ Is not such a God to be reverently feared and worshiped?]
-Jeremiah 5:22

Even though sand is so small by itself, when it is place together it has power. It has the ability to hold the sea. If I were to take a walk along the beach, I could easily bend down and scoop up some sand into my hand. It doesn't have much strength against me picking it up. Though the ocean could sweep me away in an instant, and I had to learn to swim with it, to not be carried away.

The sand overtakes the ocean, and the ocean over takes me. I can't overtake the ocean, but I can overtake the sand. So you would think because I could overtake the sand, that I would be able to over take the ocean... strange how God made the world. Beautiful as all get out, though very complex and simple at the same time.

It took the supernatural power of God to split the ocean in half, so moses could take the people through. Sand doesn't need God's supernatural power, God made sand's job to hold the ocean back. It is truly astounding to me.

This is a Laura thought but:
God didn't want to have a relationship with sand, or the ocean... He wanted to have a relationship with us. There are many things that we have to believe God for, and ask Him about. Moses had to take the rod, and place it in the ocean... he needed God. We were made to need God, He made us that way. " Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path." God wants us to believe in Him, and watch Him work in our lives. He loves us.

So even though the sand has so much power over the ocean, we have power over the sand. God made life to have Him be apart of it. In our world. if the sand had power of the ocean, we wouldn't be able to have power over the sand. I love that God makes impossible things happen.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

( my friend and I, enjoying Colorado together)

Life is full of adventures, though sometimes you have to look for them.

For the past three year(ish), I have been having quite the adventure. I didn't sit down and think about how to make my life full of excitement, but instead I asked God what He had in mind, and it happened to be on the menu.
I have been jumping around, and doing all sorts of things here and there. Then I pop home, catch up with friends and family, then do it all over again.

( Joy, and I, the Forgoston's were visiting Colorado this summer)

This november will mark a WHOLE year that I have been in America...or really anywhere. The funny part is, it is slightly challenging to stay put. It is as if my body is use to doing something, and if it's not doing what it's use to, then it worries about if it's doing something wrong. I am learning it is not so much the location, but more what you are doing. It doesn't matter if I am across the ocean, or down the street... I just want it to be right where God wants me.

So really I'm learning how to make life an adventure no matter if I am here, or there. Right now in a way it is quite epic of me to stay here, and work a normal job, and make money, and use a budget. I'd say that is something most of my friends already know how to do, and I have yet to learn about many a things like that. When you are away from America, you have to learn different kinds of things like: how to use a map, bobble your head, and figure out different kinds of food brands you've never heard of. So I did learn lots of things, just not lots of things that people know. Does that make sense?

( Hannah, and I this summer )

Without further a do, here is my next escapade.

My sister and her OH SO wonderful Mr. Bean, have decided to make their relationship level increase. Increase to the level of matrimony! That will be occurring early next year, and they happen to live at the bottom of the world, in the most beautiful place, that takes 16 hours on a plane, two car rides, one boat trip, and a partridge in a pear tree. I couldn't be more excited, but that means I need to get on my game, and start my saving, and planning of a wonderful day.

There were a few "offers" on the table for me to do things over seas, but I really didn't feel lead to go anywhere. Then I thought a bit about moving to another state, and doing some bible studies, or just seeing what happens when I get there. Then one night I asked God that if he didn't want me to go to another state, that he would show me where to go. That night, I had an AWESOME dream about being somewhere in Asia, still listening, and praying about it. I have a couple ideas in my head, but waiting and using wisdom. I really believe God was showing me things that will happen sometime soon, maybe next year after Jess and Mr. Beans BIG DAY!

So. In the mean time, while I am preparing for anything. I was asked to be ( drum roll please...) a..... NANNY! I am going to be a pro nanny, or I guess I could say I am now, but I don't actually know how I get qualified as a pro nanny.

( this is the little guy I'll be watching this year!)

There is a family here in Colorado, that I lived with in India, they came over at the same time to help the Forgostons. They are also great friends of mine, and I consider them to be my family. They will be busy this year in the morning's leading a new bible college course, and asked if I could watch their little guy in the mornings. At first I told them I couldn't, because I was planning on moving again, and didn't think I'd be staying in Colorado. Then I took a trip to visit my sweet friend Abbie in Oklahoma, and one night her mom sat down with me, and we had a little chat. In someway God really used her to encourage me to stay in Colorado, and nanny. She just said it in such a way, it is as if my heart finally realized... "yes, It's the right thing to do...".

As of this coming August, I will be starting to nanny for them, and doing a little catering on the side still. Hoping to do a girls bible study, for my mom's friends daughters. That is one thing I don't want to stop doing while I am in Colorado, is serving. I want to look at Colorado as my next destination, not as "home". I don't want to get all cozy and forget God has stuff to do through me here.

I guess that is my little update for the year. Until December, I'll be doing that, and then heading to New Zealand for Jessica's wedding! Life is full of so much happiness and adventure, you just have to choose to look at it, and soak it up.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Missing God.

In life there are so many things we truly do not understand until we experience them.

There is a story I read the other day in the bible about this man who was told by God to go into a wilderness. Once he was in the wilderness, God said he would find a well for water, and that birds would bring him meat during the day. So he followed God's idea, and there was the well, and the meat. Then the well dried up...So then God told him to go and find a lady in a town, and ask her to make him some bread. The tricky part was that lady happen to not have any money, and was going to buy enough oil to make her last meal for her son, and then...die. Tragic...but real. So he finds this lady, asks her to make him bread with her last bit of oil...and that he promised God would provided. So she does. shockingly. Then BAM she supernaturally has abundant supply of food! Hooray. Now don't get to excited... The lady's son then all of a sudden..dies! Then the lady tells this fellow that asked her to make him bread, that he put a curse on them. The man took her son, and prayed over him, and laid...over him 3 times, and then. He rose from the died. The final words of the woman are something like, " you truly are a man of God." End of story.

Now that is for sure not the King James version. but but but. It is how I see it going down. After I read that story, I had this passing thought, If I was that guy, I would have for sure thought "I missed God... the lady's kid justdied...??!" The amazing bit is that he really was hearing from God, and doing what God had in mind, but the world still has a part to play inside of God's sometimes things get a bit messy, but it doesn't mean that God isn't working it all out. You just have to trust that you TRULY heard him clearly, and you know your doing the right thing.

It then reminded me of Belfast. When I went to Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was a good year...but a very very challenging year. I ran into quite a few difficult situations and circumstances, that were out of my control. When I came home, I thought about the amazing people I met, and great things that God did there. Though a small part of me was wondering if I really did hear from God, or if I missed it. Since it was hard, I sorta had the passing thought, that I messed up somehow. Then when I read that story in the bible, I understood.

Even though that guy went to that well, and then it dried up...It didn't mean he heard wrong, it just ment...the well dried

you know. I am realizing that I was suppose to be in Belfast, but I was expecting perfection because I was in the will of God. Being in the will of God doesn't not mean you live in perfection, and everything goes right. It is that in the mist of living out his will, you have peace, regardless of the outcomes. You trust God is showing you what to do, and He is working out all the kinks.

" In this world you will have trouble, BUT be of GOOD cheer... I HAVE OVERCOME the world." When the world tries to tell you that you're overcome, you remind them, that God already has overcome, and nothing can beat you out!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I am currently sitting in my second favorite place in the world.
Surprising...yes. but but but.
My dearest, sweetest friend Abbie lives here.
I get to see her face, at least once a year... if that. When I do, we have the most fun possible.
She is that kinda friend, you only find ONCE IN A LIFETIME. and I found her.

Its a big deal.
She has red hair. and I have brown.
That's the cool part.

I love the way we don't have to do anything, and seem to still love doing it.
She brings out a piece of me, that only she can. There is a quote I found that is perfectly put.

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." - Anais Nin

That is how we are.

On a smaller note. I have discovered a new world... I don't know how to better say it. A world that has a bit of boy in it.
The other week, I was officially asked out to dinner, and I found myself saying yes. Then I happened to find myself in the delightful presence of a handsome lad, and agreeing to " be together".

So I'd say abbie ( abs, as I call her) have a lot of chat about. Or a "new" topic. It's fun how God can make life surprising, right in the middle of what seemed to be quite normal.

So that is a quick update! Hooray for new adventures!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wedding Time.

I started my new summer job, that I am secretly in love with. If I could marry a job, it would be this one. I get to wear all black, serve people great food, clean up, decorate, laugh, and watch two people get married! a.k.a I'm doing catering!

My first wedding was at the Fine Art Center, and I thought I was working from 3-6pm, turns out that is set up. We were there tell 11:30pm, and my arms almost fell off. I had never held a tray in my life, or served food so fancy. I only dropped one fork during clean up, and managed to keep a smile on my face.

I had to memorize the appetizers and carry them around, and act high class. I laughed as I left the catering room, to go out, they had me repeat what I was holding over and over...and it was more difficult then I imagined. " Bacon wrapped dates, with almond paste"... so many random words put together, that I have to make sound delicious.

The next goal was to carry a bread tray...a huge bread tray. One I felt, was the size of Texas. I had it balanced with one hand under the tray, and then my other hand placing the bread rolls on the salad plates...ha. I should also state there were two different rolls, and sometimes I had to go searching for the preferred roll, and not drop the whole tray on the ground and go hide. I did happen to elbow a Sargent in the head, as I walked pass with my massive tray. No harm done...

In the middle of cleaning up plates, I would talk to the people a tad bit, and ask if they enjoyed the food. Then this lady, turned and said, " You are so sweet, and have the kindest nature, you need to tell your boss for a good tip!". I told her that her saying that to me, meant more then any tip! It was a boost of encouragement!

I have worked a few more event's sense then, and learned more and more. Like: you need really good shoes, and snacks. I worked a wedding the other day, at the most beautiful venue, they had a bluegrass band play the whole night. I was loving that. It was kinda a wooden wedding, the decoration's were so thrifty and outdoors like. We get to set up the decorations, and all! During the wedding we started cleaning glasses, plates, beer bottles, napkins. etc. As I was cleaning up, I started laughing at myself. I noticed I was pointing at bottles across the room, and then going over to them, and checking if they were empty. I would point and say, " there's one..." then I'd go over, like I was going to have a conversation with a empty beer bottle, and take it for a walk to the trash can. Hilarious. I only wonder what the people I work with, think of me.

Then two nights ago I ended up working a wedding of a family friend, and they were all there celebrating. I loved having some familiar faces around as I ran from place to place, looking useful. ha, There are this gigantic tables that we have to roll out, and I'm not quite use to them yet, so as I rolled them, a few times they almost fell over. It was pretty dramatic to say the least...if I could stop and laugh out loud, I would. I try to stay professional. So I would roll the table slowly and carefully until I found a strong person, and give it to them. safety first.

I find a little time for secret dancing. While the guest are away dancing, we go and clear the tables, and I try to get my dancing in there, cause the music is so good, its hard not to do a little gig. We are not suppose to dance I don't think, cause I mean...we aren't invited to the wedding as guests. So it makes sense...

Anywho. That's it for now, I am loving summer,work,friends,yoyogurt,settlers of Catan, and how warm it is outside! God is the best planner around... ask Him to plan your day for you, He has great idea's in mind.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

learning violin...Lesson #1

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So today my friend came over for guitar lessons, and brought her violin. I then quickly got addict, and had her teach me a song. Now we are going to do a trade off...REALLY EXCITED!

( this was suppose to be a I'll try again)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Walk It Out

It's about time that I share what God continues to show me everday lately.
Friday morning I woke up, and rolled over to grab my bible, and found a note in my bed...must had fallen out of my bible the night before. The note had the verse that talks about the FRUIT of the Spirit. I thought, " That's so good". I leaned over the side of my bed, and flipped open my bible, and landed right at that same verse

Galatians 2:22-26

" But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy(gladness), peace, patience( an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness(benevolence), faithfulness, gentleness(meekness, humility), self-control( self-restraint, continence).

Against such things there is no law[ that can bring charge]. And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh ( the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires. If we live by the [Holy] Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.[If by the Holy Spirit we have our life in God, let us go forward walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.]

Let us not become vain glorious and self conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another."

I was shocked that I opened right to the same verse I had just ran my eyes across. I knew God was trying to tell me something. So that whole morning I was thinking on that verse, and thinking to myself, "My Spirit has all those things, so I am choosing to walk in my Spirit and not in my flesh" (how I might be feeling). As I did slowly my day unraveled into a beautiful one. I got up, got ready, and it seemed as if God was given me all the secret details on the day. It was one thing after another, that was right. You know when you just know you're doing all the right things at the right time? It was just like that. I so enjoyed the whole day.

This link is what ties this all together...

I continued to think about that verse the next day, and re read it. Then Sunday morning at church, my pastor was talking about walking in love. He brought out (of course) Galatians 2:22-23 about how we already have all the things we need in our Spirit, and can walk it out in our bodies. That you can walk in Love because, you already have it. Then he said something that really struck a chord... " If you are walking on the right path, then you can stay on it." He was making the point that if you're walking in love, you won't be tempted by another path. Love is powerful.

I loved seeing God bring that verse back up again! I began to see how you can take any of the fruit and use it at any moment. If you are walking in love, you can also walk in joy, and peace. It shows too, to other people, and even yourself.

This morning as I woke up, I decided to read those verses again, and got a text from a friend, to see if I could babysit. I went over, and saw she had left her bible open on the table, right to....
Galatians 5...SHOCKER. I should have know God would pull a fast one. I mean I drove all the way across town, to see the same verse I was just reading. ha

I am so blessed to know that there is an "out" I don't have to live in haterd towards others, or in depression, etc. God knew my flesh would try to speak louder then the truth of what I really do have. In the midst of what I feel, I remember, that God made it possiable for me to walk in JOY, and LOVE! I have it all in my Spirit, and so do you...walk it out...walk it out!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Great Peace

Yesterday I went for a hike with my dad. We were maybe ten minutes in, and my dad stopped, and started describing how amazing nature is. As he spoke, it was as if I was hearing a book being read out loud. He said , " Look at all the different shades of green, and all the different plants, and trees... God has made so many amazing things, sometimes it is hard to even grasp fully what your eyes are seeing". I kept silent as we continued to walk, and enjoyed hearing my dad soaking up the whole thing, and then sharing it with me. I didn't realize but I am very simlar to him in that manner.

The other day a friend and I were walking through the Garden of the gods, on this stunning trail. She started sharing how, if she is in a certain part of town, Pikes Peak looks huge, and Garden of the gods seems so small. Because we were in Garden of the gods, it seemed so big now, and we couldn't even see Pikes Peak. Then I added, "I can see how God thought everything out. He wanted things to be a picture for us. It's all perception. The mountians and Garden of the gods didn't change, we changed our postion and focus. What we are focused on seems so big at the time, til we get a different view on it".After I said those things to her, I thought to myself, where did I get that thinking from?

Then after hiking with my dad the next day... I could see clearly...I am my fathers daugther.I enjoyed seeing where I got my deep thinking from...ha.

I read this verse today:

" Great peace have they who love Your law; nothing shall offend them or make them stumble". -Psalm 119:165

As I was hiking with my dad, he was wearing his glasses, and kept stumbling on rocks. ( he almost face planted into a rock...INTENSE). He told me that he could only see ahead, not around, because he glasses cut off part of this outside view. I told him to take them off, and see if that would helped. The rest of the hike, he didn't stumble at all. He even spotted a snake before I did, and I jumped back in disbelief! In all the years I have been hiking, I have never seen a snake!

What I shared with my friend in Garden of the gods, and just like that verse. As soon as my dad changed his view, it was a lot easier to hike then before.

God made his Law for us to see that we couldn't do it alone, we needed him. He then sent Jesus to fullfill the law because we couldn't, Jesus passed the test for us. The law is no longer keeping or causing us from having GREAT peace. Its our own decision to believe that Jesus brought PEACE to each of us, by fullfilling the law in Himself. Now because of what Jesus has done, we have great peace, believe it! Nothing can cause you to stumble or be offened...not even a pair of glasses, or a rock in the path.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thankfullness in Work

How easy it is at times to find the negative, among so much good.

I was walking home today, and past my old work building. As I did, a man that worked there when I was there, was walking out to his car, and it seemed like, heading home. He is a janitor, and has the sweetest disposition. I last worked there over 4 years ago, and there he is steady as it goes, day in and out, still working away.

I admired his stillness, in the way that he was still working hard, and hadn't quit. In that moment, I saw what I blessing a job and company can be. I saw my old work, as an open door for so many people to have a good job, and for a long time if they'd like. I could remember working there, and that same man cleaning away with a smile on his face, and the front desk lady checking people in and out. As I waddled through the halls, usually with a handful of kids behind me. There are those people that you love to work with, and those you don't. There is ( of course) a couple cute guys, that help to make work a little more exciting and worth your time. In the midst of all those people, you forget how wonderful it is, that a company opens its doors, and creates...opportunity.

Though if you were to ask me while I was there, I was ready to leave and find something else to do. I didn't see it as an opportunity, but as a time taker. Its interesting how in the middle of something your doing, you can't see how truly amazing it is. I am so thankful for the jobs I have had, and the people I have worked for. I have learned so much, and met some incredible friends.

I am just so thankful for all the things in life, that I never thought to be thankful for. If it were not for my work, who knows if that Janitor would still have a job... work is such a wonderful blessing from God. It was never made to fulfill us, or to run our lives. It was created as a blessing, to bring joy into our lives. It give us finances to keep, to give, and to lend. You meet all sorts of people, and learn so many things.

As I look around I see how life is full of so many great things, and we don't start to see them right away. What a blessing to be apart of God's plan, and get to share in all these fantastic parts of life, that we forget are suppose to bring us joy.

I love the places I have worked, and miss the people I have met there. I thank God for each of you...xo

So as you walk into work today, or tomorrow...remember why you are walking in there, and how blessed you are to have opportunity in front of you every day. "You were made to fill a purpose that only you can do, there can never be a more beautiful you". God says we are all walk as children of the light. You carry with you something, that maybe someone else around you doesn't have. The light and love of God. You have a great purpose in front of you and blessing as you work. BE BRIGHT!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Longest Blog- but well worth the read. xo

Today marks a very important day in my life. For many different reasons, that I would love to share with you. Four years ago I decided to go to bible college, instead of university. I remember before I had made the decision to go to bible college, I went with my parents to UNC to get an idea of what university is like, and I broke down crying. I knew that in my heart God hadn't called me to go to university.

I wanted to become a missionary ever since I was 14, and went on my first short term trip to El Salvador. I just didn't know I could fully pursue it as a lifestyle. After going to UNC, I went to my pastor and asked him where I could go to be a missionary and he said, and his words I won't forget. " Before you can go and teach someone what you believe, you need to know it first". What he was really saying was, I should follow the desires in my heart, and the first step towards that is to get learn what I believe.

I stepped into Charis Bible College in August 2007, and it happened to be that the first friendly face I saw was Elise Tuff ( now Johnson ;) I met her in 7th grade choir, I believe that was a God plan, to have a familiar face there. I laugh remembering that I didn't bring my bible that day, and didn't think I would need it on the first day...and Elise got a good laugh too, and she had happened to bring an extra one to school, and gave it to me. Come to find out Elise had just arrived back in America for her 2nd year of college, after doing her first year in Belfast, Northern Ireland!

I sat through most of my first year, by myself, and not wanting to meet one person. I wanted to learn as much as I could so I could go out, and teach what I learn to people all over. Then come February 2008, I was invited to an 80's dance party, and there became dear sweet friends with Abbie Parker. It may have been the awesome music, or the terrible clothing or the combo, that brought our friendship together...but I'd say more so...God.

In that same month... I felt God tell me to go to Belfast, Northern Ireland and help the school. When I called the directors, who at the time I had no idea who they were... and asked. They then went on about how they had been praying for a worship leader to come! So I decided that was an "open door", and began my steps towards going over seas. Not only to help the the directors, but to finish my 2nd year and graduate there. I remember going up to the director of the international CBC's, Wendell parr, with shaking hands and not much alibi...other then " God told me". He said, " If you get all your ducks in a can go". I had never tried to line ducks up so fast in my life!

( and then some miracles happened, fill in this spot______________________________etc.)

I met the directors that summer, and was on a plane to Belfast in August 2008! I remember writing in a journal some wonderful friends gave me before I left, " I know what it feels like to be right in the CENTER of God's will now..." I just knew I was going to right place, at the right time. I spent the next 9 months, 1 birthday, 1 Christmas, etc. surround by Irish men and women, and lots of challenges and laughter. I'd say I was cornered ( by my circumstances) to be grown up, and make decision's without the help of my oh so loving mother. I went on a missions trip to Austria and fell in love with teaching to strangers from another place! I graduated, with some of my most important friends I have ever had in my life...without them keeping me warm and feed, I don't know if I would have made it!

( in case you might not have realized...this blog is going to be a long one...a lovely long one)

In January 2009 while in Belfast, I heard about a family in India that had started a bible college. Russ, David, and Judith Forgoston. I had never met them, but heard that in December 2008 they had a baby girl named Hannah. They were currently in America speaking at the bible college, and my mom was at school. I felt in my heart God telling me to help them. I asked my mom if she would talk with them, and let them know. When she went up to them, and said, " My daughter wants to come and help you guys in India". They said they had been praying, and were NOT surprised that it was being answered. I emailed them, and we made plans for me to go over for a couple months that coming fall to help.

( miracles go here_________________) I didn't tell them at the time, I didn't have the money to go... because I believed if God wanted me there...It was His job, and I trusted He had all the money. They planned a time for me to play a song at our church to raise money, and as I was driving to church that Sunday, God told me, " Today I will be paying for your WHOLE trip". After church, a man I had never met, came up and said, " I want to buy your tickets to, and from India". The rest of the money that was raised completely covered the cost of my living as well!!!! God loves me. ha

Long story short. Not only did I fall in love with India, but the Forgoston. They are now my second family, that I NEVER intend on forgetting! I became as they call me, " The Super Nanny". I learned how to teach, be brave, be flexible, be sweaty, and be honest and REAL!
What I learned from them, I feel I could never repay... a life changing experience.

I remember flying to India, and crying the whole time...thinking I was going to die. Then I cried all the way back home, thinking I didn't know when I'd ever see these wonderful people again...( don't worry... I do!)

I then quickly flew home, re-packed and moved to New Zealand to live with my sister and her super fantastic man Bean. I lived and worked there for 5 months, and going there I expected to change peoples live, bring Jesus there, and teach the gospel. I thought that whatever job I got, I would just love the people, and they would want to know God.
...we should all remember to keep our eyes open to what God is trying to show us.
I ended up growing more then anyone else. I didn't change New Zealand, but New Zealand sure showed me a few things. I got to completely fall in love with my sister, she is so stunning, and full of life. I believe that God wanted me and her to see each other in new ways, and learn about how wonderful each of us are. My sister brings out a side in me, no one else in the whole world could. I learned that sometimes you don't actually know someone...tell you take the time to. Thanks Jess for letting me be apart of your beautiful little world...I love you. and the shimmy.

From there I jumped back into America, and worked at a summer camp for the YMCA, and started saving money, not sure what the next fall would hold. The Forgoston's came back into town for a few weeks in the summer, and we sat around talking, and they convinced me once again to go back with them for a few months in the fall, and help out. I agreed...and come August 2010 I jumped unto another plane ( God help me...ha) and landed into my " second home." I love India .... did I say that already? ha.

I wanted to help out in India again...but I also wanted to do a 3rd year Internship at CBC, so they approved me to spilt my year between India and Colorado! So I taught a couple classes, learned about how to be pregnant ( not me...Judith Forgoston), and how to hold a new born. To be a good leader, and to listen better. Not try to be perfect, but do my best. Make mistakes...and still be happy. ha
I didn't want to leave...but was so looking forward to going to Colorado again and finishing my internship.

November 2010 I flew back to Colorado, with a few days before my birthday. I was THRILLED. This would be the first time in two years I'd be home for my birthday and all the fun holidays!
Since November I have been sitting in classes, with some incredible teachers, that have sow so much truth in me... it is pouring out! I met some friends that I will carry around with me no matter where we each go. One in particular I must mention.

Sara Wilson Forgarty. Her impact on my life, is one hard to describe. She is a person that doesn't ask for recognition...but gets it because her light is so bright. She practically dances through the halls at school, and befriends all visitors or non visitors. ha. She has a joy and happiness you can't even comprehend...knowing where she has come from. Her story is one that you wouldn't want to read in a book, and you wish you could replace for another one. I am truly amazed by her love and compassion, after not ever really experiencing it herself. When I came back to CBC Colorado in November this year... I felt a bit shy, and didn't know where to fit. Sara showed me that I don't have to fit anywhere... I can just be me. She has said the sweetest most kind words to me, that I won't ever forget. I love her, and how she is free and fearless in the face of man, she loves the people I am afraid to love. She gives more of her time, and money then should be allowed. She makes me want to live life for God...OUT LOUD! Thank you for showing me what life is TRULY about Sara. love you.

And back to today... today I celebrate the end of 3rd year. I have done it. After 3 years, I don't even know where I could begin... I finally know who I TRULY am...In Christ. Its not about me being perfect, or being a nice person. Its about how truly beautiful Christ is, and how perfect HE is, and He gave His life for me, so I could forever be HIS! I finally can say, GOD LOVES ME. and know it in the depths of my heart, it is etched on it forever.

His love overwhelms my heart. I have always found it a bit strange when people say, " I know God loves me." I think, " me too..". Then just last night we had a worship service and my super friend Jordan D ( who actually knows how to spell his last right anyways...ha) began singing...

" He is Jealous for me, loves like a hurricane I am tree, bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy...when all of sudden I am UNAWARE of these afflictions ECLIPSED by glory, and I realize just how beautiful You are, and how GREAT Your affections are for me...and whoa...HOW HE LOVES US ... Whoa... Oh how HE loves He loves us...whoa."

In that moment... I started to cry, and in my heart for the first time... I knew... I KNOW. that God loves me. He really does...not because of me, and anything I can or could ever do...but because that is what HE does...that is who He is... LOVE!

Thank you for spending the time to read these stories, and be apart of my life. Thanks for sowing words of wisdom, and encouragement, money, and laughter. I am so blessed to have gone so far, and so close, and learned so much. I believe there is more ahead HERE that God has for me, and I'm looking forward to it. But I just wanted to, as a close to my Charis Bible College "life" say...thank you. so much.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To Save A Life

I just spent a wonderful day out with my family for mothers day, so much sunshine...I of course wore a dress. Though this post is not to talk about the weather, or cute clothes...
Tonight we rented a movie called " To Save A Life"
It was inpiring beyond what I could put into words... I truly was moved by it.
It made me want to be more thankful, and more thoughtful...
There is so much in life that sometimes can not be fit into a box...
and God is one of those things...
God wants to show us that life is bigger then what we can see with our eyes, and to look beyond what we think is imporant, and see what really is...His Love.
His love is what changes, or I should say CHANGED everything.
We must first be willing to let His love change us...Love NEVER forces...
Life is not too hard for God, and He thinks outside the box...
When we feel we have run out of ideas...and can't find a way... He knows just what to do.
ask Him to show you.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Seeing as it has been way too long since my last writing, I thought I would post a few precious photos and some updates. Lets do photos first xo

I accidently hiked the incline with my fabulous polish friend Kenga!

THE PACKERS WON THE SUPER was a great day!

My favorite Indian Family came to visit us for two weeks...That is Hannah, one of their girls I nanny!

Some geese...

My Sister got engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My SuperHero Friend cutting some carrots, having a fancy pants dinner at a friends.

BriTa and SaRa, sara insisted we took this photo cause we were covered in so many colors this day.xx

Srabble competion between America ( Joey) and Kenya ( Beatrice) ...sad to said...Kenya conquered.

&&& my brother went to prom with a friendwho I used to babysit for when she was 6!

Alex's looking sharp for Prom.

That was a quick photo update of my year so far...and I also posted some of my music on youtube, for those of you who can't view them on facebook...hooray!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Perception can become your reality

That quote above, I have heard a few times lately. The way you perceive things, is mostly what will seem real to you. I must say that I am guilty of it, and very often it becomes reality. Though somethings in life are not as we perceive them. For example:
When I went to New Zealand, I would gaze at magazine covers, and gaze away. Not knowing who is on the cover, and since I don't know them, I don't really have a pull to buy it. Then again the women behind me, grabs a magazine and has her eyes glued to every page, as if that she knows that person very well. Perception. To her she can relate to it, cause she knows that face. I on the other hand, don't relate at all. So how can something seem important to one person, and unimportant to another. Perception.
To that lady with the magazine, she feels like that person is famous, and in her reality, she is important. It makes sense. to her.

Sometimes our eyes can show us something, and we take it as reality, though there may be two sides to the coin. Well actually most likely...there is. When that moment comes in life, when someone tells you what you perceive as real, isn't at all. First reaction: angry and wanting to prove my perception is true. (There are of course things in life, like Jesus that regardless of your perception, He is real). If that lady that was sucked into the magazine, were to turn to me, and say something like, " Isn't that shocking? Can you believe that she got a nose job?" I would kinda be like, " um... I guess, but I never saw her nose before, so I can't see much difference". I could see that lady being a bit fluster, that I interrupted her reality, with a little bit of mine.

I sometimes get lost in my own ideas, and imagine them to be real. Then today, I had a break through moment. Things look different from different views. How can you tell which one is correct? ( Of course using the answer key : Jesus and His Mighty True Word).

I sat on the couch as my mom chatted away on the phone, and I gazed out the window at a little bird. It was balancing on the top of a tree, on a tiny branch. My first thought, " How does that bird not fall over, how does he stay balanced"? Then I kept watching, hoping he would take off in flight, and I could see him do it...he didn't all. In my boredom I was staring at him, and closed one eye. Then I closed the other eye, and took turns looking at the bird, one eye at a time. It was as if the bird was moving from the left, to right. I close my right eye, and he moved left, I close my left eye, and he moved right.

That was it. Unless I look through both eyes, I would have a wrong picture of reality. I would think the bird is on the left, then the right. Though with both eyes open I can clearly see, he is in the middle. I also closed both my eyes for the fun of it, and had no idea where the bird went. ha.

Its important to keep your eyes open, both of them. To get a CLEAR view of the TRUTH. We sometimes close one eye, and think something is one way, when really it isn't. We must be willing to let go of our perception of reality, and lay hold of Gods. When we start to look through both eyes at God, He will show us what is real, and true.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

::::::Dream up Reality:::::

So my evening looked like this:
I traveled way down Powers, visited a total of 3 blockbusters, and ended my exploration with a drive thru frozen custard from Culvers. The flavor of the day was cookies and cream. One scoop did me good. I was on a movie hunt for The First Daughter. Its old school, but I was in the mood for a good old walk down memory lane.

I popped my movie in, got a blanket, and found a cozy spot on the couch. The next hour and a half, was spent with me, completely trapped into another hopeless romantic film. Now I don't know about you, but as for me, I walk out of a good movie, and still feel like I'm the main character, carrying out the rest of the movie in my normal life. It takes some time for it to finally wear off.

I wish I knew what part of me that does that, so I could turn on the " I'm just watching a movie, and it's not real life, so when it's over, you can return to your daily tasks". I have yet to find that button. It might be the actress in me, or just my wildly vivid imagination. My imagination tends to write stories all day long, as I talk with people, and just listen.

This is not to say I am a writer by any means. If the stories in my head were to be put into words on a page, it wouldn't seem as wonderful as it does to me hidden away. I once told my sister, "It is much better to imagine up someone, then encountering the real 'someone' ". We happened to agree on that point.

When I lived in Wellington, New Zealand, many times I would take myself on walks, to just think and watch people. At times I would spot a lovely looking fellow just passing by, going who knows where. Then for the next few moments I come up with a wonderful romantic love story to go along with him. Though I realize what I came come up with in my mind, could truly be more fantastic, then if he were to: stop, turn around, come back, and say " Well hello there...". I would then have to interrupt my imagination, and fix up a few of the details I thought were fitting. Example: He says " Well hello there..". So #1, in my imagination I pictured him saying, " I had to turn back around to see you once more...", and #2 he had bad breath. Then I now have to go back into my mind, and redo the gliches and apply reality to it. Never as fun as making up a whole story, that may just be a story.

Imagination is a complete gift from God. He wants us to use it in great ways. He wants us to see things that haven't ever been see, and imagine up things we can accomplish. I believe that part of us, is a BIG part of Him. Its a way of Him giving us a picture of impossible things, that are possible to happen with Him. Not just imaginations of stories of handsome men, or distance ships, but stories of hope and destiny.

I have pictures on the inside of me that I know God gave me, things He has planned out for me to do, & He can't wait to lead me into them. I need to begin to think on those things, and believe unlike my walking day dreams, that these stories I imagine of will soon become reality.

Never quit believing that the pictures God has given you are possiable of becoming REAL. With God NOTHING is impossiable. nothing.

P.S. I don't want to put a P.S. in, (but) I know if Paul ( the disciple in the bible) were writing, he would include:::::: Use wisdom, and discernment. Not every picture that we get in our hearts is from God. Just like a relationship, if you spend time with the person, you will know what they what was from them, and what wasn't from them. OR if they would say this, or say that. That is how you know if an idea is from God or not. When you are in relationship with Him, and listening to His voice, you will know if it lines up with His word, or just with yours.

Enjoy dreaming up reality!