Monday, January 16, 2012

The Gospels

I am currently reading through the gospel's as "they" call them ( Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). You could also say I'm reading the start of the New Testament, the second half of the bible. Each book is written by a different author, that is telling the same story, from a different angle. When reading it I can see each writers personality coming through their writing. Now of course, I know God says he inspired the words on each page of the bible, as we know the writers were listening to God as they wrote, though each writer is different, so it reads different. God may tell me that He loves me, my way of sharing it is writing a song. God may tell you He loves you, you shout it from the roof tops. The same message, told two different ways. That is how I see these stories in the gospel's. 


I believe each book was written by the name of the gospel. Though I am not 100% sure, currently I have  tab open researching it a bit more. Here is a website incase you want to read a bit about the authors of each book, and who they were written for, and what time, etc. 

One thing I do know about Matthew, is that he was a tax collector ( dead silence ..... ). 
I love that Jesus didn't go out and find the people, that people loved, to be his disciples. He chose to pick people with all different backgrounds and histories. One disciple he chose, ended up being the one who lied, and sent the Pharisees to take Jesus, and later have him crucified.  I mean...who does that?

When I read Matthew, it seems so well calculated and organized. That every story is well told, and no details are left unsaid. That there are no loose ends, and it's understandable. Then when I read John, it's my kind of writing. A little more descriptive and messy. The author is more poetic and emotional. The stories are told in a different way, or view. 

Each of the authors had a relationship with Jesus too, so as you read you get to know them more, and Jesus more. The thing that carries through is how faithful and real Jesus is. How he loves people, and how he handles situations. That is one thing that remains the same in each book, no matter the author. 

I am thoroughly enjoying taking some time and re reading these and hearing the voices within the stories, and learning more and more. 

It's so great... 

Monday, January 9, 2012

CupCake Time

Alex bought me the cutest apron and cookbook for christmas. I have already been using it with joy. Today I thought I would take clips of what I was doing and put it together for fun. A little taste of my everyday enjoyments. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Old E-Mails

When I was in India, I had to write once a month to the Director of 3rd year CBC Colorado, since I would be transferring there when I arrived back in the states. I came across the last email I sent him, and thought it would be a neat idea to start posting some neat emails I wrote, or received while I was over seas. So here is little sneak peak into what all happened in 3 months while I was in India. Hope you enjoy reading. P.S. Happy Happy New Year, So happy to be alive and healthy, and growing! 

Hi Barry!

Hope all is going well state side, welcome to November! 

Saturday marked my 3rd month anniversary being in India. I will be leaving the 17th of November and arriving into Colorado the morning of the 18th. David and Judith are preparing for my departure, and wondering how life, with two kids, without me, will look like. ha. Its been a grand adventure, I will be sure to never forget it. I really have grown to be like family with them, and really admire their lives and hearts for serving God. Since the last time I wrote you not much has changed, but I will do my best to update you. 

When I first thought to come to India, in my heart of hearts, I knew it was to help Judith and David however, whenever. 
So in return they could have more time where they wanted to. If that meant they needed more time at the school, I could watch the kids at home. If they needed someone to do praise and worship so they could stay home, then I would do that. and so on. I wanted to be an extra set of hands, so then their ministry could grow, flourish and become stronger, quicker. I realize all these people that are serving God, most of them have the resources, but they don't have all the time. I guess I wanted to give them the gift of time. 

-The first month I was here, because there was only Hannah, I would pop in and out of the school and home. I would do some computer work, and help out here and there. I filled in with the worship team, and tried to give them good materials to work off of. So I filled in the cracks, and got to know the students pretty well. 
-The second month, the baby was born, and Judith's mother arrived. So I actually had more time to help with more office work, and more worship too. I taught two classes, and got to go on a few adventures. I also took turns staying at home, and going out. 
-This month it has just been "us" again, so I got the chance to be at home more, and spend time with the kids, Judith and David. We had two CBC students here to visit from the Belfast school, and I went with them to a local church, and got to play a song, and it ended up being a wonderful time. I also got to sow into a couple here in India, that I met last year, that have really been in a tough situation, and are trusting God. Their story is so amazing. Also I stepped down from helping the worship team, so I could have more time to help Judith and David at home with their girls. It was perfectly timed I felt. I loved being apart of the team, but it wasn't why I came. I could tell my heart was set on helping Judith and David, and the schools worship team is going strong already. 
I just knew that the area Judith and David needed help in, wasn't worship but at home. I then went back to the whole reason I came here more then anything. To help them. So I decided I wanted to give my time in the right area, and its been awesome. A huge blessing for everyone. 

In this time I have been given such a clear picture of what hands on ministry looks like...full time. How it looks like to try to keep a school running, and how to love people while doing it. To be understanding and patient, to trust God, and to keeping moving forward. To never give up, and to always think positive. Believe what God has started, and keep God as the center of what is happening. The number one thing I will remember more then anything is... Let people help you. Be open and available for people to fill your needs, if they are open and wanting to. 
The Forgostons have a strong team running this school, and helping them, and its because they opened their door for it. God said it all along the body is made up of parts, and not just one. I see how much better something can work, when you let people help you. No one is perfect, but with God, it makes it work. 

It has been an incredible time serving the Forgostons, and being apart of the school here. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to be apart of this, and sharing in my stories. I am looking forward to coming back to Colorado, and learning so much more! 

Blessings Always,