Tuesday, July 26, 2011

( my friend and I, enjoying Colorado together)

Life is full of adventures, though sometimes you have to look for them.

For the past three year(ish), I have been having quite the adventure. I didn't sit down and think about how to make my life full of excitement, but instead I asked God what He had in mind, and it happened to be on the menu.
I have been jumping around, and doing all sorts of things here and there. Then I pop home, catch up with friends and family, then do it all over again.

( Joy, and I, the Forgoston's were visiting Colorado this summer)

This november will mark a WHOLE year that I have been in America...or really anywhere. The funny part is, it is slightly challenging to stay put. It is as if my body is use to doing something, and if it's not doing what it's use to, then it worries about if it's doing something wrong. I am learning it is not so much the location, but more what you are doing. It doesn't matter if I am across the ocean, or down the street... I just want it to be right where God wants me.

So really I'm learning how to make life an adventure no matter if I am here, or there. Right now in a way it is quite epic of me to stay here, and work a normal job, and make money, and use a budget. I'd say that is something most of my friends already know how to do, and I have yet to learn about many a things like that. When you are away from America, you have to learn different kinds of things like: how to use a map, bobble your head, and figure out different kinds of food brands you've never heard of. So I did learn lots of things, just not lots of things that people know. Does that make sense?

( Hannah, and I this summer )

Without further a do, here is my next escapade.

My sister and her OH SO wonderful Mr. Bean, have decided to make their relationship level increase. Increase to the level of matrimony! That will be occurring early next year, and they happen to live at the bottom of the world, in the most beautiful place, that takes 16 hours on a plane, two car rides, one boat trip, and a partridge in a pear tree. I couldn't be more excited, but that means I need to get on my game, and start my saving, and planning of a wonderful day.

There were a few "offers" on the table for me to do things over seas, but I really didn't feel lead to go anywhere. Then I thought a bit about moving to another state, and doing some bible studies, or just seeing what happens when I get there. Then one night I asked God that if he didn't want me to go to another state, that he would show me where to go. That night, I had an AWESOME dream about being somewhere in Asia, still listening, and praying about it. I have a couple ideas in my head, but waiting and using wisdom. I really believe God was showing me things that will happen sometime soon, maybe next year after Jess and Mr. Beans BIG DAY!

So. In the mean time, while I am preparing for anything. I was asked to be ( drum roll please...) a..... NANNY! I am going to be a pro nanny, or I guess I could say I am now, but I don't actually know how I get qualified as a pro nanny.

( this is the little guy I'll be watching this year!)

There is a family here in Colorado, that I lived with in India, they came over at the same time to help the Forgostons. They are also great friends of mine, and I consider them to be my family. They will be busy this year in the morning's leading a new bible college course, and asked if I could watch their little guy in the mornings. At first I told them I couldn't, because I was planning on moving again, and didn't think I'd be staying in Colorado. Then I took a trip to visit my sweet friend Abbie in Oklahoma, and one night her mom sat down with me, and we had a little chat. In someway God really used her to encourage me to stay in Colorado, and nanny. She just said it in such a way, it is as if my heart finally realized... "yes, It's the right thing to do...".

As of this coming August, I will be starting to nanny for them, and doing a little catering on the side still. Hoping to do a girls bible study, for my mom's friends daughters. That is one thing I don't want to stop doing while I am in Colorado, is serving. I want to look at Colorado as my next destination, not as "home". I don't want to get all cozy and forget God has stuff to do through me here.

I guess that is my little update for the year. Until December, I'll be doing that, and then heading to New Zealand for Jessica's wedding! Life is full of so much happiness and adventure, you just have to choose to look at it, and soak it up.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Missing God.

In life there are so many things we truly do not understand until we experience them.

There is a story I read the other day in the bible about this man who was told by God to go into a wilderness. Once he was in the wilderness, God said he would find a well for water, and that birds would bring him meat during the day. So he followed God's idea, and there was the well, and the meat. Then the well dried up...So then God told him to go and find a lady in a town, and ask her to make him some bread. The tricky part was that lady happen to not have any money, and was going to buy enough oil to make her last meal for her son, and then...die. Tragic...but real. So he finds this lady, asks her to make him bread with her last bit of oil...and that he promised God would provided. So she does. shockingly. Then BAM she supernaturally has abundant supply of food! Hooray. Now don't get to excited... The lady's son then all of a sudden..dies! Then the lady tells this fellow that asked her to make him bread, that he put a curse on them. The man took her son, and prayed over him, and laid...over him 3 times, and then. He rose from the died. The final words of the woman are something like, " you truly are a man of God." End of story.

Now that is for sure not the King James version. but but but. It is how I see it going down. After I read that story, I had this passing thought, If I was that guy, I would have for sure thought "I missed God... the lady's kid justdied...??!" The amazing bit is that he really was hearing from God, and doing what God had in mind, but the world still has a part to play inside of God's plan...so sometimes things get a bit messy, but it doesn't mean that God isn't working it all out. You just have to trust that you TRULY heard him clearly, and you know your doing the right thing.

It then reminded me of Belfast. When I went to Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was a good year...but a very very challenging year. I ran into quite a few difficult situations and circumstances, that were out of my control. When I came home, I thought about the amazing people I met, and great things that God did there. Though a small part of me was wondering if I really did hear from God, or if I missed it. Since it was hard, I sorta had the passing thought, that I messed up somehow. Then when I read that story in the bible, I understood.

Even though that guy went to that well, and then it dried up...It didn't mean he heard wrong, it just ment...the well dried up...next.

you know. I am realizing that I was suppose to be in Belfast, but I was expecting perfection because I was in the will of God. Being in the will of God doesn't not mean you live in perfection, and everything goes right. It is that in the mist of living out his will, you have peace, regardless of the outcomes. You trust God is showing you what to do, and He is working out all the kinks.

" In this world you will have trouble, BUT be of GOOD cheer... I HAVE OVERCOME the world." When the world tries to tell you that you're overcome, you remind them, that God already has overcome, and nothing can beat you out!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I am currently sitting in my second favorite place in the world.
Surprising...yes. but but but.
My dearest, sweetest friend Abbie lives here.
I get to see her face, at least once a year... if that. When I do, we have the most fun possible.
She is that kinda friend, you only find ONCE IN A LIFETIME. and I found her.

Its a big deal.
She has red hair. and I have brown.
That's the cool part.

I love the way we don't have to do anything, and seem to still love doing it.
She brings out a piece of me, that only she can. There is a quote I found that is perfectly put.

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." - Anais Nin

That is how we are.

On a smaller note. I have discovered a new world... I don't know how to better say it. A world that has a bit of boy in it.
The other week, I was officially asked out to dinner, and I found myself saying yes. Then I happened to find myself in the delightful presence of a handsome lad, and agreeing to " be together".

So I'd say abbie ( abs, as I call her) have a lot of chat about. Or a "new" topic. It's fun how God can make life surprising, right in the middle of what seemed to be quite normal.

So that is a quick update! Hooray for new adventures!