I am currently reading through the gospel's as "they" call them ( Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). You could also say I'm reading the start of the New Testament, the second half of the bible. Each book is written by a different author, that is telling the same story, from a different angle. When reading it I can see each writers personality coming through their writing. Now of course, I know God says he inspired the words on each page of the bible, as we know the writers were listening to God as they wrote, though each writer is different, so it reads different. God may tell me that He loves me, my way of sharing it is writing a song. God may tell you He loves you, you shout it from the roof tops. The same message, told two different ways. That is how I see these stories in the gospel's.
I believe each book was written by the name of the gospel. Though I am not 100% sure, currently I have tab open researching it a bit more. Here is a website incase you want to read a bit about the authors of each book, and who they were written for, and what time, etc.
One thing I do know about Matthew, is that he was a tax collector ( dead silence ..... ).
I love that Jesus didn't go out and find the people, that people loved, to be his disciples. He chose to pick people with all different backgrounds and histories. One disciple he chose, ended up being the one who lied, and sent the Pharisees to take Jesus, and later have him crucified. I mean...who does that?
When I read Matthew, it seems so well calculated and organized. That every story is well told, and no details are left unsaid. That there are no loose ends, and it's understandable. Then when I read John, it's my kind of writing. A little more descriptive and messy. The author is more poetic and emotional. The stories are told in a different way, or view.
Each of the authors had a relationship with Jesus too, so as you read you get to know them more, and Jesus more. The thing that carries through is how faithful and real Jesus is. How he loves people, and how he handles situations. That is one thing that remains the same in each book, no matter the author.
I am thoroughly enjoying taking some time and re reading these and hearing the voices within the stories, and learning more and more.
It's so great...