I have just started doing a little bit of a study in the book of Romans.
I am reading a book, then going and reading Romans, to see if what the writer is saying is lining up to what the bible says.
As I was reading I was loving how Paul ( who wrote the book of Romans) was saying that God sees everyone, Jews and unbelievers all the same. In Chapter 2, it was describing how religious people have been mis-judging people and thinking of themselves higher then the average Joe. Paul begins to explain how the law in the old testament didn't come so we could judge ourselves against other people, it was for us to notice how none of us could meet the mark. That we needed a Savior. If we were to judge ourselves against the law, we couldn't match up.
The thing I find so interesting, is that I know that. Though I seem to find myself not up to par. That I am missing it, and that sometimes I am harder on myself...when God isn't concerned in the least. I think "oh I haven't done this right, or i forgot to do that". When God is still up there loving me. not because of ANYTHING I can do, but because of EVERYTHING He has already done for me.
Sometimes maybe we all like to feel like we have to check boxes off our list, and slowly climb the success latter. So we choose for ourselves to try to met the mark, and we do good for a while, then just like average, we make a mistake. Then we are hard on ourselves, thinking God is disappointed with us. its ridiculous! ha
I love these verses in Chapter 3. " Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin." -Romans 3: 20
so I read that and realized... So instead of it saying " for the law is the knowledge of sin." it could say " for the grace of God is the knowledge of justification." Justification means: just as if you had NEVER sinned.
Q;so how are we justified you ask????
" Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." -Romans 3:24
A:by Jesus. thank goodness
"Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law."
After I read these, i had a light bulb go off. Its like you can hear something over and over, and never really understand it, tell you learn it for yourself. I can not be justified by myself, the only way I can is by believing on Jesus.
Jesus came took everything on himself, and left nothing but perfect salvation for us!
So a bit of a more serious blog...but I just was so excited about how easy it is to believe God, and what He did...and BAM your in the justification club! HOORAY
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