Prahbu asked me
where all my money is? haha. I told him when I first arrived in India, that God provided for me to come, and my church and other people have sown into me being here too. Though that happened, the Forgostons are having me stay with them for free, and I don't have to spend much of my own money, unless for some reason I want to buy a pair of cute new shoes

( which I recently did). I think Prahbu was confused because I told him that I was given money, and he hasn't seen me spend any yet.
After he said that to me, I sat in the car, and began to wonder if that was a negative thing. I started thinking I should be giving more of my money to people, or sowing.I thought, maybe I am keeping myself from receiving from God, because I'm not sowing money anywhere. I don't believe God keeps back from providing for me, just because I don't put my money in someone else's hand. I just believe the word, that if you sow you will reap. I want to keep my door wide open to reap BIG harvests. I don't want to keep myself from what God wants to give me.
I stopped on that thought, and forgot all about it, and continued with my day...
About a few weeks ago:
We borrowed a students car, because ours was getting fixed. During that time I got a package in the mail, and left it in the students car. I had already opened it, but left just the package itself behind. When he saw it, he thought it was left there for a reason, so he thought about it, and believe God wanted him to give me money.
This morning I came into school, and he called me over, and said he had something for me. He handed me the old packaging, then said, that he put something in there. I looked inside, and found 2,500 rupees, about 50 dollars! Also a ticket to a christian concert this sunday night!
I was shocked, and just said thanks and walked back to put it away. In that moment I realized God heard me thinking yesterday about giving. As I looked at the money, I felt God saying, you are giving your time here in India, and that is just the same as money. Giving is not just in one form, it comes many different ways. God wanted to show me I don't have to try to do the right things to receive from Him, I already am, and I just have to trust Him. It meant so much, that in just a day God came and showed me how much my time costs. I am giving something you can't count, but you can see.