Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time is Money. Money is Time

I think I forget that God hears my thoughts.

Prahbu asked me
where all my money is? haha. I told him when I first arrived in India, that God provided for me to come, and my church and other people have sown into me being here too. Though that happened, the Forgostons are having me stay with them for free, and I don't have to spend much of my own money, unless for some reason I want to buy a pair of cute new shoes
( which I recently did). I think Prahbu was confused because I told him that I was given money, and he hasn't seen me spend any yet.

After he said that to me, I sat in the car, and began to wonder if that was a negative thing. I started thinking I should be giving more of my money to people, or sowing.I thought, maybe I am keeping myself from receiving from God, because I'm not sowing money anywhere. I don't believe God keeps back from providing for me, just because I don't put my money in someone else's hand. I just believe the word, that if you sow you will reap. I want to keep my door wide open to reap BIG harvests. I don't want to keep myself from what God wants to give me.

I stopped on that thought, and forgot all about it, and continued with my day...

About a few weeks ago:
We borrowed a students car, because ours was getting fixed. During that time I got a package in the mail, and left it in the students car. I had already opened it, but left just the package itself behind. When he saw it, he thought it was left there for a reason, so he thought about it, and believe God wanted him to give me money.

This morning I came into school, and he called me over, and said he had something for me. He handed me the old packaging, then said, that he put something in there. I looked inside, and found 2,500 rupees, about 50 dollars! Also a ticket to a christian concert this sunday night!

I was shocked, and just said thanks and walked back to put it away. In that moment I realized God heard me thinking yesterday about giving. As I looked at the money, I felt God saying, you are giving your time here in India, and that is just the same as money. Giving is not just in one form, it comes many different ways. God wanted to show me I don't have to try to do the right things to receive from Him, I already am, and I just have to trust Him. It meant so much, that in just a day God came and showed me how much my time costs. I am giving something you can't count, but you can see.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

" It Sparkles Your Name..."

I just had this song pop in my head, and I think God wanted to remind me of how much He is captivated by me. Sometimes we spend a lot of time telling Him how we feel about Him, but in the end He always wins with His love. At the end of the song here it says " I thank you my God for letting me, for letting me know...I AM captivated by you...". God really love us.

Here is the link to "Captivated" by Shawn McDonald.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Last Supper

The Last Supper. That is what I will name this evening. Tomorrow morning Judith's mom leaves to go back to Switzerland. I one, don't want her to go, and two, can't believe its already been a month. She has been such a blessing, you can learn so much from someone you hardly know. She left a little impact in my heart and life. As she was here, she so naturally helped and served Judith and David. Along with that she had such patient with Hannah, and was able to love her in the moments when I found it challenging. She was so consist and made doing the right things easy to do. She once told me while she was here, after I mentioned how I wanted to be a servant like she was, that, "Its more natural for a grandmother to serve her daughter and grandchildren. I want to do it all the time, because they are family. Though you, being out of the family, still do it. Therefore, sometimes you may find it challenging, or a little less natural, but its still a help to them." When she said that it put a smile on my face, that I will remember.

She has a way up gliding along in the house, and doing multiple task all at once, while keeping a cheerful countenance. She begins the mornings with Hannah, and plays with her, or takes her on a walk. Then somehow find time to pull together a meal for lunch, and we work together to get the dishes finished. While Hannah is napping, she will make a loaf of bread, then sit and read while the dough rises. Does that not sound like a movie scene? A swiss grandmother making bread, and reading a novel in the sunshine.

She created a way of life in our little Indian home here. She made doing dishes a really easy thing to get done, and quickly. I will now try to carry on her impact after she leaves. I want to be a good servant, and leave a great impact. Little things really do count.

So tonight, as I have been talking about, she cooked dinner. Our last dinner ( supper ) with her. She made lasagna , and I would have eaten the whole thing if there wasn't 4 other people eating too. I soaked up every bite, or at least tried to remember every bite, seeing as I don't know the next time I will get the opportunity to enjoy one of her amazing meals again. What a great month this has been...

Tomorrow I will move upstairs and Hannah and I become roommates for a couple weeks. We have company coming from Belfast to visit and help out. So they can have the room here, and I gain a roomie. I'm looking forward to a new way of life for a couple weeks. Its sorta in a way, like moving around stuff in your room, to make it seem a bit "new". I'll keep you informed on any Hannah moments, since I'll be hanging with her a bit more.

other then that, I've only got 4 weeks here in India left... where did october go? I mean seriously is tomorrow really the 19th...yeah? crazy.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Genuine Honesty.

I believe that God has a basket full of ideas, and knows just how they will work together, to create an amazing outcome.

I wonder sometimes why I go where I go, and if there is some deeper insight about me being there then I know.

If maybe its more then just going to help. Maybe its God reveling something about His plan to me. a little piece.

Today marks the first official day I was home sick. I stood in the kitchen washing the dishes and staring out the window, thinking of home.

Today also marks the day of me officially "feeling" like I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.

Funny how both of those happen on the same day. I would say that was a God timing sort of occurrence. I came here not with a "feeling" that I'm going to do the right thing at the right time, I just went to be helpful and steady with keeping my word. I never had the "feeling" like I did last year, every day, of being in the right place.

Last year when I came to India, I left wanting to return back. I spent most of last year, and this year thinking about India, and how wonderful it was. It was as if I left a question in my mind, if I was suppose to stay there, and made a mistake in leaving somehow.

I knew I wasn't suppose to stay there, but a big part of me knew I would return. When the opportunity came again from the Forgostons I almost didn't take them up on their offer. I hesitated. Though what I have learned about myself, is that the best things that have happened to me, I almost opted out of. When I stuck with it, it turned out to be just the right thing to do, for one reason or another.

So I chose to come here for a few different reasons, but today I think it became even more clean to me as I glanced out the window thinking of home. In those moments, I realized I was ready to be in Colorado,& that I no longer wondered if I am to be in India full time. When I had that thought, I then noticed it took me coming back to India again, to get that "thought" out of my mind.

My heart will be ready to be where God wants me to be next now. If I said
" no" to coming back here, I don't know if I would always have felt like I should have gone, and stayed in India for the rest of my life. I think I can add a reason onto my list of why God sent me here.
>India has been wonderful but its not where God wants me to be for the rest of my life.

Right after I had these thoughts, I went to carry around Joy, the baby, and was so full of Joy. ha. I don't actually mean to say that ask a joke, but as I held her I realized I was doing the right thing at the right time. It made me want to do my best. I should always be willing to do my best, but in this minute it became much more real to me. I have to finish what I started here, to my best ability. I just felt very content right where I am.

I guess when you get an idea of why God sent you somewhere, thats when you get that " feeling" that you wish you had the whole time. Thats why I am soooooooo glad I never let me feelings guide me, because I see now, there is a little problem in the delay. Sometimes I feelings figure themselves out, after a while of doing the right thing.

what an adventure.

Monday, October 4, 2010

a cup-a-coffee & a little music.

Last year when I came to India, I wrote a song called " come and meet my God ", and today I recorded India! How great is that?

It was quite the experience. The guy who recorded was named Tony. His brother Aubrey is a CBC 2nd year student, and our worship leader. So that is how I heard about him, and also got to know him better, from the the wedding worship band I was in for a short while.

So once I had got a look at his in home studio, and got to talk with him a bit, I really was looking forward to recording. I always find that very important. Knowing if the person recording for you, is really genuine and caring. That way you know they will be like that even when they record with you. I could tell Tony was a really sweet guy, and that he was real calm. I thought," This could work out really well cause I get a bit nervous when I go to record."

I called him yesterday, and then went in this morning at 9:30am. We sat down, and I was first handed a mug of coffee. So delicious. I haven't had a coffee in a while, but it was so the right timing. I wasn't excepting a coffee, and I was pretty tired this morning. He handed me it, and I took a sip, thinking it was Indian tea. Then the smell and taste made me instantly happy. ha.

Its amazing what a little cup of coffee can do for a morning. It gives it that comfty, " good morning world", feeling. Then also I was in this little studio, with dimmed lights, mics set up, and the guitar out and tuned. It was like starting a fresh day, perfectly.

Tony recorded my song bit by bit. Each time I record it is done a little differently, and I think its good for me to learn. He only made me use the metronome for a few counts, and then let me play away. I thought that was a perfect idea, cause metronomes are sorta like putting my music in a little box, cause I don't have much musical knowledge. So I write my songs without a real tempo, or notes. I actually haven't a clue what "real" chords I'm playing.ha which that means I can give some credit to God. : ) So when the metronome comes on I have to figure out what my song sounds like when its actually being played on the right counts.

I think its a great challenge, and I enjoy learning how to use metronomes, but this morning, it was great to just be a bit more laid back. It took quite and while, and a couple restroom breaks to get it all finished. I was headed home by 2pm, and tired tired tired. Its funny how you can do something you love, and is pretty laid back, but it takes a lot of energy out of you. I came home and just wanted to take a long nap.

So it was a pretty eventful and fun day. One that goes in the books to remember forever.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


that is the total number of Mosquito bites I got today.

As I mentioned early, we had a school gathering today. I was really excited to go, and got a good nights sleep the night before. Right as we were leaving it started pouring rain outside. We all pilled into the car, and headed to the gathering anyways. By the time we arrived the rain had stopped. You would think that is a GREAT thing. It is, except for a few million little ( actually HUGE) things that come to visit right after. mosquitos.

The gathering was at a prayer garden, which is full of trees, and mud, and a cozy place for Mozzies to come and hangout, and suck blood. ha At first I had my " in faith " moment, I was thinking, I am believing that I won't get bit! Once I saw them flying about, I started dancing all over the place. Literally, in front of these people. I kept explaining that there were too many mozzies around.

Unless I stood in direct sunlight, they would attack. The moment I went into the shade, I would get bitten. My ankles were already getting a few bites, and I didn't want anymore. So I stood in the sun, and sweated for 20 minutes. It was pretty great. except but not really. I started getting sad inside, cause I wanted to hangout with the students, and sing worship, but that meant I had to stand in the shade. I finally went into the shade and sat down, and David came over, and I already had about 10 bites, and he looked at me to see what was wrong, and I almost cried.
I wanted to get in the car and drive home. I hate it. I had to right then go up and do worship, so I did, and right before I started playing a strange bug must had bit my hand cause it started tingling. In that moment, I was like " whatever I am going to just play, and forget it."

After I was done, I got some more bites, and then Prahbu showed up with Bug repellent. I was spraying it, and smiling so big. The students thought it was pretty funny, but I was praising God. I didn't get another bit! Also I should note that I was referring to them as large birds. They were huge!! Once we got home, and I saw some mosquitos in our house, they looked tiny. So that is a bonus, now I don't care about the ones here.ha

I am speechless after today and the activities that occurred. I took loads of videos, and took tons o photos. Thinking I will upload some this week at school, so then it goes a bit faster : ) I am laughing to myself as I right this. Indian outings are always a good laugh. Its just like a full day of non stop events, and songs, and dances, and speeches...etc. You actually never know when you will be going home. I love it.

This is a quick run down of events:
1. prayer and worship in English
2. worship in different languages
3. students individual songs and dances
4 . a game, where the students pass the parcel, and whoever has it in their hands when the music stops, has to perform on the spot in front of everyone. hahahaha. SO FUNNY.
5. BRYANNI- thats right folks any christian event you go to is followed by byanni, and its so good. My hand got pretty clammy. Whenever I use my hands to eat, they get really moist, like if I were to have gone for a swim.
6. A students birthday was today also, so we all sang and ate cake. YUM!
7.More performances, dances, and skits, that included a puppet show. ha

So I will in detail, with photos explain what performances happened. I mean, it was amazing. They are fearless.

It was a really good day. After the bug spray...ha

Friday, October 1, 2010

This is my 100th Post!

If you've been reading my blogs since I started. I want to thank you. ha.

secondly I had a small thought I wanted to post.

Tonight, prahbu was outside playing with hannah, so I decided to join in. Normally at night we aren't outside with Hannah, but it wasn't that hot, and it was just one of the random evenings.
So I ran out and surprised Hannah, and we all walked around, and played some ball. I came inside with two mosquito bites. When I realized I got them from being outside, I thought, " I knew it, the mozzies are out after sunset...". Then again I had such a fun time, and it felt like I was doing the right thing. Just being outside, and being happy, and playing. Its good to do that.

I just think sometimes I stop myself from doing some stuff while I'm here in India, because I know what will happen. Example: If I ride on the bike to school, I will smell like exhaust & rotten banana's, and my hair will be all tangled. Its just how it is. So in this case, I don't ride on a bike, if I have a car option. Then again riding the bike is way more fun, and you remember it. I love how happy I am on the back of a bike, I feel like I'm "safely" apart of India for a little while.

When it comes to outside time, I love it, and I am happy playing with Hannah and just being in the sun shine, and even the night sky. Then I think in my head, I'll get mosquito bites after sunset. So I just don't go out. What is the saying, the better of the lesser evil???? I'm choosing my secondary happy spot, so then later I don't have mosquito bites. Though in the end I would have had a great time outside.

all that to say. I need to be a bit more brave, and trusting. God wants me to have a wonderful time, and also have no mosquito bites. thanks God.