Monday, October 4, 2010

a cup-a-coffee & a little music.

Last year when I came to India, I wrote a song called " come and meet my God ", and today I recorded India! How great is that?

It was quite the experience. The guy who recorded was named Tony. His brother Aubrey is a CBC 2nd year student, and our worship leader. So that is how I heard about him, and also got to know him better, from the the wedding worship band I was in for a short while.

So once I had got a look at his in home studio, and got to talk with him a bit, I really was looking forward to recording. I always find that very important. Knowing if the person recording for you, is really genuine and caring. That way you know they will be like that even when they record with you. I could tell Tony was a really sweet guy, and that he was real calm. I thought," This could work out really well cause I get a bit nervous when I go to record."

I called him yesterday, and then went in this morning at 9:30am. We sat down, and I was first handed a mug of coffee. So delicious. I haven't had a coffee in a while, but it was so the right timing. I wasn't excepting a coffee, and I was pretty tired this morning. He handed me it, and I took a sip, thinking it was Indian tea. Then the smell and taste made me instantly happy. ha.

Its amazing what a little cup of coffee can do for a morning. It gives it that comfty, " good morning world", feeling. Then also I was in this little studio, with dimmed lights, mics set up, and the guitar out and tuned. It was like starting a fresh day, perfectly.

Tony recorded my song bit by bit. Each time I record it is done a little differently, and I think its good for me to learn. He only made me use the metronome for a few counts, and then let me play away. I thought that was a perfect idea, cause metronomes are sorta like putting my music in a little box, cause I don't have much musical knowledge. So I write my songs without a real tempo, or notes. I actually haven't a clue what "real" chords I'm playing.ha which that means I can give some credit to God. : ) So when the metronome comes on I have to figure out what my song sounds like when its actually being played on the right counts.

I think its a great challenge, and I enjoy learning how to use metronomes, but this morning, it was great to just be a bit more laid back. It took quite and while, and a couple restroom breaks to get it all finished. I was headed home by 2pm, and tired tired tired. Its funny how you can do something you love, and is pretty laid back, but it takes a lot of energy out of you. I came home and just wanted to take a long nap.

So it was a pretty eventful and fun day. One that goes in the books to remember forever.

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