I had some time today to read a little... and I came across this verse in Jeremiah, and I kept reading it over. It is a powerful and true thing to say, and that is why I loved it.
" I placed the sand for the boundary of the sea, a perpetual barrier beyond which it cannot pass and by an everlasting ordinance beyond which it cannot go? And though the waves of the sea toss and shake themselves, yet they cannot prevail [ against the feeble grains of sand which God has ordained by nature to be sufficient for His purpose]; through [ the billows] roar, yet they cannot pass over that [barrier]. [ Is not such a God to be reverently feared and worshiped?]
-Jeremiah 5:22
Even though sand is so small by itself, when it is place together it has power. It has the ability to hold the sea. If I were to take a walk along the beach, I could easily bend down and scoop up some sand into my hand. It doesn't have much strength against me picking it up. Though the ocean could sweep me away in an instant, and I had to learn to swim with it, to not be carried away.
The sand overtakes the ocean, and the ocean over takes me. I can't overtake the ocean, but I can overtake the sand. So you would think because I could overtake the sand, that I would be able to over take the ocean... strange how God made the world. Beautiful as all get out, though very complex and simple at the same time.
It took the supernatural power of God to split the ocean in half, so moses could take the people through. Sand doesn't need God's supernatural power, God made sand's job to hold the ocean back. It is truly astounding to me.
This is a Laura thought but:
God didn't want to have a relationship with sand, or the ocean... He wanted to have a relationship with us. There are many things that we have to believe God for, and ask Him about. Moses had to take the rod, and place it in the ocean... he needed God. We were made to need God, He made us that way. " Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path." God wants us to believe in Him, and watch Him work in our lives. He loves us.
So even though the sand has so much power over the ocean, we have power over the sand. God made life to have Him be apart of it. In our world. if the sand had power of the ocean, we wouldn't be able to have power over the sand. I love that God makes impossible things happen.
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