Saturday, February 12, 2011


January 25th, my car straight out died on me. I barely got it back to my house, my dad has to follow me home from blockbuster. It was sluggish, and the check engine light was on. Maybe a few days before that, I had went to get my car checked, cause it was acting weird for a while. I know my car ( cam cam ) pretty well, and I could tell she wasn't being herself. The people at auto zone said I just have a a little problem, and it can be fixed easy. So Eric ( my super step dad) fixed her up.

Though she was fixed, there was more problems, that we couldn't "see". Then on that Tuesday night, my car wouldn't work anymore. It could barely run, and sometimes wouldn't start. So the next day I took it to a car place to have them see if they could figure out what was happening. The guy said it would cost a lot of money, and take a lot of time. He would have to take all these parts out to find the "root" of what was happening. He couldn't figure it out.

Instead of paying him, I took my cam cam home, again...and asked Eric to take a look at it whenever he could. So since then it sat for a long time, and Eric would look at it, and drive it from time to time. Finally he got a few different parts, and started to try replacing different things. Its like working with something you have no idea what may be causing the problems.

Its been about 20 days, almost a month, that I have been away from my car...Its funny how I miss it, though I have still been provided with rides every time I need it. Though its just not the same.

Tonight Eric tried putting another part in, and the check engine light went away and he said it was running. So I asked if I could just go drive it. "They are still some things not working", he said. As I walked to the car, I was almost a little sad, just feeling like I hadn't driven her in so long. I got in, I move my seat forward to where I could reach the peddels, and then saw the E-brake was on. I couldn't remember where the release was...funny how only after 20 days, I had already forgot where it was. I turned the light on, and found it.

It was hard to start, and didn't drive the same. Its like its moving quite slow, and it won't go as fast. I felt like I almost wanted to just get a new car, its been almost a month, and none of us can figure out what is happening with it. Not only have I got discouraged, but so has Eric. Even though the check engine light had turned off, as I drove came back on.

I want to give up some days, and just go get another car. That would be easy, cost a lot, but it was be "easy". I wouldn't have to spend some much time and effort. Though as I drove I just started to realize, I have a good good car, its been wonderful, and yeah it has some problems, that I can't figure out on my own, but what it requires time. Time, and belief that it will get figured out.

The thing is, there are a few little problems that popped up that got my attention, but those all came from a "root" problem. So I believe we are going to find it soon, and then my car will be back in working order.

With all that car talk, here is what God has showed me.

People are like cars. You know them well, and maybe even for a short while. Though, if they are having a hard time, or seem to be a bit off, you ( most of the time) can notice. Though there are times that you don't have a clue, and they just have a break down.

You tried to fix what has happened, or ask other peoples advice. Everyone seems to have different ideas of what what have caused the break down, though no one really knows.

You try to figure out what it may be, by asking people, or asking the person, or checking the owners manuel. Though no matter how much investational work you do, you realize it is just going to take time and belief to see the root problem get fixed.

Of course just like my car, there are times you want to just go and get another car. Or in the people department, another person. You think, I can't figure this out, or figure out how to help you, so I'm going to just step away. Its not a bad thing, its more of what you believe for. If you are believing that you have a good car, that works great, but is just going to need some fixes. Or you think its old, and obvisiously not working, why spend so much time with this, and instead go get one you know is working fine.

With people: you think its been frusterating, or hard to figure out how to fix whats going on. You at times wonder if its worth your time and effort, if its actually making a difference. Then thats when you deciede if you believe that this person truly will recover, or you think you might as well cash your chips in, cause its "easier".

I don't say these words to condem myself, or make me feel like I can to keep my car, or keep my friends. I say it cause God even though we weren't running right, and things were going wrong...Gave us brand new life. He didn't give up, and never goes. No matter how long, or how broken down we may be. He sees that the "root" problem is that we need Him to make us BRAND NEW. Once that happens, the car ( and us) can begin to start running again. God never cashes in for a new car, or a new child, He sees us as up and running. He believes in us...

thank you God.

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