Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Sound of Reality

 holding.jpg holding hands image by elisegastauer 

How can you see, if its really to be

Or if its your mind telling you to get up to speed,

Wedding bells, dresses, smiles and rings,

Girls telling stories of men on one knee,

It sounds so romantic and perfect at that,

I can almost picture me someday in fact.

But I don’t want to rush, when I have so much time,

To think of others and what I’d have to leave behind,

Its not just the tuxes, flowers and songs,

It’s a lifetime with someone, I better not get it wrong,

And what if I do confuse the truth,

With someone who’s lying and I never knew.

Or what if I think oh "Of course hes for me",

I get butterflies, gifts, and feelings far deep.

He loves the good Lord,  and reads His big book,

We both have a vision, and he gives me the “look”

And of course hes nice and good to his mom,

Doesn’t complain and is ok being wrong,

But he has a few things that make me worry,

like he hates being late, or even in a hurry.

He keeps his stuff neat, titty and clean,

And I leave a mess just trying to breathe.

and what if hes lazy or just doesn’t care,

and I marry him thinking hes sure a dear!

He’ll help me clean, and fold all the clothes,

And then the day comes when im doing all the loads.

So I better be careful and listen so close,

To the word of the Lord, and make the most

Of every moment and every day,

Cause who knows where I will be come May

-written by Laura Moorhead

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