Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Find the Truth

GPOBuddies2.jpg Griffith Park Buddies pt. 2 image by brendonschulze

How do you know?

What you know

What you think,

What should be

What could you change?

To know the truth

The lies you’ve heard through mouths of youth

of pastors, teachers, mothers, and friends,

Thought they were helping,

not knowing their words were on thin threads,

Not holding truth,

but close enough to see

That freedom was left,

without company,

Cause you thought all you’ve heard,

Was all true and fact,

Cause how could they be wrong or lie behind your back,

But they didn’t know just like you,

And passed on a story they thought was true,

And you hold it now, and you have to choose,

Just cause they told you is it really the truth?

So open and look, learn for yourself,

Cause if those you are listening to,

And those who are “taught”

Are teaching you wrong…how can you tell whether or not?

So many things that you see are marked wrong,

And thinking back now you have been so miss taught

Renewing your mind to the truth of YOU

Is harder to do knowing I’m leaving the “truth”

And the friends that taught me, what I thought was it all,

I could quote pastors and sermons, all that I saw

I thought I could pray like the best man at church,

Saying dear lord, and help us on the search,,

For the healing, the money, and need and the want,

And now I can see you left us with all of that…

Even the book

-written by Laura Moorhead

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