Yesterday evening was my first what I will call it " Slum dog Millionaire experience".
Spent the day with a couple ladies having my first mall shopping adventure. Shopped like mad, and bought this for dirt cheap. Felt pleased with my purchases, and was looking forward for out next stop FABINDIA! A shop here in India, it reminds me of pottery barn/urban outfitters.
We waited outside the mall for our driver to come and fetch us. I waited patiently watching India live, and not from a car window. Spotted my first midget Indian, and a guy was peddling a bike with his hands with a big carrier on the back. Young boys were throwing long pieces of wood, more like aspen tree trunks into a big truck. I am still so surpised by peoples strength at such young and old ages. It is shocking. Our driver arrived and I got into the car, and grabbed my bag, and took out my first pair of India shoes. They look glam, white and silver, covered in little gems and beads. I put them on my feet right away, feeling as if I immediately fit into India.
Our driver took us on the way to Fabindia, but the second largest beach in the world! It looked like every other beach I have seen except it was packed full...with fully dressed women and men. Just on the outskirts of the beach their are women lined up along the road with little tables covered in fresh fish. Some of the women are cleaning the fish, others are staring off as if they are dreaming of a place far away. Our driver drove slow, so i could capture the moment.He then dropped us off at Fabindia. It was full of fabrics and all sorts of very nice things. I couldn't quite find what i was looking for, an Indian top. There was a sweet women there who asked if i wanted help, and was shopping there herself. She asked me where I was from in all. Wish i had asked her name. I took some photos of fabindia and the women folding the fabrics. It was full of colors wall to wall.
Once we finished our shopping it was dark and our driver was on his way to get us. All of us girls went to wait outside on the street. I noticed a little girl being pushed around by a young couple. I was wondering if it was really their daughter so i stared to watch. Soon she had be push out of their way right in front of me. She in Tamil ( the Chennai langauge) started begging. She stepped down and kissed her hands, and touched my feet. She stood and begging touching my arm over and over and asking for money. She was about 9 years old. I looked at one of my friends who has lived in India in a while, and asked " What am I suppose to do?", she replied " You have to ignore them, they are hired by someone to get money, if you give it to them, they give it to that person...and it continues that person in useing young children to gain money." At the time I was standing feeling this little girl as close as could be staring at me...trained to beg. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. It wasn't like the girl was being was me having tons of thoughts at once. 1. is this girl really sad 2. is she hungry 3. where are her parents. 4. does she want the money for food 5. is she pretending 6. should I help her 7. if I help if will it even REALLY help... On and on. I was filled with so many unknowns. she followed me all the way to the car, and I thought she was going to try to get in. As we drove off i could see her little hand tapping away at the window. I drove home more quiet then usually, still being able to feel where she had tapped me over and over on my arm... it was one of the most humbling experiences I really have ever had.
The thing is I can't change India, and I can't change the people. God already came and changed the world with Jesus...and we have to tell people about Him. People get to chose for themselves if Jesus really did ever come, and if they want to believe it. Once they do that's when you SEE REAL change. So I should have expected things like this to happen, because not everyone knows the truth, so how can you expect them to change or be something I am familiar and comfortable with. God brought change...but some people don't want Him, or know Him. God loves them no matter what they believe...He loves them because He made love them. So I need to look at that little girl, and everyone else that seems so different and unpredictable as an opportunity to show them that God can change their circumstance...and He brings hope.
India is full of opportunity, you just have to keep your eyes and heart open to see it.
1 comment:
Wow. That was a very thought provoking blog, ma'am. Most excellent. Thank you!
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