So lately,
I have been loving that Wellingtons sunshine rays have come out to greet me on my morning walks to work. The wind has been a bit absent, except yesterday and today it was blowing crazy.
As you know, in my recent posts I have been talking about "fame". Never really think much more about it, other then my desire to sit down for a cup of tea with Meryl Streep and ask her how she's done it. I always imagine having a one on one chat with someone who has made it "big". Then ask them all the questions that you ask normal people, and expect extraordinary responses. I could image me wide eyed, and unable to break from their words. Seeing as I have never had a conversation with a "fame maker" before ( other then Stacie Orrico when I was 10...and at the time I didn't have any great questions to ask) I really have no idea what it would be like.
Then the other day I realized. It would be like having a normal conversation with anyone else you didn't know. Except they would probably have more stories about themselves, then anyone else. Not a problem, then again not very interesting. Actors are just like anyone else here. They are working, and earning money. Its a career. People fall in love with the characters, therefore getting there love for a character mixed up with the real life person.
anyways. The other day, I was having a chat with my sister. About everything she has done, and is wanting to accomplish. She has so many amazing opportunities ahead of her. Though with a humble attitude, and professional outlook she makes it seem like anything is truly possible. As she was sharing, I found myself completely inspired by her, and wanting to listen to every word. Listening to someone I knew so well, but then again hearing brand new things about them, is so exciting. As I sat there, I began to think of things I wanted to pursue, and accomplish as well. Thinking, if she has come so far, then I can as well ( with Gods 100% help).
Afterward I realized, I felt as if I had a conversation with someone well known. Someone who knew what they loved, and were following after it. I wanted to remember all the things that were talked about. Then it hit me... I don't ever have to sit down with a stranger, who is famous to seem inspired, or important. I can sit with someone I care about, and love and feel as if the whole world is watch us and being completely astonished by what they hear.
I am learning that a camera can not make someone famous. Its in the eye of the beholder. Its who I choose to see as *famous* that actually makes them that way.
What a beautiful post, Laura.
I love you. xoxoxabbie
Thanks abbie : )
I love your posts! Thank you for writing! It makes me miss you a little, but it also makes me miss you a little less, because I feel like we just had a thoughtful chat together, even if you did all the typing :D
darren you say the nicest things!!!
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