This Morning I woke up, with the thought that maybe I should start my day with a little "Jesus". I have been waking up way to early, and I am not sure why, but I'd much rather sleep in. So I rolled over, grabbed my bible, and just opened it. Now I am one of those people that hardly ever open to something I need to read. I hear people tell stories about how they open the bible every day randomly, and it goes to just what they needed to read. I've never been one of those people, I have tried believe me I have. ha. Today is a new day though...and I opened my bible, and read just what ( if I could have picked it) I needed to read. ( will continue this story later on...)
I haven't updated this in a while, but for those of you who have been wondering ( DRUM ROLL PLEASE). I'm going back to India! David and Judith Forgoston were in town for the summer, and they were the couple I was working with over in India. I watched Hannah a few times while they were in town. Near the end of thier stay here, we had come to the conclusion that I would come back to help in India again, for four months. See Judith will be having another baby, along with little Hannah, and this will be there second year with the new school. So I'll be leaving Colorado at the start of August, and will staying with them until the end of November. I am really looking forward to serving again, and just stepping out in Faith, and trusting God with my every day.
A few days before they left, they came to me and told me Charis Christian Center( my home church) and them have decided to pay my way to India!!!!! They are purchasing my tickets there and home! GOD IS SO GOOD! I was just in shock once again. I always believe God to provide, but I was wondering how it was going to work out this summer. I knew it would all sort out somehow. I remember a conversation my mom and I had in the kitchen before any of this was worked out. I was trying to decide if I should go back or not, if it was what I was called to do. My mom turned to me and said, " Well if God provides all the money, then you can go, but if the money doesn't come, then you don't go." I stopped her politely and said, " Mom I don't decide to do something because the money comes through, I do something because God told me to do it, regardless of if the money comes in." It just came out of my heart, I never want money to lead me...ever. I want God to lead me.
Then all the money did come in, and I just Priase God. He didn't give me the money for the trip because I was doing the right stuff, or praying, or fasting, or asking people. I just was like that verse... " Be still, and know that I am God." I knew that He is God and that He will work it out for me. I wasn't relying on my performance to provide...other wise it would be a ...FAIL. ha
So on with the story earlier...I woke up and open to this verse
" Blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord." When I read those words, I felt God telling me that is what I did. I just believed Him.
So some days you do open to the perfect verse....
When I read your comment about not doing something because of the money coming through, but rather because God tells you to do it, I smiled and said aloud "You go girl!" Your faith continues to inspire me =) Love you...Dad xo
Great Laura, have a fantastic stay in India!
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