6 days...tell my plane from Denver flies into the air, and takes me safely to India. Now I do have a few stop overs, but compared to last years 6 stop overs, I think this year is going to be a breeze. I've come up with some fun ideas for while I'm down in India, and some other ideas for when I come home. I might keep them hidden, and surprise you all later on, and blog about it. I want to give you a heads up on the amount of photos I'll be posting, and stories I'll be telling. When I go to India, my bible, and camera are my closest friends. I try to take too many photos, so then you all feel like your with me while I'm away : )
I should first share an awesome testimony! As you know from the earlier post, my ticket got purchased, and it was such blessing. Lately as the date got closer, I looked at my bank account and realized that I did't actually have much "cash flow". So yesterday I just sorta told God in my heart, and asked my close friend Janel to be in agreement with me that God would provide for all the things I would need for India. I was wondering how that was going to work out, but decided not to get worried or say anything. Then this past Sunday Lawson, my pastor had me play a song I wrote in India last year, for our church. So I played and shared about how I'm going back, and sang. Afterwards I met some fantastic people, that really encouraged me, and blessed me not only with their words, but they sowed into my trip to India.
This morning I woke up to find one of our roommates had written me a surprise check, about 50 dollars! I got in the car and almost cried, and as I drove I just was thanking God, for once again, providing for my needs! I just really love Him, and how well He really knows me. I drove to a dentist appointment ( which for those of you wondering...I've been flossing..and I have no cavities!!!!!! ) and on the way back home, my mom rang and said for me to call the church. I rang and lawson asked me to come by and pick up the money that was raised for India. It happened to be WAY MORE then I was even thinking possible. God gave me over and above anything I could have asked or imagine. I don't ever know how to express how thankful I am for God, and the people that sow into what He has planned for me.
So if you have been praying, or sowing, or even thinking of me as the time gets closer to India...Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means more then you know, knowing that someone believes in God's calling for my life.
I'll keep you updated on any other happenings! OH YES you should know I had to do a walmart run today...I would strongly suggest avoiding walmart at 2pm in the afternoon. Lots of mothers, lots of kids, and lots of crazy. I made it out alive, and will try to never let that happen again. haha
I'll write again soon,
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