I took some quality time today to sit down and read a... baby wise book.
haha ( laugher necessary )
See as time goes by, and Hannah gets smarter, I need to be on my game. Since I have come to India, one thing that Judith has talked with me about, is all of us being on the same page, and being okay disciplining Hannah. I for one, have never had a child, but I have watched quite a few of them, and I have picked up on their secrets. They want us to think that they don't know what's going on. Shhhh the truth is kids know way more then you think they know, and its insane.
So I read all the chapters on having good guidelines for toddlers. I seriously read for 2 hours, I don't think I've ever read anything for two hours...maybe. I learned a lot, and some things I thought, " I already knew about that..." See I'm not a parent, but sometimes I just think that maybe my ideas would work, so lately I have been trying to watch Hannah with wisdom, patience, love, and correcting. Is that an okay word to use? I really hope so.
I've been doing so for a week or so, but today after reading, it helped a lot actually. They have this idea to put your kid in another room, to learn to play by themselves, and then you can get work done, or just have your kid learn to be content hanging out. I love that. I love having Laura time, so I bet Hannah could learn to love Hannah time. So I had her sit in a play corner, with more toys then you could imagine, while I finished cleaning the dishes. IT WAS AWESOME. Of course at first, I could hear a little whimper, but I just kept on going, and by the time I was finished I went to say hello, and bring her a snack...and BAM, she wasn't even upset a little. She was more relaxed, and I had a great rest of the day with her.
soooooooo thank you baby wise for being so full of wisdom. I must also admit that I have been praying all the time as I watch her, that God just takes over. That he gives me ideas, and shows me the right things to do. I want to be a blessing to Hannah, Judith, and David. I really want Hannah to be a blessing as well : ) So hooray for early parenthood training.
I started doing this thing as well, when ever I am cooking or baking Hannah sits on the counter and watches me. I explain what I'm doing, and she loves it. I'm like, " This is a pot, this is oil...Hannah don't touch that...okay, now these are eggs..o0o0o"
I use to have her sit and play, but she kept wanting to be in the kitchen, so finally I just put her up on the counter, and it pretty much makes everything work great ( any mothers feel free to let me know if that is actually a good idea...ha).
I hope this blog is interesting, I know how it is when people go on with stories about having their kid get potty trained, etc.
THOUGH I have another great thing that has currently happened with Hannah, that I think I should publish here. We play with legos, and books, and random toys I would rather not touch, considering the amount of nastyness on them. haha. I taught her that she has to put them away when she is done, at first I think she didn't want to, but know she puts them away on her own, even when she is by herself!!!!!! I was like....YES, I am awesome, or more like Hannah is awesome, or more like God is awesome. I really know that my time here could go by very slowly if the whole time Hannah was hard to watch, so thats why I pray that God helps me, cause He has great tricks up His sleeve. oh yes, so I went to get Hannah, and she was holding a book, and I didn't say a thing, and I said, " okay lets go over here.." and she turned away from me, and went back first to put the book away! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
I don't know how I would enjoy full time parenthood, but part time nanny isn't so bad. today. ha