I sit here in a fabulous AC filled room, thinking that now would be the best time to get a quick blog in.
Currently my tired flying eyes are wanting some nap time, but trying to stay up today, so I can get a good sleep in tomorrow!
So for starters:
My family packed into the car at 9:02 am ( putting us only two minutes behind schedule...ha which is good for our normal 30 minute average behind time) and we began the first part of my journey back to the land of Indians and strange smells. My flight was to leave from Denver, Colorado at 12:05pm and onto Chicago. It left on time. I sat next to a German gentlemen who was on his way back to France. I told him I wished I was on my way to France. Sadly, I didn't detour, and kept on going towards India.
I arrived in Chicago, walked to my next gate, bought an airport salad...that is what they should call them, cause they don't taste like restaurant salads. The airport taste you can only acquire from...the airports.I also purchased a 3 dollar cup of fruit to hold me over on my 8 hour flight to Brussels, Belgium. So glad I bought the 3 dollar cup O fruit, cause the air plane food can sometimes not be my favorite choice. I always find me in airports to be entertaining, and wonder what I look like to by standers. I get overwhelmed, and always end up bringing more then I can carry, and try to balance it all while walking to my gate. I get a good laugh out of my effort to look " put together" when really I just need someone to travel with me and carry all my belongings.
I got on my next flight and sat next to a women from South Africa, who was raised in europe, and now lives in Brussels with her husband and kids. Come to find out she listens to Andrew Wommack on TV, and was just in Texas at the Kenneth Copeland Meeting. She was so nice, I mean really really nice, I would have been friends with her if I lived in Brussels. bummer.
When we were landing in Brussels, it was just at sunrise, and couldn't have looked more perfect. Everything was lush and green, and the morning mist was just settled on the ground. The house's looked so cozy, with red roofs, and big yards. I thought in my mind I could stay a few days, and just enjoy how beautiful it is here. Let me tell ya... that airport...is NOTHING like what Brussels looks like outside. FAIL. I got off the plane, and wanted to use the restroom, and it was packed with women, I could barley get my HUGE carry on ( which could have qualified for " under the plane) to fit in the bathroom stall. Then once I got out all these Indian women were washing they face, and brushing their teeth so I couldn't wash my hands. I decided to get something to eat instead, and bought two sandwiches from two different places that costs me about 300 dollars...ha. ok more like 10, but still. See I get this nervous feeling like I don't know what to do, or what to buy, and I end up just getting loads of stuff, and its all ridiculous and not very tasty, but at least I made a decision.
For the Entre:
Normally when I get into a country I can call my family...BUT Brussels airport doesn't believe in easy international phone contact. I seriously tried to use their phones, and then asked a guy for help who said, while walking away from me, " I don't know anything about the phones..." To that guy, THANKS for being so kind to me in the middle of my distress. ha. Jokes. He was probably not even a Belgiumite ( my next name for people who live in Belgium). I forgive him. Then I tried to use skype, and found out you have to pay for the "free" WI-Fi. That was a bit lame sauce. ha. So I gave up, got on my next flight to Chennai, which was about another 9 hours.
I was really hoping I would sit next to some really friendly. GOD is GREAT. An America lady who use to live in chennai, in my old neighborhood ( in India) for 3 years, sat right next to me. She was so laid back, and gave me all these awesome organic places to shop, and places to go swimming. She was so lovely. BONUS: she told me she gets up alot during the flight to walk around, and I told her so do I. Which if you have ever flown before, and you sit next to some person who sleeps the whole time, or gives you an angry face when you have to stand up again...you would understand what a blessing it was. So every time she got up, so did I, we became best flying friends. By the end we walked through immigration together, yata yata. It was a great flight.
So I got into Chennai, they let me in. Praise God. Then I got some nice Indian man I didn't know help me with my bags...three big heavy ( labeled by AA) bags. I was pushing my cart out to meet David and Prahbu( our driver and friend) and my bags fell off the cart, and I kindly asked a group of indian guys to once again assist me in the bag gathering.
For Dessert:
I was so happy to see familiar faces. I got into the car, and felt right at home. I thought I would be in shock again, but everything felt the same, like I hadn't left. Such a blessing, I got home, got in bed, and slept so well. It felt like I was in the right place again, and that everything was going to be just fine. Trusting God ends up to be the best choice in the end for anything. Being here is like putting on a pair of old shoes you found in the basement, that you forgot you loved wearing, and when you put them on they fit just like they use to. You know they might not last long, but you wear them again and enjoy them until they retire. Then you have to find a new pair, that you learn to brake in.
Its like I forgot how I felt here, and what it was like, I had to put the shoes on to remember, and I can tell I won't be here forever, but while I'm here I'm going to enjoy it. Until God directs me to the next place, and then I'll learn to wear a new pair of shoes, which is also an exciting thing.
Wow, I just blogged up a storm. Hope you were able to make it to the end. Love you all, and miss you so much. I'll be writting again soon, already have so much to share. xoxo
All my love from the tip of Chennai to you,
I loved reading your blog! It is both interesting (the food on the flight) and enjoyable (the old pair of shoes). Love you and look forward to hearing about your adventure! God is so good -- all the time! JoElla
As I've said before, daughter, I LOVE your style of writing. It's like we're just sitting around chatting. OK...parts I really liked:
> Your honesty about trying to act "put together" in the airport, while dragging around the bags and such.
> At least "making a decision" about what sandwich or sandwiches to eat...good job!
> Forgiving the goofball guy that didn't help you with the phones...very wise to let it go
> All the great seating partners (Angels) God provided for you, as well as the Indian guys that helped you with your bags.
> How familiar India felt to you...like a pair of old shoes...great analogy.
Love you bunches...
I agree with your Dad! Although I should have had a cuppa tea while I read, mental note to do that next time! :D
Oh and please enjoy a Chicken Tikka Marsala for Mary, and a Korma Curry for me, both extra extra mild (if it exists there) and some Raita and fresh Naans. Hmmm we must plan a trip there sometime too.
loveya and blessya, from us :)
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