As we all know, the new year has arrived...on time, once again. I want to thank you for coming by to say hello, though you left in such a hurry. Is it not strange how new years only last for a day? Then it becomes a term used until the end of January, and by October you begin to start planning once more for the next year. Its funny how one day can get the whole world together, to plan for good things to happen! Its fantastic really, we don't realize we've all been sucked into a pattern of "Start over one more time...again,and if you mess up, don't worry January will come soon enough". I am proud to say I usually forget to make new years resolutions. This year is a new year though! So I, of course decided to read the bible every day. Though I usually try to do this, I want to truly do it. Not because I can throw a party, and Jesus will give me a high five on December 31st MIDNIGHT. I just realize the more I read the bible, the more I stay focused on what God has for me. The more I learn about whats True, when I am surrounded by so many lies all through the day. Keeping my mind on things that are positive, and real is what makes my days go by with ease. When I read every day, I can remind myself Who is along side me as I walk to work. I want this year to be full of moments that I remember Who is guiding my steps. I want it to be full of loving people because I can, and not because I should. To be full of joy, because I have it. Be full of ministry through just being who God made me to be. I want to walk in confidence, and be a light as I go here and there. No matter what God has in store for my year, I just want to know that I know I am right where I should be, and being content, and showing a little bit of Him every where.
While I have been reading, I am loving it. Though there are nights/days when I'd rather lay in bed and eat chocolate covered pretzels, and think about nothing. I honestly enjoy reading all these stories in the bible. ( God loves chocolate covered preztels, and He loves that I love them). When I read about these people, their lives, and all their makes me think about us. All of us, and how we all try so hard to become these people, and then when we make a mistake, we feel like, " That's it...". When I read, I realize, God picks all the right people, but they happen to make bad choices too ( and good ones). Like Abraham told a king, his wife, was his sister. Then the king almost married her...FAIL. Could you imagine, if I was Sarah his wife, I would be so angry. I would probably say, " Are you joking? this is ridiculous, NO I will not pretend to be your sister...ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Then you see all these siblings that fight, and steal things. On and on and on. I like it. I like that its true, God knows us so well. He doesn't care about our failures, He see's our success's, He see's beyond our comprehension. Thats why He tell us that NOTHING is impossible with Him. When He looks at us, He see possibility!
I don't know, I am really enjoying learning about life and people in it. Learning that maybe life isn't all I think it may be. God is showing me a side to life, where perfection isn't the Key. He is the Key, and He is perfection. If I've got the Key, then I carry perfection, I carry possibilty, I carry success. Not because of me, of my amazingness( that is now a word)...but because of Him and His ability to live inside me, and use me to move mountains and change lives. It exciting to realize, I can mess up and He still see's me as a miracle and an opportunity to love people. He see's Jesus inside me. When He looked at people in the bible, He saw their hearts, and knew His plan could work with them.
On a Random, more informative note: Yesterday I wrote a new song, all too exciting. See as I haven't been able to write much music in a while. Last I wrote a song was in October. I believe I will be writing much much more. I also watched the Golden Globes, and couldn't help but personally congratulate Meryl Streep from my living room. I fall in love with each character she plays in the films. I would love, with all my heart, to sit down with her and have a chat about how she does it. She is marvelous and humble, yet stunning, down to earth, and with a perfect taste of wit. I would like to one day, rent all her movies, and spend a good amount of my time watching them, and falling in love with all the characters all over again. Out of Africa was the first movie I saw with her in it, and its been love at first film.
anyways, here's to Monday being over with, and Tuesday just ahead.
blessings abounding!
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