Grateful Journal #1:
Today I am grateful for:
1. I got the perfect apple, and when I ate it, is was that perfect apple crunch.
2. Got loads of filing done, and was really productive
3. I got my measurements in for Ryan & Rachelle's Wedding
4. Walking home I didn't get tired!
5. I got to wear my indian skirt at work
6. I didn't have to spend money on lunch, I had leftover DELICIOUS dinner.
7. My room has stayed clean for a whole 24 hours!
8. God was with me the whole day.
9. It only rained while I was at work, then the sun came out for my walk home
10. I got to have free chocolate from our work break room!
Today has been a great day. I am learning to be grateful for the things God puts in each of my days. Thank you for all the great things that have happened today, and all the things that are still to happen! You make each of my days wonderful. I am grateful for You!
One Thing: Here is a short grateful story from the last year or so....
I needed $200 while I was in Northern Ireland to go on a holiday with my friends ( March 2009). I had some money I could have used, but I had already decided in my heart that I wanted to use that money I had already to give away. So I wrote on a little piece of paper, " God I thank you that YOU are my provider, and that YOU are going to give me the money to go on this trip." Two days later, my mom called me while I was in the movie theater, and told me randomly my friend Darren had given her $200.00 to give to me. All the way over in Colorado! I found out from Darren, back in November 2008, he had made a list of people who had blessed him, and that he wanted to bless back once he had the money. I had made #1 on his list. It was God that by the time he had enough money to give away, it was the amount I needed, at just the right time. God spoke to Darren WAY back in November, before I ever knew I'd be going on a holiday in March, for him to bless me. God is the best planner! Amen.
I know you are enjoying your day, because Jesus is with you in it! Hope you liked my grateful story : )
You are GREAT!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010

My last February birthday post goes to.. My mom!!!
Happy 29th Birthday!
I find it a miracle that you haven't hit thirty yet, people spend most of their lives avoiding it, and you have done so well.
Mom. you are an amazing mother and friend.
You know when you read those cards about how mothers hold their children's hands, and then their hearts. its true.
I have been on the go from one place to the next, but you are like this little steady stream. No matter where God lands me, I always know you are with me there as well. I love the way you give so much of yourself away to bless other people. You give your time, energy, thoughts, kind words, and too much money. ha God really has given you the amazing ability to love anyone in a way that its hard to come by. You love people genuinely.

Mom, you are so beautiful. That perfect beautiful, that never ages. Its a blessing. Your beauty is astounding, though your heart for God is what brings out even more beauty in you. You carry yourself with such humility and love for God. You carry yourself the way Jesus tells us to. You walk with confidence, though you do not carry yourself with pride, trying to display anything, other then the Light God has put in you. You are like a walking bible. I love that things you say about God. I love that you don't hesitate to talk about God, at any moment, in front of a crowd, or one person. It can bring me to tears sometimes, watching you minster to people. It makes me want to be that same way. Bold as a lion, but gentle as a dove. ( somewhereinthebible)

I pray that I am a mother just like you were to all of us. Thanks for loving me, and showing me an unconditional love that is hard to find. God put me in your life, so that I could know more about Him! I love you so much, and I could keep typing on and on...but the most important thing is ...
HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY MOM!!!! Have the best day, and enjoy this new year God has planned for you!
Love you more then the most!
Laura Rose
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wake Up
When all the world is fast asleep
and I can see them breathe
all alone and tightly bond
around what they think is free
Never looking to see there back
or what may be ahead
though a life was given up
so that they could live instead
Its beautiful the end result
just choose the winning side
I would capture its beauty,
frame it, so the world couldn't deny
This love I found is pure and true
will steal the lies away
He'll whisper in your hearts
Wake up, wake up, I'm the Way.
Written by: Laura Moorhead
and I can see them breathe
all alone and tightly bond
around what they think is free
Never looking to see there back
or what may be ahead
though a life was given up
so that they could live instead
Its beautiful the end result
just choose the winning side
I would capture its beauty,
frame it, so the world couldn't deny
This love I found is pure and true
will steal the lies away
He'll whisper in your hearts
Wake up, wake up, I'm the Way.
Written by: Laura Moorhead
In a boat.
I was talking with my mom today, and she said something so good. I wanted to blog it out for you.
I was sharing with her, that I feel overwhelmed by how many people don't know God, or don't even want to know about Him.
People that live everyday thinking that He isn't a part of every moment. I read in 2 peter, I think about false teachers, and came across this verse ( 2nd peter chapter 2 verse 7) "...and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked ( for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day, by seeing, and hearing their lawless deeds)-" Lot lived in a place called Sodum and Gamora ( didn't spell that right...ha) there was so much wickedness there.
When I read those lines, I felt like me and Lot had a lot in common. That everyday when I wake up in the world, I live among people that don't know God, and live according to their own lust and desires. As I watch day to day, it does begin to really discourage me. Its overwhelming, not knowing where or how to start with all that is happening around me.
My mom said it like this:
" Its like you are in a boat, and the whole world is drowning, and you are trying to help them get into the boat, and they keep saying, " No, its fine, I don't know how to swim, but its fine." Its like that everyday. You bush shoulders with people everyday, that are headed for hell, and don't have a clue, or even want to know. I don't mean to sound dark by saying hell, its just a destination that people don't know they are headed to. ha. I love that verse about, how there is not enough workers for the field. I can feel like that at times as well. Imaging waking up everyday at 4am, to work huge acer, upon acer of land...with only a few people and so many hours daylight. It would feel exhausting, and a bit over the top.
With all that said. That is why Jesus writes over and over, how we are not to loose hope, and to TRUST in Him. That He does the work, and remember that we ARE overcomers through Christ. That it is not impossible with Him. So I have decided that everyday I am going to wake up trusting God to get the work done through me. Amen!
Blog Update:
I have thought that soon I will start writing about awesome stories, and testimonies that have happened these last couple years. How God has been awesome, and used people all over to take me places, and to share the gospel. I want to start writing a Grateful journal. I have so many things to be grateful for, that God has done in my life. I'll keep you updated, and try to start that soon.
You are loved by God!
I was sharing with her, that I feel overwhelmed by how many people don't know God, or don't even want to know about Him.
People that live everyday thinking that He isn't a part of every moment. I read in 2 peter, I think about false teachers, and came across this verse ( 2nd peter chapter 2 verse 7) "...and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked ( for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day, by seeing, and hearing their lawless deeds)-" Lot lived in a place called Sodum and Gamora ( didn't spell that right...ha) there was so much wickedness there.
When I read those lines, I felt like me and Lot had a lot in common. That everyday when I wake up in the world, I live among people that don't know God, and live according to their own lust and desires. As I watch day to day, it does begin to really discourage me. Its overwhelming, not knowing where or how to start with all that is happening around me.
My mom said it like this:
" Its like you are in a boat, and the whole world is drowning, and you are trying to help them get into the boat, and they keep saying, " No, its fine, I don't know how to swim, but its fine." Its like that everyday. You bush shoulders with people everyday, that are headed for hell, and don't have a clue, or even want to know. I don't mean to sound dark by saying hell, its just a destination that people don't know they are headed to. ha. I love that verse about, how there is not enough workers for the field. I can feel like that at times as well. Imaging waking up everyday at 4am, to work huge acer, upon acer of land...with only a few people and so many hours daylight. It would feel exhausting, and a bit over the top.
With all that said. That is why Jesus writes over and over, how we are not to loose hope, and to TRUST in Him. That He does the work, and remember that we ARE overcomers through Christ. That it is not impossible with Him. So I have decided that everyday I am going to wake up trusting God to get the work done through me. Amen!
Blog Update:
I have thought that soon I will start writing about awesome stories, and testimonies that have happened these last couple years. How God has been awesome, and used people all over to take me places, and to share the gospel. I want to start writing a Grateful journal. I have so many things to be grateful for, that God has done in my life. I'll keep you updated, and try to start that soon.
You are loved by God!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Its about time I blogged.
My blogs have been full of birthday's, and there is still one yet to come for this fabulous month of February.
Other then birthdays, I thought I would write a normal everyday blog for you guys. Lately I have been doing the normal day to day life, which could consist of less blogging. Considering I usual come home, and try not to move until the next morning.
I have been really enjoying work, filing and updating databases...sounds pretty great. I really love all the people I work with, its so crazy how you can all be so different, working in the same places. Most of the other people I work with have desks, and they sit there all day, answering emails, talking with students, fixing problems. While I on the other hand, am desk less. So I run from place to place, filing, and chatting, and doing mail room runs. So by about 4pm my legs are telling me that I should sit down, and have someone carry me all the way home. I find it hard to complain about being tired at work, because I feel like everyone else does so much work! Though I came to the conclusion we are all doing loads of work in different ways. So they are mentally tired, and I am physically tired. I don't quite know if you want to know all about my deep work thoughts...but I have typed its too late now. I'm working away, which I forgot to mention I got more hours. This month, and March are pretty busy. See in New Zealand their schools start the First of March. So we have all the students coming in right now, and wanting courses changed...and so on. Which in the states, our schools start in August. I usually get really confused, and have to have someone explain to me what is happening. ha
Funny Work Story: The other day, we had a wild bird get stuck in our office! I video taped us all running around the office, and opening all the windows. It was hilarious, it finally found its way out, after some intense drama. It kept hiding around in the office plants, and we had to go and scare it away... It was my favorite day at work.
Other then work, work, work I have been learning how to cook from Jess, and we have been watching the Olympics ( Go AMERICA!!!) Hope you all are enjoying your winter Olympics as well. Its funny watching them from here, considering its summer time the sun is out, and we are in shorts, while you are all bundled up, and its snowing!
As I have spent more and more time here, I have realized that it is so important to have Christian fellowship. Its important to have people around you that believe the same as you, and you can share your God stories, and talk about the bible. God created us to be in fellowship with not only Him, but with others as well. So I have been on a church search, looking around and trying different places. I always seem to be quite the spoiled one, I love my church back home. Along with trying to find a fantastic church, I have been reading and trying to learn from the bible everyday, or as much as I can. I find it so important to continue to grow and learn more and more. I find myself sometimes in a place where I don't actually want to read, or worship. Though I know it is the best thing for me to do. I want to keep moving forward, and doing more and more of what God has in store. I don't want to fall behind because I chose to, by not spending time with Him. See I think that God loves me regardless of what I do or don't do, but I also know that for me to be all that He wants me to be, and has in mind, it will take effort on my part. Not effort in being perfect, but effort in learning about who I really am in Christ, and believing those things, and then start walking them out. See if I never spend time with God, and He is inside of me, how will I ever know who I really am?
I guess what I am trying to say is that, I want to leave a huge mark in this world that says, " There is something better, much better then you could ever imagine for your life, and you can be apart of it right now...its called Jesus." I want my life to matter for Him, not for me. I think it can be hard at times to wake up, and walk to work, and try to smile at strangers, when all I see is heads down and look aways. Its funny how I can so easily get eased into a life similar to what is being lived around me. I heard this teaching from my church and the first thing that was said was, " Its not because their surroundings were good, it was because they made a decision to serve God." They were talking about Samuel. I also found this verse in John, that reminding me of what God has given me here in the world.
John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, that in ME you have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
In God we have peace, but if we are in the world we have tribulation. We are suppose to be IN HIM, and therefore have peace. But if we choose to be in the world we will have tribulation. But even in that God says to be of good cheer, He ALREADY overcame the world. We have the choice now to be IN HIM and have peace, instead of being in the world and having tribulation. That i why we have a reason to have good cheer. God created a way for us to have peace in a world that has tribulation. That is by living in Christ, instead of living IN the world.
That is good news! ha. Well, I hope you are all doing well, and I hope to blog more. Sorry for the lack of blogging.
Other then birthdays, I thought I would write a normal everyday blog for you guys. Lately I have been doing the normal day to day life, which could consist of less blogging. Considering I usual come home, and try not to move until the next morning.
I have been really enjoying work, filing and updating databases...sounds pretty great. I really love all the people I work with, its so crazy how you can all be so different, working in the same places. Most of the other people I work with have desks, and they sit there all day, answering emails, talking with students, fixing problems. While I on the other hand, am desk less. So I run from place to place, filing, and chatting, and doing mail room runs. So by about 4pm my legs are telling me that I should sit down, and have someone carry me all the way home. I find it hard to complain about being tired at work, because I feel like everyone else does so much work! Though I came to the conclusion we are all doing loads of work in different ways. So they are mentally tired, and I am physically tired. I don't quite know if you want to know all about my deep work thoughts...but I have typed its too late now. I'm working away, which I forgot to mention I got more hours. This month, and March are pretty busy. See in New Zealand their schools start the First of March. So we have all the students coming in right now, and wanting courses changed...and so on. Which in the states, our schools start in August. I usually get really confused, and have to have someone explain to me what is happening. ha
Funny Work Story: The other day, we had a wild bird get stuck in our office! I video taped us all running around the office, and opening all the windows. It was hilarious, it finally found its way out, after some intense drama. It kept hiding around in the office plants, and we had to go and scare it away... It was my favorite day at work.
Other then work, work, work I have been learning how to cook from Jess, and we have been watching the Olympics ( Go AMERICA!!!) Hope you all are enjoying your winter Olympics as well. Its funny watching them from here, considering its summer time the sun is out, and we are in shorts, while you are all bundled up, and its snowing!
As I have spent more and more time here, I have realized that it is so important to have Christian fellowship. Its important to have people around you that believe the same as you, and you can share your God stories, and talk about the bible. God created us to be in fellowship with not only Him, but with others as well. So I have been on a church search, looking around and trying different places. I always seem to be quite the spoiled one, I love my church back home. Along with trying to find a fantastic church, I have been reading and trying to learn from the bible everyday, or as much as I can. I find it so important to continue to grow and learn more and more. I find myself sometimes in a place where I don't actually want to read, or worship. Though I know it is the best thing for me to do. I want to keep moving forward, and doing more and more of what God has in store. I don't want to fall behind because I chose to, by not spending time with Him. See I think that God loves me regardless of what I do or don't do, but I also know that for me to be all that He wants me to be, and has in mind, it will take effort on my part. Not effort in being perfect, but effort in learning about who I really am in Christ, and believing those things, and then start walking them out. See if I never spend time with God, and He is inside of me, how will I ever know who I really am?
I guess what I am trying to say is that, I want to leave a huge mark in this world that says, " There is something better, much better then you could ever imagine for your life, and you can be apart of it right now...its called Jesus." I want my life to matter for Him, not for me. I think it can be hard at times to wake up, and walk to work, and try to smile at strangers, when all I see is heads down and look aways. Its funny how I can so easily get eased into a life similar to what is being lived around me. I heard this teaching from my church and the first thing that was said was, " Its not because their surroundings were good, it was because they made a decision to serve God." They were talking about Samuel. I also found this verse in John, that reminding me of what God has given me here in the world.
John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, that in ME you have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
In God we have peace, but if we are in the world we have tribulation. We are suppose to be IN HIM, and therefore have peace. But if we choose to be in the world we will have tribulation. But even in that God says to be of good cheer, He ALREADY overcame the world. We have the choice now to be IN HIM and have peace, instead of being in the world and having tribulation. That i why we have a reason to have good cheer. God created a way for us to have peace in a world that has tribulation. That is by living in Christ, instead of living IN the world.
That is good news! ha. Well, I hope you are all doing well, and I hope to blog more. Sorry for the lack of blogging.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wonderful Eric.
I count this birthday as monumental, considering you are now 40!
I wish I would be there on your birthday with you, but I just love knowing that mom and you are together for it! This time last year I wasn't able to say happy birthday, so this year...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Eric, I find myself at a lost for words most times when I go to describe you to people. You have become an incredible role model of a man to me. Your heart is profound, it is so full of unconditional love, it brings a smile to my face when i think about it : ) You love people, just because you can, not because they do all the rights things. I have learned that from you.
I love that you can sit across the table from me, and I can talk and talk and talk, and you sit so quietly, and listen so careful. As if we were only going to have one conversation for the rest of our lives. Then usually when I have stopped complaining or sharing what is bothering me, you always say something really nice to me. I still remember when I was little, you telling me how beautiful I was, though you would say how truly beautiful I would be as I grew up. I hear those words still, and remind myself that they came from you, and that they are still true, when I have days when I could tell myself other wises.
You are the best driver in the world, considering you won 10 million awards for your perfect driving, though you lack in the area of high speed driving, thats when mom steps in. ha Thanks for always being so careful, and sweet. Thanks for waiting, and believing God, more then believing what everyone else has to say. Thanks for being in love with God so much, and showing me a picture of a disciple of Jesus , I love that you are always wanting to learn more...I count that as humble.
I really care so much about you, and love you with my whole heart. I truly am so blessed to have you in my life, you are a blessing to mom, and all of us. You remind me of a judge in court. You know how they sit quietly while the other people try to prove their side. Then the judge only speaks a few times, and is in control. He doesn't say much, but what he says means more then all the words that are being said. If he speaks, he means it, and he is forward. I feel like you are quiet, and listening to everyone, but if a moment comes when you know to speak the truth, you do it, and you do it boldly. Amen!
I want to say thank you for making it so hard for me to every find that "perfect" guy. I feel like you set a pretty high bar, watching how you treat mom, and treat me. You speak so kind, and gentle, and never can say no to helping me... ever. You do the dishes, you help clean, you aren't addict to sports....haha. Naw, Eric you just love, and it shows... its shows me, that I can find a man after God, that loves me like crazy, but knows how to be servant along side with me.
Aw, I hope your birthday was really fun. I hope that you like the blog, and that is better then a present!!! Love you, and Happy Fortieth Birthday!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Ryan John

Today is your birthday, which makes this day way better then any holiday through the year. I feel as if this blog to you should be full of office jokes, or awkward comments that are not related to each other. Though because I have spent most of my international, or your international calls doing so, I think I will take this time to tell you how great I truly know you are. FIRST I need to start off saying the word you use in most everyday life " HOORAY" my new favorite word now. I like how you try to use this word in most cases... like example: How was your day? answer: It was pretty good, I got paid... HOORAY!!! hahaha Thanks for bringing back the worlds best explanation of everything! hooooorayyyyy
I was just thinking before I started this how I could put into words how I genuinely love the way you are. I thought first, you are sorta like a super hero. You know. Those super heros, you know are there, but you never really see them. Even when you don't see them, you know they are out doing good. They hardly mess up when saving people from monsters, and always are hard on themselves. You know in the shows at the end they are all, " I should have done this ... I should have saved another life." In the first case, that is true I know you are always there for me, but I hardly ever see you ( considering I keep leaving the country). Even though I don't see you often, I always know you are out doing something great, being who you are, loving people that most of us would hate. ha. You are someone that tries their best to help everyone, an any situation. I love that about you, you are a middle ground man. I could ask you anything, and you'd have the perfect words to say, that make sense, but doesn't hurt either side of the story. Though as you are always there for everyone, and quick to help, you can sometimes be hard on yourself. I find this part so funny, that the one person that does good, doesn't even see how inspiring and amazing they really are. I guess in a way its a picture of your humility, and kind heart. Though when God looks at you, no matter how many lives you have saved that day, or if you stopped all the villains or missed a few...God has always seen you as a success.
When God looks at you, he actually sees a better man of God then I could describe. Not because you are perfect, but because He is, and He lives inside of you. When you were born, God looked at you and knew that your life was going to be a testimony for Him, and he already saw you as a success! See on the other hand, I didn't realize any of this tell I was old enough to realize how great you really are. I wish when i was 4 I could have told you, because it is true.
I love these faces you make, that Jessica say's I make too when you are telling a story that is important, or you want someone to listen. Or if you are trying to share something personal about something. Its the kindest face. Its like "hey lets be friends.."ha I laugh when I think about how nice you really are. I think you may be the nicest person I know, second would be Rachelle. Which works great cause you guys are hitching the way wagon soon. ha. The two nicest people in the whole world are getting married...AWESOME!
Thanks for always being yourself Ryan, and being so much fun. I laugh harder with you, then anyone. You get the way I am, and you bring out a side in me that no one else can. I love that you are so goofy, and outgoing, and don't think twice about. When I am with you, it lets me be me, and joke about things that aren't funny, but to us are hilarious. I love all of our jokes that I can't ever remember. Like stomach parties and that one time we were looking in the gutter, and trying to find our "little" friend in the video store. I can still laugh so hard thinking about it. Ryan you mean so much to me, and I love the way you much.
I wish I could be with you and eat cake, and pop all the birthday balloons. Instead I wrote you this awesome blog. and I really hope you like it, and I really hope it makes your birthday really fantastic. I really hope that we can dance crazy at your wedding...and do our poker face dance? yes!!! SWEET!
I love you more then I can write, or explain. HERE IS A BIG HUG and lots of love!
You are better then Tom Cruz!
Sincerely your little sister,
Friday, February 5, 2010
Learning Life lessons, The Easy Way
Tonight, I stayed home and watched 'Walk the Line'. If you haven't seen it I would really recommend it to you. Its an incredible story about Johnny Cash's life. I also baked chocolate chip home made cookies. It is my forth time, I keep practicing so then I can remember the recipe by heart. I am almost there now, I just forgot when I add the butter, and took a sneak look at the recipe. So I enjoyed warm cookies, and a movie. I 100% ate 1 too many, but as my mom would say, " I enjoyed every bite".
While I was in the ' Shimmy Shack' as Ben and Jess call their humble abode, the city was getting wild. Today there was a huge rugby match on called " The Sevens". In case you are wondering why they call it that, I will not be able to assist you. I bet you could google it and find out some crazy stuff. I think it happens once a year. Its a two day event as well. Loads of people buy tickets, and dress up. I mean they really dress up. The games don't start tell the afternoon, but the drinking and costumes begin long before the games start.
So, I started my movie at 10, and by the time it had finished I could hear music from the city inside the 'shimmy shack'. I stood by the kitchen window and looked out over the city lights, and the water, and imagined what was going on down there, it was about 12:30 am. I started to have this thought, " God, am I doing what you have called me to do, am I fulfilling your purpose while I'm down here, should I be doing something different?". I guess staring out the window reminded me that I have a destiny, and I don't want to hide it. Being here at times, makes me a bit careful with my little light. I want to make sure it is shining, but sometimes I try to put it under a basket.
I walked into my room, and just sat and thought about my heart for people who don't know the truth about God. I felt like " God, how can I help anyone?". In that moment God reminded me, that He already came and did everything He could possibly do, and more. That it is not my job to try to change the world, that was His job and He already did that. People just get to choose if they want the change He brought, or not. Even though I still felt a bit overwhelmed, it was a good reminder.
Afterwards, I got into my Pj's and started thinking about the places I have been, and what I've done. I started thinking, " I guess you learn from everything in life, and you gain experience. I've really grown." I felt as if God stopped me in mid thought. " We aren't called to go places to 'gain experience', or to 'learn something'. The reason we go somewhere is because that is what I ( God ) had share with you to do. Go to all the nations, and preach the gospel, heal the sick..." For the first time, I honestly understood what I was saying, and I didn't believe my own words. I could hear God's and they were more real.
I have heard so often, " Laura, you are really going to grow and learn from this, you will be able to apply this in other areas of your life". Now after hearing what I really believe God spoke to me about "going places", I know that will happen, but that's not why I do any of it. It happens to be that along the way as I am doing Gods will, that I do learn things. He didn't send me out to learn things, He sent me out to MARK 16:15-18 " Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." God's purpose was never for me to suffer, never for me to have to go through hard times to learn things John 10:10. I live a world that will come against what I have been promised by God, and try to steal it away, or make situations seem harder then they actually are.
I realize the disciples went out, and did what Jesus had told them to do. They ran into difficult situations and circumstances. Then I see why God sent His Holy Spirit, to remind us of Him, and what He has given us. He knew that in the middle of doing what He had in store for us, things in the world could try to choke the Word. That is why it is so important for us to know who God is, and believe it, or else we could believe that all these 'learning curves' were from Him.
Now when I think about all of Paul's writings in the New Testament, it make's more sense. It was like he wanted to tell people, this is all happening, but REMEMBER the Truth. It is bigger then this. Paul never said, " Everyone you are really going to learn a lot, and grow a lot of life experience when you get to this place,that you can use later on down the road..." We use what God has given us NOW, not later on down the road. God has equipped us with everything we need through His Holy Spirit, and we can use it now. Then we can also you is later on down the road too...ha.
I stood in my room thinking about all of this, and felt as if God had told me a secret...that really wasn't a secret at all. " Laura, don't feel you have to suffer, or have to have a hard time anymore...what I want you to do is remember Mark 16, when I told you what your calling was, remember Who I am, and what I have given you, use everything, and remember you are an overcomer through Christ. " 1 Corinthians 2:12
wow...actually as I am typing this I am learning....a lot. I may have gain experience through the places I have been, but God's kingdom is gaining more people day by day, and that is more important then any experience I could ever gain in the world.
" You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world". 1 John 4:4
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