Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Monday.

Grateful Journal #1:

Today I am grateful for:
1. I got the perfect apple, and when I ate it, is was that perfect apple crunch.
2. Got loads of filing done, and was really productive
3. I got my measurements in for Ryan & Rachelle's Wedding
4. Walking home I didn't get tired!
5. I got to wear my indian skirt at work
6. I didn't have to spend money on lunch, I had leftover DELICIOUS dinner.
7. My room has stayed clean for a whole 24 hours!
8. God was with me the whole day.
9. It only rained while I was at work, then the sun came out for my walk home
10. I got to have free chocolate from our work break room!

Today has been a great day. I am learning to be grateful for the things God puts in each of my days. Thank you for all the great things that have happened today, and all the things that are still to happen! You make each of my days wonderful. I am grateful for You!

One Thing: Here is a short grateful story from the last year or so....
I needed $200 while I was in Northern Ireland to go on a holiday with my friends ( March 2009). I had some money I could have used, but I had already decided in my heart that I wanted to use that money I had already to give away. So I wrote on a little piece of paper, " God I thank you that YOU are my provider, and that YOU are going to give me the money to go on this trip." Two days later, my mom called me while I was in the movie theater, and told me randomly my friend Darren had given her $200.00 to give to me. All the way over in Colorado! I found out from Darren, back in November 2008, he had made a list of people who had blessed him, and that he wanted to bless back once he had the money. I had made #1 on his list. It was God that by the time he had enough money to give away, it was the amount I needed, at just the right time. God spoke to Darren WAY back in November, before I ever knew I'd be going on a holiday in March, for him to bless me. God is the best planner! Amen.

I know you are enjoying your day, because Jesus is with you in it! Hope you liked my grateful story : )

You are GREAT!

1 comment:

Walker4Christ said...

God is so crafty, isn't he? And I'd be grateful to keep my room clean for 24 hours too! Congrat :)