My last February birthday post goes to.. My mom!!!
Happy 29th Birthday!
I find it a miracle that you haven't hit thirty yet, people spend most of their lives avoiding it, and you have done so well.
Mom. you are an amazing mother and friend.
You know when you read those cards about how mothers hold their children's hands, and then their hearts. its true.
I have been on the go from one place to the next, but you are like this little steady stream. No matter where God lands me, I always know you are with me there as well. I love the way you give so much of yourself away to bless other people. You give your time, energy, thoughts, kind words, and too much money. ha God really has given you the amazing ability to love anyone in a way that its hard to come by. You love people genuinely.

was laying in bed the other night, and trying to remember things from my childhood that you did with me. As I sat there, for some reason I could only think of a couple things. I realized, its because I have spent everyday with you of my life, well almost. All my moments had you in them. You know how we say God is our lives, you have been apart of my life everyday. You have spent your life, being a mom to me. You have spent your listening ears, and snuggles on your kids. My memories with you couldn't be written in a book, they would have to be seen.
Mom, you are so beautiful. That perfect beautiful, that never ages. Its a blessing. Your beauty is astounding, though your heart for God is what brings out even more beauty in you. You carry yourself with such humility and love for God. You carry yourself the way Jesus tells us to. You walk with confidence, though you do not carry yourself with pride, trying to display anything, other then the Light God has put in you. You are like a walking bible. I love that things you say about God. I love that you don't hesitate to talk about God, at any moment, in front of a crowd, or one person. It can bring me to tears sometimes, watching you minster to people. It makes me want to be that same way. Bold as a lion, but gentle as a dove. ( somewhereinthebible)

love all those times when we call each other. Sometimes you have those moments , when you feel you would rather quit life and live on the beach in the sunshine.I know you have had times when life seems like its too big, and there is so much to learn. But the best part about it, is that you always keep going...i love that about you. You think your going to give up, but you and Jesus are this awesome team. If I, or you, or anyone that has known you, were to look back...they would see success. The things you have overcome, and gone through...its well...it's God that you can share the stories today. Sometimes I think you can be hard on yourself, and be your worst enemy, though at the end of the day, there are so many people that look up to you and are so blessed by how you have come so far. You are an extrodanary women of God, and an example to me. If you could look at yourself, the way you look at others...you would be amazed at how great you are! God loves you so much!

laugh is so great. Thanks for always laughing so hard, and making me feel like I belong. Thanks for showing me that I am great. Thanks for believing in me, when I didn't know I had anything to offer. Thanks for never making me feel self conscience, or insecure. You are always quick to speak kind, and true words. You never hesitate to say something nice to someone. You have taught me to see from Gods eyes. When I was little, and even now I have never thought you thought I wasn't beautiful and worth more money then the world give. You always made me feel like I could be myself, and be silly, and goofy, and get food on my face, or wear my clothes backwards. You taught me to be me, to love God, to be loud and fun, to love people, to love life, to learn, to jump in head first TRUSTING God!
I pray that I am a mother just like you were to all of us. Thanks for loving me, and showing me an unconditional love that is hard to find. God put me in your life, so that I could know more about Him! I love you so much, and I could keep typing on and on...but the most important thing is ...
HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY MOM!!!! Have the best day, and enjoy this new year God has planned for you!
Love you more then the most!
Laura Rose
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