A few days ago I was invited to come to a students home for a meal and company. So I arranged to come today, for the afternoon.
I arrived VIA motorbike. It was the best 30 minute drive. Our normal driver Prabu usually drives the car, but I asked if I could ride on the bike instead. I will admit I was a little bit nervous to first: get on a bike with no helmet and no clue what it is like. and second: going to someones house that I have never been to, wondering what I am in for.
Prabu was the best motorbike driver...he went the perfect speed, and I took videos and photos the whole way. There was smoke, fuels, and dust all over. I loved every bit about it. I just hid behind prabu when it got too dusty. I wish i could describe how it was, but its one of those experiences you have to do to understand. It was like being on one of the tours when, when your in a tram and everything passes by so quickly you can barely remember what you saw. Though when its over, you just remember it was so much fun to see so many things. I wish I had driven more on the bike...
So he dropped me off, and they picked me up about 5mins from their home. And drove me in their van, with a fan AC back to their home. There home was painted purple! The whole family lives together, its like the brandy bunch. The grandma, grandpa, their children, and their children's, children. The way of life in India is so different from ours. I spent most of the time just in my own mind trying to process everything that was being said. Indians proudly display their gifts and talents around their home. They cover their walls with artwork you would never imagine would work. Though they shower you with gifts, and snacks. I tried this spicy puff veggie thing...AMAZING. My mouth was on fire, but i pretended to be tough, and honestly loved the flavor. Its like you either choose to love it or hate it. In my case i choose to love it.

After much chatter, and hellos. They asked if I have been dressed in a Sari yet? I replied that I hadn't but would love to. Then then gathered all there sari, and let me choose. I was thinking maybe they wouldn't fit. But they placed the top part on, and the arms were to large, so they took it and re sowed it in 5 mins, and had it on me in 10. I was just in awe of how they get things done. They wrapped me up, and dressed me in fake gold. A red sari, trailed with gold. I felt like a princess. I wore it for the next hour, walking around and pretending i belonged there. They said I looked like the Indian Model Dolls in the shop cause i have white skin. The "manakins". They grabbed my camera and took photos the rest of the evening. : )
Then we all gathered in their prayer room, to sing and pray. I didn't know that was what was going on. Then I so was glad i brought my guitar tuner, because they asked me to play my songs and of course in India, they have a guitar but it usually isn't tuned. So I played a few songs, then once again each person took a turn and sang their songs as well. I tried to video as much as i could to never forget it. Two little kids came up to sing as well and pray. They asked me if i would pray. I told me sure, but it won't be very long. Here in India people pray for a very long time. They have lots to say. So I just did a quick one, and ended it with a powerful "AMEN".
Afterwards they brought out Indian tea...my favorite. I will miss that tea so much when i leave. I think it is so delicious. I decided to get back into my regular clothes, because prabu was coming soon to pick me up and drive me back home. So I changed and packed away the things they gave me carefully, and gave each person a hug goodbye. They all said they hoped to see me soon in Chennai again. Really was a blessing to experience an Indian Family, and culture for a day.
On the way home, it was dark out and I got to watch the city pass by all lit up and beautiful. People busy on the streets, cars honking, cows strolling around. We passed by a small lake, and I could see the reflection of the city in it...stunning. The wind was blowing my hair every direction, and i pretended once again that I was use to it. I kept looking around and asking prabu question after question about India and life here. I told him that after spending the day with the students family I realize really how different I am to India. I think that you have to be yourself wherever you go, even if you don't seem to fit in quite well, just stick out real well instead. Sometimes you want to fit where you are, but its alright to stand out a little. The world is really so big and small at the same time.

Prabu dropped me off, and my face covered with dirt i walked quickly into the house to make sure the birds didn't poop on me. Its a nightly thing. We all run into the house hoping we didn't get any on us. As i stood at the sink washing my hands, i looked over my shoulder and saw that my shirt had bird poop on it...BUMMER #1, then i turned my head and got bird poop in my hair BUMMER #2. I just had judith wipe it out, and continued on with my eventful evening.
Just now closing my evening with a little blog. I just also washed my feet and hands... its a nightly activity here. Or else you will go to bed with all the things you walked on during the day.
So all in all...an amazing experience. :)