A song can't change someones life.
I have come to the conclusion that I have wanted my music to change peoples days, or moods. To make them change their minds sets, and situations. Though a song only last for three or four minutes. Once you press play, and listen in those few moments you can loose track of worry, or gain joy, or even cry. But just as the song draws to a close, your real life flashes back into place, where your imagination was drawing pictures from ideas inside of a song.
The choice to change must be chosen by the person themselves, not the writer of the songs. No matter how many songs they hear, or new ideas sung about they won't change, unless they want to. Change comes by choice, and choice comes by the freedom to choose yourself, and you can try to influence someones freedom, but you don't have the power to choose for them.
I do find myself in almost another world when a good song comes on the radio, as I am driving along. I picture myself in just that place as they sing about. Then another song comes on and i completely forget what I was singing about before. example: " I'll spread my wings, and I'll learn how to fly, though its not easy to tell you goodbye, but I gotta take a chance, make a change, and break away..." -Kelly Clarkson. I always sing that song as if I am leaving someone to do something. But when the song ends I go back to my normal activities. Nothing is wrong with this at all. I actually find it quite healthy. I think it is good to have things in life inspire us to pursue great things. Though if we were to change our lives to fit a song, we'd be changing every four minutes.
As a song writer, I find this concept deeply sading. I write songs to change lives, but deep down I know that I can't ever change a life but one song. Though I know Jesus can change a live in less then it takes for me to sing through one of my songs. He can use me to change a live, or my music. I can not expect that when I play a song the person is going to turn around, and be changed. Feeling 100% better, and ready to face whatever is ahead of them. I think, yes it can be encouraging...but it takes a big amount of work on their part as well. Most of the time someones words can't change your reality. So I believe my songs, can encourage people..to change. And for a moment, it can encourage them...and build them up. Though my music can't change people.
See today...I played a new song I wrote to someone I thought needed to hear it. It is about doing something in life that you know is too big for you to do on your own, and how that means God has a big part in helping you. So I played it for them, and they seemed to enjoy it, but I left the room, and was sitting and just thinking ( my usual activity)...and overheard them once more talking about the challenge they were going through, and what was difficult about it. It was then I realized that even though I play a song, it can't change someone. It was encouraging, but it didn't change their circumstance.
In life, i think we all find things we think will fix or change our situations. In the end they all seem to run short, or run out. Our attempts are well thought out, and as we think a "great" idea. The true fact is that everything was made to come short... the only thing that truly fixes anything...is Jesus. Knowing that its not my job to fix the world, or change people is encouraging. Then again I think about how Jesus has to use people to reach people, so I believe we can influence change. But love never forces. So I can't force anyone to change with my music. I just have to write believeing God will use my music to influence change, and encourage people.
thats all.
I enjoy listening to you think through important subjects like this, and watching you (with God's help) come to a resolution, as you did here. I agree with your conclusion. You do the writing and singing and leave the rest to Jesus =) His truth always sets us free, as this this truth freed you from the burden of feeling like it's your responsibility to change people's minds and hearts. Love you...Dad
I have often thought of this from the perspective of teaching and how I can't make them believe the truth. Jesus has to do it. This is sad in a small way, but greatly encouraging. I want to point people to Jesus. And after they find Him, I'm still going to point them to Jesus. Nothing else can fix their problems.
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