So this evening I was pleasantly enjoying a skype chat with my mother, and her FANTASTIC new hair cut. when...dum dum dummmmm
I look down to find a spider. Like usual I pick up a good size novel and throw it on top of the spider then CRUSH it. I did, but to my surprise...baby spiders came out all over the place!
I just sat in shock watcingh them as they poured out, and the first word that came out oh my mouth
" Oh...Shi*" . I couldn't believe I said it, but then again I couldn't believe they're were baby spiders walking around my room. Its like whats worse then seeing a spider, killing a spider, whats worse then killing a spider, finding out that by killing it you produced a spider farm in your own room.
So for the pass 30 mins I have been walking around like an Indian staring at the walls and floor, trying to find invisible baby spiders. Also note I was holding window cleaner spray to get them wet, then smash them. Sidenote: these are jumping spiders...so imagine, invisible baby spiders that can jump. It was a terrible 30 mins soaked in prayer and sweat. I did kill most of the little guys, and moved my bed 3 times. I sound a bit paranoid...but i really think it was necessary. They seemed to get smaller and smaller the more i found them around the room...which made me wonder how many were too small to see. Of course i grabbed my bible to see afterward if i would turn to some verse about protection. I came to some random verse about David dieing in the old testament.
So with all the baby spiders out of sight, and OUT of my room... I sit on my new positioned bed, and wonder at this moment if killing spiders is really worth it. I would recommend a pregnancy test first...before any attack takes place. If you can't manage to get one, pick the spider up and kindly place it outside of your room. If its a jumping spider, i would recommend leaving the country altogether.
After all this happened I had two thoughts:
1. This reminds me of charlotte's Web the movie. At the end I remembered Charlotte died... and after the babies came out the spider in my room it died. It was like a history class that movie. Its like i knew just what had happened. That jumping spider carried all those babies on its back, while trying to save some pigs life in India. She came to my room to relax before dieing and giving birth. Then I came to ruin the story, and killed her, and attacked all her babies. Really not feeling bad about it for one minute. I mean seriously, this is India.
2. Ok, so I am looking forward to going home now. After encountering random weird insects....this was it. I officially decied, yes I am excited to come home. Where right now its winter, and spiders are frozen under the snow.
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