My last day in India: ( and the evening before )
I slept in a super blessed room, when the power would go out, my room would still have power and AC. So earlier in the evening the power had gone out, so I told the rest of the people in the house, " If you need AC feel free to sleep in my room." No one took me up on my offer, so I was tucked in bed, preparing for the next day ahead where i would be leaving, and going onward to Colorado. When I heard a knock on my door...Autumn and Jeff a couple I lived with opened my door, and all I could see through the darkness was there head flashlights. Then autumn says,
" we decided we wanted to have a sleep over with you on your last night." Following behind her Jeff brought in a mattress and two pillows. We all got snug, and fell right asleep.
That morning, I woke up a little earlier then usual. Considering it was my last day in India, we had suseela the lady that helps with the house, come and put Sarees on Judith and me. After getting all ready, we piled into the car and headed to the school for my last day with the students.
As we walked in the door, all the students were laughing, and just in shock that Judith and I had sarees on. They all said he both looked so Indian. I felt a bit shy, considering I was dressed up head to toe, and trying to act normal. After a couple of the students classes that day, we had a long break until their next class. A few students gathered in a classroom to play a few songs they had written. Of course they began to play, and the other students drizzled in to sing and dance along. Don a student sat playing the guitar, while the others were clapping and singing with him.
When the music ended, they all said to go get some tea. They all know that I love Indian tea.
So as we shuffled into the other outside room, I saw the students had prepared a fair well party for me! They had tea and snacks. We all stood around eating and laughing, and just enjoying each others company. I thought that was the end of it, cause we all went outside for a group photo, then back inside ( i thought) for class. As we walked back into the school I told the students " Thank you for doing that, it meant so much." That ended up NOT being the end, but the begining to a huge fair well ceremony for me. In India they are quick to throw parties for any occasion.
They had me sit down, as a couple students gave speeches about me being in India. A friend Elizabeth who is a student, did a dance to some music. Another student sang a song, and did an interruption of me ( which was SPOT ON). One person stood and shared something he felt God wanted me to know. That I was a bottle filled half way with water, but I floating in a sea of water. He said God wanted to me know that any tears that I have cried or things that have happened to me, that i still carry in that glass bottle, have be overtaken by his love for me. His love is the sea of water that is keeping me a float. Then they had to stand up, and they gave me a card and gifts. A pair of shoes, jewery, and a picture frame. Also they asked me to give a I did. Laughingly, it was like a movie moment. I felt like you only see these things happen on TV and don't think they will ever happen to you. It was so hilarious. Then a hand full of students stood around, hold candles and Jeff grabbed the guitar. They all lite their candles and began to sing
" Go Light your world ". At the end they handed me a candle and said, " Carry your light around the world." and then told me that i could then blow mine out here. Victor a student then disappeared, and showed back up holding a cake! The cake said Fair well Laura, we will miss you. And as i shared before they handed me the knife, and wouldn't begin to clap until I cut the cake. So i pretended I was going to cut it, then i would pull away...then finally started cutting. I grabbed the first piece, and feed the people around me. Then they each cut their own piece, and feed me back. A few students wiped frosting on my face ( a tradtions for babies) but they did it to me as a joke. We all had to head back to the house so i could pack and get ready. So I said my goodbyes, and found it quite sad to leave everyone.
I couldn't believe what a big party they threw. I told them all that would never happen in America. They all laughed, and I don't know if they understood...that what they did for me was amazing...and I will never forget it.
1 comment:
What a very sweet tribute they gave you, Laura! It's obvious they really love you, which doesn't surprise me a bit, cuz you are just so loveable! I really liked the message from God that the one student shared with you re: the bottle in the sea; very cool.
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