The power went out in the house, so I thought while I have a full powered laptop still running, I should write a little.
For the last 2 hours there has been loud rave dance music playing outside, including base. One thing about India is that it doesn’t matter what you are doing, they are going to do their thing. Loud music is included in that. Seeing as it is almost 9 here at night, I am thinking it will have to end soon. I should record how ridiculous this music it actually. Two days after I leave India there is a huge festival, where for about a week straight they shoot off fireworks nonstop. All through the day and night. Our driver calls my living day “ Laura’s great escape”. I would have to say, I am looking forward to not being here while the noise is going off…if tonight is anything near that.
Before the power went out, I was loading “ a lot like love” on you tube to watch. Also while looking around my room, I decided I was going to organize a bit. I find myself a bit confused at times looking at all the random items in my room. I never know quite where they belong. I could put them somewhere but it still wouldn’t be the right spot.
Hooray! The power just came on…. my fan is going, and I will continue my upload of a lot like love, and my cleaning and organizing.
Oh, I think it is important to mention ( or a thanks to grandma Taylor ☺ ) I was using my handy dandy wind up flash light you gave me. I have used it, I don’t know how many times. ALSO some guys were working on our roof at night and needed a good flashlight…and they picked mine. So thanks grandma so much… you are blessing me way over here in India!
I may post more exciting news later.
Cheers big ears.
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