Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friendly Reminder:
I heard that at church this morning, and though of the situation Mary was going through. God was saying, " yeah so this hasn't ever happened before...but that doesn't mean it can't...with Me."
So even if you aren't Mary, and having baby Jesus. The things in your life that God has called you to do, or you know are suppose to happen, but seem like their impossiable... perfect! That means it will take some Jesus to make it work!
I am believeing God for the impossiable things to become possiable! Hooray!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Little Voice
Yesterday I was invited up to a friends house for a Christmas get together. I didn't have any other places planned to go to, or anything better in mind. Though for some reason, I couldn't convince myself to go. I thought about it all through out the day, and knew as time got later that I was not meant to go. Along with that "small" voice inside of me saying that, the weather was also foggy, and it looked as if the roads might be icy. I actually called my friend, and asked all the possible questions about what was happening at my friends, and who was all going. I was trying to convince myself to go up to their house, when I knew God has a different plan for my evening.
So I made my final decision and stayed back, and spent some time with my mom. My mom wanted to stay home and get in her Pj's, but I asked if we could get some Christmas shopping done. I just felt like all these friends were having a fun time, and I didn't join in, so I wanted to get out of the house, and do something at least. So my mom agreed to go with me. We were about to drive away from the house, and I saw Eric my step dad shoveling the driveway, and I thought to myself, " maybe he wants to come?". I then flashed back to a lesson I learned while I was in India:
Judith's mom came to visit, and we would sometimes go out shopping, and her mom would stay with the kids. This one day we were about to leave the house, and Judith turned to me and said " I think I should ask my mom to come". The thing is that her mom doesn't like going shopping, and would normally want to stay home. So at first we assumed not even to ask her. But Judith went in, and found out her mom really did want to come. So we all piled in the car, and it ended up being a wonderful day.
So I said to my mom, I think we should ask Eric if he wants to come. My mom said, " I don't think he would want to...", and I just insisted we might as well ask him ( thinking of what happened in India). We rolled down the window, and he straight away said, " Yes, I'd love to come!". So off we went.
We headed out pretty late for usually shopping 8ish. We went to a couple places, including looking at some awesome houses covered in Christmas lights ( see photo proof...ha)
and then randomly chose to see if the mall was still open late around 9:30. SURPRISE. The mall was open tell 10 and JCPenny's was open till Midnight! So we had a late night shopping trip. It was around 11:30 when Eric went out to get the car, to give us "curbside service". Then he noticed a girl standing alone outside next to her car, with the hood up. As we drove by, my mom rolled down the window, and asked if she needed help. It's hard to describe the look on her face, it was a mix of disappointment, and hope. We all got out of the car, and she told us four people and drove pass and no one stopped to help. She had been standing in the cold for 30 minutes just waiting. So Eric jumped her car, and while he was doing that, my mom felt lead to give her a friendly hug. The girl started crying, and said " I've just had a really horriable day..." and then my mom started tearing up. After the car started, she just kept saying, "Thank you so much for stopping...". We all got in the car and as we drove home, we all realized in were in the right place at the right time.
If we/I hadn't:
1. decided to stay home, then my mom would have just gone to sleep
2. If Eric hadn't come, we wouldn't had known how to jump a car
3.Spent that time looking at lights, or looking through all the toys are target...:)
4.If we hadn't deiced to (at last minute) check out the mall then we wouldn't had been able to help this girl.
every decison, and second counts...
Its funny how we think that we go somewhere for a reason, and really it could be for something totally different. You know if the whole reason I went to India, and the whole reason Judith's mom came to visit, was so that God could put that memory in my mind, for that girl, so she wouldn't stand in the cold any longer... It was worth it all.
So remind yourself, that maybe its not about "where" you are, its about "why" you are there. That situation with Judith and her mom happened in September, and this just happened yesterday... 3 months later...
So wherever God has you...its for a reason, at some point, to show someone the Love of God, which can only be seen through His body here in Earth. He uses us to Love these people. So STOP doubting where you are, and believe God that He is using you everyday.
Isn't that neat... God just used India, to get to me, to get to her, to Love her.
Now that's the true gospel!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A handshake.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Two Worlds Collide
Thursday, November 4, 2010
BAM-BAM bombs are going off everywhere!!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Time is Money. Money is Time

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
" It Sparkles Your Name..."
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Last Supper
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
a cup-a-coffee & a little music.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
This is my 100th Post!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
upla ( swiss ) equals opps (english)
Reason #1: I have been trying for a while to put photos up, though are connection at the house is like a little snail. Therefore to upload two photos, it could take 15 minutes.
Reason #2: The time I have open during the day for photo uploading is around 9:30pm, so I could upload maybe two photos, and then it would be nearer my bed time. Then I get tired of waiting...and quit.
Reason #3: When I finally got the BRILLIANT idea to upload the photos at the school, which has fast connection, I uploaded photos while doing office work, so...
Reason #4: I ran out of time to put descriptions to the pictures below.
I hope those are enough reasons to support my lack of help. : )
Pretty much the photos are pictures of life. Peoples lives that I may or may not know much about. Though when I took the picture, I felt like I captured it for a moment.
Currently I am sitting on my bed, in my pj's and typing away. I can hear the movie in the other room, Judith and David are relaxing, and re watching Run away jury ( thanks dad). Love that movie, but I was in the mood to blog. I have come to the conclusion that Judiths mom being here has produced 98% greatness into my day. You may ask what the other 2% is...I would say extra weight.ha. She is this amazing swiss bread maker, and cook. She knows how to make every meal so good, you can't wait for the next one. I have decided while she is hear to FULLY enjoy each time she cooks. I'm gonna be honest, I think that maybe its beginning to show. Is that something you share on a blog. I don't know. I just think its a bit silly.
So if you are wanting a great cook, baker, cleaner, and baby watcher ( that happens to be swiss) I've got the lady for you! What a blessing, I should interview her, and then post it on here. Don't get your hopes up, cause we try to talk everyday and its a challenge for the both of us. I am learning more swiss, and she is learning more English. Though I could get Judith to do some translating for the "interview".
All that to sum up that life is going wonderful. anddddd get excited. This Saturday we have a school gathering. Last year I was here for this as well, but they called it " The Retreat". This year they are calling is something else...can't remember. Its strange thinking to go to it this year, but have different students. Makes me miss all the old students from last year, wish they were joining in on the fun. I am looking forward to it, cause its a great idea to have all the students out of the building and bonding.
So all is well here, hoping all is well there!
Monday, September 27, 2010
I have been in India for ( almost ) 50 days.
Except one exciting thing is, I found out my juice guy friends how great is that?
Every time I see him now, I get to say " MONEY" which I usually say it like a gansta, " Monaaaaaaay".
I don't know if he knows that I'm a little bit american with my crazy like ness. Either way, we are sorta fruit friends. I've never been fruit friends with anyone, so its sorta new. You know when you go to a coffee shop every now and again, and you are friends with the barista? Though if you went every day, they would think that maybe you didn't have any friends. So you have to make sure you don't go all the time, or else they will no long be your friend. OK. example made. so. I have to go to the fruit shop very often, and so now I've try to play it cool, and sometimes I run fast into the shop, and run fast out. I pretend that I never came. Though Monaaaay probably see's me. I just have to keep my cool status at the fruit market.
Other then money, I've just been doing normal life. Wake up, eat, school, hannah, eat, sleep. In the midst of normal life some times I get little surprises. not good ones. well some good ones. but mostly smelly ones. I wore my cool hiking sandals, that make me look like a "real" missionary, to school. I forgot that wild animals run a muck here in India, and there is no designated bathroom area for them. So they use the roads and sidewalks. great planning. In the middle of the day I really wanted to get some ice cream, so my friend Vijay took me to Baskin Robins ( yes..they have it, and yes its delicious). When we jumped off the bike, I must not have been looking, and then later still must not have smelt anything. So on my sweet missionary sandals, was a very large amount of Cow poop. GROSS. Thanks India. Thats one of those " thanks India" moments. ha. I cleaned it up, don't worry.
I need to attach a photo of Bryanni on here. Its my favorite meal, well actually one of them. sooooooo good. Spicy rice, with tomatoes and chicken and a hard boiled egg. You eat it all with your hands, and brake up the chicken and egg. Its pretty spicy so they also give you onions in curd ( like yogurt) to mix in it. Here is a picture of my friend Juno and Me from last year eating it. yummm I would send you all some, but that wouldn't work out quite well.
So yesterday I ate some bryanni for lunch, and afterwards its like this immediate " I need ice cream" feeling. Hints the, Vijay taking me to Baskin Robins, cow poop on sandal story.
P.S. Judith had her baby! September 21, 2010 at 3:30am and she is beauitful. Its fun having another "person" in the house, and all is going well. Oh her name is, Joy Sophia : ) I'm learning a ton about Infants. They are so small. When I first held it I cried for a second, cause I was just so amazed by such a little thing, that was so important! Life.
Monday, September 13, 2010
In Hope...BELIEVE.
As I was reading I came across this verse
" who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, " so shall your descendants be." ( to be continued...) Romans 4:18
When I read that I thought of two things.
I've heard people say, " I don't want to pray ' God thank you that I am healthy' before I am...what if it doesn't happen?". Abraham instead of waiting for his promise to come, and hoping that it would happen, he just believed it would. By choosing to in hope, believe God, this happened
" And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead ( since he was about 100 years old), and the deadness of Sarah's womb. He did NOT waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being FULLY CONVINCED that what He had promised He was also able to perform."
"AND THEREFORE ' it was accounted to him for righteousness'".
Not only did he receive the promise of God, but he also was accounted for righteousness ( right standing with God). This was pre-jesus, so for Abraham to be account as righteous, I see it as a miracle in itself. It was by faith, in hope, he believed God! The only way we can be righteous today is by faith in Jesus, Jesus now can make each one of us righteous, through faith.
when I read that verse about Abraham doing something contrary, I thought of me. Before I leave for a trip overseas, I usually don't have the money, but IN hope I believe God to figure it all out. That may be a bit "contrary to popular belief", you'd probably wait tell the money comes, to say your going somewhere. I do the oppisite.
I guess reading that made me feel like, Abraham's got my back! ha Been there, done that. God's great at reveling His truth through His word! love it.
Friday, September 10, 2010
speak of crazy I have some more photos I took, and will post them soon.
Other then that, a quick short story.
When I first arrived here in India, we pulled into our "neighbor hood" (which I think I mentioned earlier), thats guarded by security guards, that are about 60, and blow whistles all night long as they walk around "guarding and protecting". At first I wonder how I was going to sleep with the whistling, and ended up sleeping fine. OH YES on a sidenote: I've been here a month now...CRAZZYYAA. So I've become quite comfortable with the area, and the whistle, and Hannah, and ... India. The other evening it was pouring rain, and when it rains all through the night. When I went to get into bed and read, it was so quiet, I was kinda like...what's going on?? I then realized I couldn't hear any whistling. Then I SERIOUSLY thought, what if our neighbor has been taken over, cause the whistle wasn't there. I then came to the conclusion that 1. I really love the whistling security guards, and now find it a comforting noise in the evening. and 2. It was pouring rain, so they weren't walking around... and 3. that meant our neighborhood was fine, and not being taken over. 4. praise God
Its so funny how life becomes life wherever you are. I remember my sister telling me once, that you can never escape life wherever you go, it will find you. The world is full of people, and once you arrive somewhere, you will eventually make friends, get a job, and then get frustrated at your friends, and get tired of your job. Its not a place you are trying to get to, or away from. Its really people. ha. Then again we all want people in our lives. There it is. Life. Not that I am tired of my job or friends here...but. I now feel like this is life here, like this is home. I like the neighborhood, the school, my friends, and the sounds at night. See India in the eyes of some people would be an adventure...which it is, and I agree too. Though somehow it also becomes so normal at the same time. I was driving home the other night, and had that feeling of " oh I can't wait to get into my bed..." I forgot about how crazy the roads were, and the people, and the lights, it was just a normal drive home.
very bizzard.
so I guess if you are somewhere, and you feel like you are tired of life. IF you go somewhere else, you will run into it again. Enjoy right where God has you...its all worth it, and He loves you.
you are all blessings to me!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Pen and Ink
Thanks God for facebook. I love that I can talk to my dad, and the rest of my family on there. as I was saying...
I was talking with my dad, and we got to talking about how getting mail is so personal. My mom sent me a package, and more then what was inside, I loved seeing her handwriting on top. I could see her with a pen in her hand, and piece of paper in the other, copying my street address down of my home here in India. It meant so much. I actually was going to take the sticker off the top, and keep it in my travel journal, but realized I could keep the box with me instead.
That's when it hit me, Facebook makes staying in contact so easy, but it's not as personal as seeing someone's handwriting. In that very moment, I thought..." Everyone of us has our own hand writing..." Its like our finger prints. So in a way my handwriting is a part of me. No one else in the whole world writes like me ( or you )!!
So for me to send someone a letter, is to send them a little piece of myself, that traveled across the sea to them! How sweet is that xo I want to be a bit more personal then only blogging. I just need to get myself a little address book, and bring it with me whenever I travel. Then I can send you all little post cards and such! what ya think?
I guess I'll have to get in contact with you guys, and then keep a record of your address's, and then surprise you with a little bit of me, on a random day wherever you may be.
So with that, I wish I could sign my name at the end of this post, but instead I will leave you with a Bloggers signature...
Loving your love,
P.S. This blog was inspired by my wonderful father. He gave me the thought about how truly important it is to be personal with the people you love, and show them you care.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
and its almost been a month!
Tomorrow is the due date for Judith and her baby!
Yesterday she thought that it was coming, but false alarm. : )
So we continue on with our daily lives, as if we aren't waiting for something so exciting to happen.
We have begun to cover the "basics" on childcare for Hannah, knowing that once that baby is on the way, David and Judith will be away for a day or so.
I think I have all my ducks in a row... but if not, God has got great ideas planned.
On a more school-ish note. I spent the whole day at school yesterday, which was an Indian adventure.
I really enjoy spending time there, and getting a bit less shy around the new students. Sometimes I go into the classroom, and hesitate, cause I don't know how much they understand when I speak. So I ask them the same questions, and I want to get better at that. So then I get a bit shy, I walk into the room, but just kinda look around. The more time I spend there with them, the more I get comfortable talking and hanging out.
I learned how to sing a song in a different language, and I record it with my friend Don. He played guitar, and we both sang. I'll try to post it. Its not the most amazing video, but its just awesome to see two worlds collide.
I got to the school at 8am and was there tell 4:30pm, and by that time my eyes were tired. I wasn't even doing manual labor...ha. Then Prahbu drove Don, and Me to worship practice. We are going to be playing at a wedding coming up soon. Though with Indian time, practice was suppose to start at 4pm, but no one showed up tell 5:30pm, and I didn't leave tell 7:30pm. I missed dinner...but PRAISE God, my wonderful mother had sent me a package that morning, so I had eaten enough bunny grahams to hold me over. By the time I arrived home... I could have layed down and skipped dinner all together.
It's funny that in your day, when you feel like you've hit a wall, and would like to throw a small fit...brake through happens. I believe the whole time that God was speaking, but brake through, is the moment I actually started listening. So prahbu dropped Don and I off at the church for practice, and once we got up there, only Aubrey our worship leader was there, so we played through a few songs, and then sat down to wait for everyone to show up. I was having one of those moments, when I just am tired and want to go home...right then, Don sits next to me, and just asked me a simple question about life. It started a really good conversation, that in the end really encouraged me. It was the perfect time, the perfect conversation.
I think that is something I miss while I am away from home... a good friend conversation. face to face. You miss relating to someone, and just having a heart to heart chat, and really enjoying their company. We actually were talking until everyone showed up, and then I was back in music mood! God is good.
Other then that... we are all just waiting for the baby to arrive, and I continue to learn more and more, about how to raise a kid...and how to be a servant, and how to keep my eyes on God in every moment.
" )
Friday, August 27, 2010
Baby Duty
I took some quality time today to sit down and read a... baby wise book.
haha ( laugher necessary )
See as time goes by, and Hannah gets smarter, I need to be on my game. Since I have come to India, one thing that Judith has talked with me about, is all of us being on the same page, and being okay disciplining Hannah. I for one, have never had a child, but I have watched quite a few of them, and I have picked up on their secrets. They want us to think that they don't know what's going on. Shhhh the truth is kids know way more then you think they know, and its insane.
So I read all the chapters on having good guidelines for toddlers. I seriously read for 2 hours, I don't think I've ever read anything for two hours...maybe. I learned a lot, and some things I thought, " I already knew about that..." See I'm not a parent, but sometimes I just think that maybe my ideas would work, so lately I have been trying to watch Hannah with wisdom, patience, love, and correcting. Is that an okay word to use? I really hope so.
I've been doing so for a week or so, but today after reading, it helped a lot actually. They have this idea to put your kid in another room, to learn to play by themselves, and then you can get work done, or just have your kid learn to be content hanging out. I love that. I love having Laura time, so I bet Hannah could learn to love Hannah time. So I had her sit in a play corner, with more toys then you could imagine, while I finished cleaning the dishes. IT WAS AWESOME. Of course at first, I could hear a little whimper, but I just kept on going, and by the time I was finished I went to say hello, and bring her a snack...and BAM, she wasn't even upset a little. She was more relaxed, and I had a great rest of the day with her.
soooooooo thank you baby wise for being so full of wisdom. I must also admit that I have been praying all the time as I watch her, that God just takes over. That he gives me ideas, and shows me the right things to do. I want to be a blessing to Hannah, Judith, and David. I really want Hannah to be a blessing as well : ) So hooray for early parenthood training.
I started doing this thing as well, when ever I am cooking or baking Hannah sits on the counter and watches me. I explain what I'm doing, and she loves it. I'm like, " This is a pot, this is oil...Hannah don't touch that...okay, now these are eggs..o0o0o"
I use to have her sit and play, but she kept wanting to be in the kitchen, so finally I just put her up on the counter, and it pretty much makes everything work great ( any mothers feel free to let me know if that is actually a good idea...ha).
I hope this blog is interesting, I know how it is when people go on with stories about having their kid get potty trained, etc.
THOUGH I have another great thing that has currently happened with Hannah, that I think I should publish here. We play with legos, and books, and random toys I would rather not touch, considering the amount of nastyness on them. haha. I taught her that she has to put them away when she is done, at first I think she didn't want to, but know she puts them away on her own, even when she is by herself!!!!!! I was like....YES, I am awesome, or more like Hannah is awesome, or more like God is awesome. I really know that my time here could go by very slowly if the whole time Hannah was hard to watch, so thats why I pray that God helps me, cause He has great tricks up His sleeve. oh yes, so I went to get Hannah, and she was holding a book, and I didn't say a thing, and I said, " okay lets go over here.." and she turned away from me, and went back first to put the book away! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
I don't know how I would enjoy full time parenthood, but part time nanny isn't so bad. today. ha
Monday, August 16, 2010
One Week Down

So Today marks of the day of a full week in Chennai.
I have already (almost ) conquered the world. You feel like that after surviving a week in India. Joke.
My first morning in Chennai, I woke up and went to the school with everyone. I arrived, and saw a few familiar students from last year. I was so excited to see them, and notice how much work they are doing. Judith and David have students from last year trained, and working for the school. They are on laptops, and counting money, and organizing things left and right. I watched the students as they were setting up and preparing the school for the week ahead. Its amazing to see how much they have learned in just a year, from the last time I saw them. Many of the students know so much more english, and also know so much more about God, you can see it in there eyes.
So far I have changed quite a few Diapers, and helped around. See what happened this past week is, I would wake up, and then feel like falling back asleep around 10am. When its 10 am here, its 10pm at home, aka my bed time. So I would wake up and get excited to help with Hannah, or go to the school, then all of sudden I'd hit this wall of tired, and literally I could fall asleep standing up anywhere...ha. So I was doing lots of exciting things this week, half awake...ha.
So the next day we all meet again at the school for a little while, and I got to see even more friends!!! It was like a day hadn't gone by, but so much had gone on. One student came into the room, and shouted my name..LAURA!!! It was so funny, cause Indians for the most part are pretty quite. I was really happy to be around all the students again.
This past week while I have been here, a lovely man named Will Graham was sharing the house with all of us. He is Andrew Wommacks CEO for his international ministries. So Will travels all over, and checks up on the ministries abroad, and helps out. More then that he is such an encourager, he came and took all the staff ( 3rd year students ) to lunch, and just loved on them, and told them what a blessing they have been the CBC India. Also he sat with our IT team, and board and helped out so much. When ever he spoke to the students, it was just words of life, and made even me feel like anything is possible with God on our side. I loved getting to know him better while he was here.
The third day here we had an Alumni day for all the past students to get together! I loved that day, cause I saw so many people I hadn't seen since last year. They each shared a bit of there story, and what they had been doing since school. Will Graham had us by a map of the world and of India. We had all the students share where their home was, and put a pin in. Then we could see how far people have come to hear the word. Its amazing to hear the stories of the students. Last year one student named Sanjit came 3 days by train to come to Chennai, with 18 dollars in his pocket. He didn't know where the school was, or where to live. Once he got here, by God he found the school, and that day was the opening rally. At the rally there were a group of guys that befriend him, and they all shared a house, and invited him to stay with them! That is just part of his awesome story!
The forth day in Chennai, we had the Opening Rally, and all the new faces popped in. The school was packed full of fun, and noise. I loved it. Judith and David had the Alumni return back for the opening rally, to encourage the new students that are coming. We also had all the new students share a bit, and put a pin the place where their home town is too. Then me and some other students, went up and shared a bit as well.
After a busy week at the school, we spent the weekend relaxing at home, and hanging out. On Sunday we all took a trip to the beach, it was Judith's birthday, so she requested a trip to the ocean. It was raining on the way there, but once we arrived, the rest of the day was beautiful...really sunny and warm. We sat under this little hut, and had hammocks to lay in. Wonderful.

Final update: Yesterday was the first day of school so I came to the school in the morning, and did worship with Judith, and loved seeing the new students in front of us. I could remember the feeling of doing worship last year, the students were a bit shy, but after a few weeks, they were dancing and singing loud. I can't wait to see them all grow and starting really enjoying God! I ended up leaving the school early and went home and spent the day with Hannah, so Judith and David could spend the day at the school. Hannah napped while I cleaned and organized...hooray! Found out I'll be teaching some classes, so I've been spending some time reading a bit more...ha.
Since then,...I am at the school right now, with all the 3rd years typing around me, doing important things. They keep telling me that my typing is like " a butterfly" which means fast...haha. They are so fun to be around, wish you all could be here to get an idea of how wonderful everyone is.
Once again I wrote a short novel...hope you had a cup of tea while you read.
love you all!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Old Shoes
Currently my tired flying eyes are wanting some nap time, but trying to stay up today, so I can get a good sleep in tomorrow!
So for starters:
My family packed into the car at 9:02 am ( putting us only two minutes behind schedule...ha which is good for our normal 30 minute average behind time) and we began the first part of my journey back to the land of Indians and strange smells. My flight was to leave from Denver, Colorado at 12:05pm and onto Chicago. It left on time. I sat next to a German gentlemen who was on his way back to France. I told him I wished I was on my way to France. Sadly, I didn't detour, and kept on going towards India.
I arrived in Chicago, walked to my next gate, bought an airport salad...that is what they should call them, cause they don't taste like restaurant salads. The airport taste you can only acquire from...the airports.I also purchased a 3 dollar cup of fruit to hold me over on my 8 hour flight to Brussels, Belgium. So glad I bought the 3 dollar cup O fruit, cause the air plane food can sometimes not be my favorite choice. I always find me in airports to be entertaining, and wonder what I look like to by standers. I get overwhelmed, and always end up bringing more then I can carry, and try to balance it all while walking to my gate. I get a good laugh out of my effort to look " put together" when really I just need someone to travel with me and carry all my belongings.
I got on my next flight and sat next to a women from South Africa, who was raised in europe, and now lives in Brussels with her husband and kids. Come to find out she listens to Andrew Wommack on TV, and was just in Texas at the Kenneth Copeland Meeting. She was so nice, I mean really really nice, I would have been friends with her if I lived in Brussels. bummer.
When we were landing in Brussels, it was just at sunrise, and couldn't have looked more perfect. Everything was lush and green, and the morning mist was just settled on the ground. The house's looked so cozy, with red roofs, and big yards. I thought in my mind I could stay a few days, and just enjoy how beautiful it is here. Let me tell ya... that NOTHING like what Brussels looks like outside. FAIL. I got off the plane, and wanted to use the restroom, and it was packed with women, I could barley get my HUGE carry on ( which could have qualified for " under the plane) to fit in the bathroom stall. Then once I got out all these Indian women were washing they face, and brushing their teeth so I couldn't wash my hands. I decided to get something to eat instead, and bought two sandwiches from two different places that costs me about 300 dollars...ha. ok more like 10, but still. See I get this nervous feeling like I don't know what to do, or what to buy, and I end up just getting loads of stuff, and its all ridiculous and not very tasty, but at least I made a decision.
For the Entre:
Normally when I get into a country I can call my family...BUT Brussels airport doesn't believe in easy international phone contact. I seriously tried to use their phones, and then asked a guy for help who said, while walking away from me, " I don't know anything about the phones..." To that guy, THANKS for being so kind to me in the middle of my distress. ha. Jokes. He was probably not even a Belgiumite ( my next name for people who live in Belgium). I forgive him. Then I tried to use skype, and found out you have to pay for the "free" WI-Fi. That was a bit lame sauce. ha. So I gave up, got on my next flight to Chennai, which was about another 9 hours.
I was really hoping I would sit next to some really friendly. GOD is GREAT. An America lady who use to live in chennai, in my old neighborhood ( in India) for 3 years, sat right next to me. She was so laid back, and gave me all these awesome organic places to shop, and places to go swimming. She was so lovely. BONUS: she told me she gets up alot during the flight to walk around, and I told her so do I. Which if you have ever flown before, and you sit next to some person who sleeps the whole time, or gives you an angry face when you have to stand up would understand what a blessing it was. So every time she got up, so did I, we became best flying friends. By the end we walked through immigration together, yata yata. It was a great flight.
So I got into Chennai, they let me in. Praise God. Then I got some nice Indian man I didn't know help me with my bags...three big heavy ( labeled by AA) bags. I was pushing my cart out to meet David and Prahbu( our driver and friend) and my bags fell off the cart, and I kindly asked a group of indian guys to once again assist me in the bag gathering.
For Dessert:
I was so happy to see familiar faces. I got into the car, and felt right at home. I thought I would be in shock again, but everything felt the same, like I hadn't left. Such a blessing, I got home, got in bed, and slept so well. It felt like I was in the right place again, and that everything was going to be just fine. Trusting God ends up to be the best choice in the end for anything. Being here is like putting on a pair of old shoes you found in the basement, that you forgot you loved wearing, and when you put them on they fit just like they use to. You know they might not last long, but you wear them again and enjoy them until they retire. Then you have to find a new pair, that you learn to brake in.
Its like I forgot how I felt here, and what it was like, I had to put the shoes on to remember, and I can tell I won't be here forever, but while I'm here I'm going to enjoy it. Until God directs me to the next place, and then I'll learn to wear a new pair of shoes, which is also an exciting thing.
Wow, I just blogged up a storm. Hope you were able to make it to the end. Love you all, and miss you so much. I'll be writting again soon, already have so much to share. xoxo
All my love from the tip of Chennai to you,
Monday, August 2, 2010
and the count down beings..

6 days...tell my plane from Denver flies into the air, and takes me safely to India. Now I do have a few stop overs, but compared to last years 6 stop overs, I think this year is going to be a breeze. I've come up with some fun ideas for while I'm down in India, and some other ideas for when I come home. I might keep them hidden, and surprise you all later on, and blog about it. I want to give you a heads up on the amount of photos I'll be posting, and stories I'll be telling. When I go to India, my bible, and camera are my closest friends. I try to take too many photos, so then you all feel like your with me while I'm away : )
I should first share an awesome testimony! As you know from the earlier post, my ticket got purchased, and it was such blessing. Lately as the date got closer, I looked at my bank account and realized that I did't actually have much "cash flow". So yesterday I just sorta told God in my heart, and asked my close friend Janel to be in agreement with me that God would provide for all the things I would need for India. I was wondering how that was going to work out, but decided not to get worried or say anything. Then this past Sunday Lawson, my pastor had me play a song I wrote in India last year, for our church. So I played and shared about how I'm going back, and sang. Afterwards I met some fantastic people, that really encouraged me, and blessed me not only with their words, but they sowed into my trip to India.
This morning I woke up to find one of our roommates had written me a surprise check, about 50 dollars! I got in the car and almost cried, and as I drove I just was thanking God, for once again, providing for my needs! I just really love Him, and how well He really knows me. I drove to a dentist appointment ( which for those of you wondering...I've been flossing..and I have no cavities!!!!!! ) and on the way back home, my mom rang and said for me to call the church. I rang and lawson asked me to come by and pick up the money that was raised for India. It happened to be WAY MORE then I was even thinking possible. God gave me over and above anything I could have asked or imagine. I don't ever know how to express how thankful I am for God, and the people that sow into what He has planned for me.
So if you have been praying, or sowing, or even thinking of me as the time gets closer to India...Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means more then you know, knowing that someone believes in God's calling for my life.
I'll keep you updated on any other happenings! OH YES you should know I had to do a walmart run today...I would strongly suggest avoiding walmart at 2pm in the afternoon. Lots of mothers, lots of kids, and lots of crazy. I made it out alive, and will try to never let that happen again. haha
I'll write again soon,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Mary & I
I haven't updated this in a while, but for those of you who have been wondering ( DRUM ROLL PLEASE). I'm going back to India! David and Judith Forgoston were in town for the summer, and they were the couple I was working with over in India. I watched Hannah a few times while they were in town. Near the end of thier stay here, we had come to the conclusion that I would come back to help in India again, for four months. See Judith will be having another baby, along with little Hannah, and this will be there second year with the new school. So I'll be leaving Colorado at the start of August, and will staying with them until the end of November. I am really looking forward to serving again, and just stepping out in Faith, and trusting God with my every day.
A few days before they left, they came to me and told me Charis Christian Center( my home church) and them have decided to pay my way to India!!!!! They are purchasing my tickets there and home! GOD IS SO GOOD! I was just in shock once again. I always believe God to provide, but I was wondering how it was going to work out this summer. I knew it would all sort out somehow. I remember a conversation my mom and I had in the kitchen before any of this was worked out. I was trying to decide if I should go back or not, if it was what I was called to do. My mom turned to me and said, " Well if God provides all the money, then you can go, but if the money doesn't come, then you don't go." I stopped her politely and said, " Mom I don't decide to do something because the money comes through, I do something because God told me to do it, regardless of if the money comes in." It just came out of my heart, I never want money to lead me...ever. I want God to lead me.
Then all the money did come in, and I just Priase God. He didn't give me the money for the trip because I was doing the right stuff, or praying, or fasting, or asking people. I just was like that verse... " Be still, and know that I am God." I knew that He is God and that He will work it out for me. I wasn't relying on my performance to provide...other wise it would be a ...FAIL. ha
So on with the story earlier...I woke up and open to this verse
" Blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord." When I read those words, I felt God telling me that is what I did. I just believed Him.
So some days you do open to the perfect verse....
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Summer Camp
I got to work at 6:45am, and had no idea what my morning was going to look like. To be honest, I had been thinking about it being pretty nuts. Kids coming out of the walls, and throwing things all over the place. I have never watched a ton of kids in one place before. I decided before the kids started coming in that I would memorize their names. I just made sure every time a kid came in, that I welcomed them to camp, and asked them what their name was, then told them mine. At first there were only a few kids, and I was thinking, " ah, this is easy, i can do this!!!". Another 30 minutes go by, and the room was filled with children. I looked around and kept checking up on kids, and asking them their names, and seeing how they were doing. I think it made it easier having staff with you. So I didn't get overwhelmed. So if I was on one side of the room, someone was on the other, and it made it so much easier. By 9:30am I was heading out from work, and had all the kids names memorized. I messed up a couple times, but I think I have it all down. I am actually shocked, I thought it would take me ages to get them all down. BUT I also noticed if you know a kids name, they respond so much better. I think God just gave me that idea, and ability to do it. I think He just knew it would be a blessing for me while I was at work. awk.... Hes good. So far work has been awesome, and the kids are hilarious. I'll have to start blogging some of things they tell me. lol.
I must be on my way, today is pool day, so were taking the kids for a swim!
hooray for summer time, and a GREAT job. thanks God.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I know that time is a factor in most things, and this would be a big one. Since I have been back people have been asking me about my next adventure, and I try to be as quiet as possible. See I love knowing what God has for me next but waiting to share it. Then if I wake up tomorrow and God tells me to go somewhere else, then I don't have to explain to the whole world that its changed. I think it has slowly become one of my favorite things, to just keep a secret with God.
I love knowing God has a purpose and a plan for my life, and knowing that He knows just how to tell me about it.
He doesn't have to send me a sign, or sound off a trumpet. Its like I hear His voice so simply, that its easy to know. He speaks to me in a strong, yet gentle tone, and as if I were to already know what was next. I never feel surprised, though I sometimes do feel unprepared.
That is when its important for me to remember that its just my job to show up. From there on God will direct me where to go. Sometimes stepping out can be a hard part, because of the fact that you might not 100% know what is ahead of you. You go knowing its God, but maybe not knowing if its at all possible in your own strength.
Most of the things I have come to do, have been things I thought I wouldn't ever do. Things I never desired to do. Things I knew that I would rather maybe not be doing. Though there was Gods voice inside of me telling me that maybe I was wrong about how I felt, and maybe I would love what He had in mind. I don't believe God would EVER direct me into a place where I would be in danger, or it wouldn't end up being my hearts desire. I think God is creative, and knows my heart better then I do. He always leads me to triumph through christ.
When I was younger I told my mother I was going to live with her my whole life, and never leave home. I thought I wouldn't get married, and I would just go to college, and work and be happy. I use to walk in fear, more then faith. I use to walk in my flesh, more then my spirit. I use to trust myself, more then I trusted God. I never got very far, but I didn't mind. Knowing going far could be risking.
Though once I began to turn around and face God, and see how truly beautiful and trustworthy He was, and how He loved me more then I loved myself...ha. It made my life become something I couldn't have made up in my own mind. It became no longer about me, but about Him and His purpose to love and serve people. I began to realize over time that I loved more then anything to help people, that almost didn't know they needed it.
As I have stepped in front of myself, and begun to walk out Gods destiny for my life, it seems a bit ridiculous, and sometimes hard to put into words. I know in my heart of hearts each place God sends me is a place I am suppose to be. I don't know at this moment what it will become, but I just trust that I don't have to have a title to be working for the kingdom. I just have to have a boss, and I do and He is paying me to go, and blessing me while I do.
Side note: Today the Forgostons, from India, were at church. It was such a blessing, and a good memory to see them each face to face. We went to lunch, and I got to hear stories, and just enjoy their company. I praise God for all the incredible people He has put in my life, that make each day better then the last. I am so blessed.